Data from: Encoding of cerebellar dentate neuron activity during visual attention in rhesus macaques
Data files
Jan 22, 2025 version files 3.75 GB
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To study cerebellar activity during visual attention we recorded extracellular activity of dentate nucleus (DN) neurons in two non-human primates (NHPs). NHPs were trained to read the direction indicated by a peripheral visual stimulus while maintaining fixation at the center, and report the direction of the cue by performing a saccadic eye movement into the same direction following a delay.DN neurons modulated spiking activity over the entire time-course of the task, and that their activity often bridged temporally separated intra-trial events, yet in a heterogeneous manner. Both NHPs showed different behavioral strategies, which influenced the performance. Activity of the DN neurons reflected the unique strategies, with the direction of the visual stimulus frequently being encoded long before an upcoming saccade Together, our results highlight that DN neurons can dynamically modulate their activity during a visual attention task, comprising not only sensorimotor but also cognitive attentional components.
README: Data from: Encoding of cerebellar dentate neuron activity during visual attention in rhesus macaques
Description of the data and file structure
Files and variables
See the elife paper for an explanation of the experiments
In the struct:
Every row is one cell.
‘ trials’ , contains trial information, time stamps, eye position, spikes etc. see below.
‘cell id’, date yymmdd and N(neuron) + a number, ascending in order of recording
‘monkey’ : which monkey
‘reward condition’ see ‘condition code’ below. Shows which types of rewards were delivered during the recording of the neuron, not alle neurons were recorded with random reward and reward omission in the task
‘PC’ several Purkinje cells are in the data set. Rest is DCN
‘video data’ In some cases the monkey was film and tongue, mouth opening, were measured. Data is available in ‘trials’ field.
Fields in ‘trials’
Every row is one trial
1 'trial_nr'
2 'condition_code': trial outcome
0 aborted trial (no reward)
1 incorrect (no reward)
2 correct (reward)
3 correct (no reward)
4 no trial; random reward (reward)
3 'direction_C’
1, 3, 5, 7 = 0, 270, 180 ,90 degrees, 0 degrees being to the right on the screen.
4 ephys start, TTL pulse send from eye tracker to ephyse recorder. Is time in ms according to the clock of the eye tracker, can be used to place trials relative to each other in time if necessary.
5 ephys stop, stop ephys recording TTL pulse
6 ‘trial start’ relative to onset fixation
7 ‘trial stop’ relative to onset fixation
8 fix on: fixation onset
9 'cue_start' cue that tell animal to which direction the C be. Time from fixation onset
10 'cue_stop' offset of cue, Time from fixation onset
11. 'c_start' onset of c stimulus, Time from fixation onset
12 'c_stop' offset of c stimulus. Time from fixation onset
13 'choice_target' saccade targets appear. Time from fixation onset
14 'reward_start' reward onset. Time from fixation onset
15 'timestamp_el_reward' reward time in eye link clock. Time from fixation onset
16 'eyeX' eye X position fix on, 1 sample is 1ms, fix on at sample/ms 4000. Length of eye trace differs due to different in trial length
17 'eyeY' eye Y position fix on, 1 sample is 1ms, fix on at sample/ms 4000. Length of eye trace differs due to different in trial lengt
18 'triallength' trial duration in ms
19 SS, simple spikes (these are DCN cells, however its called like that because I used to record PCs, spike time aligned to fix on, 4 seconds of spike before and after. In Seconds, so not ms like the times stamps.
20 CS complex spikes: empty in DCN cells, one or two PCs are mixed in.
21'dispChoiceTTL' eyelink time
22 'saccade_landmarks'. Time from fixation onset
1 saccade onset
2 peak acceleration
3 peak velocity
4 saccade offset
5 glissade peak velocity
6 glissade offset
23. pupil surface, in pixels I guess
24. 'gap_direction' direction of the opening of the C stimulus, in degrees, 0 is to the right.
25 saccade amplitude, in degrees
26 reward duration, in miliseconds that the monkey receives juice through the lick spout
27 mouth opening, tracking pixel distance between upper and lower lip, same ass eyeX, sample 4000 is fix on, Data available for only a part of the cells in which the monkey’s face was filmed.
28 'tongue' tracking of the tongue. Sample 4000 is fix on.