Holopelagic Sargassum aggregations provide warmer microhabitats for associated fauna
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Drifting aggregations of Sargassum algae provide critical habitat for endemic, endangered, and commercially important species. They may also provide favorable microclimates for associated fauna. To quantify thermal characteristics of holopelagic Sargassum aggregations, we evaluated thermal profiles of 50 aggregations in situ in the Sargasso Sea. Sea surface temperature (SST) in the center of aggregations was significantly higher than in nearby open water, and SST differential was independent of aggregation volume, area, and thickness. SST differential between aggregation edge and open water was smaller than those between aggregation center and aggregation edge and between aggregation center and open water. Water temperature was significantly higher inside and below aggregations compared to open water but did not vary inside aggregations with depth. Holopelagic Sargassum aggregations provide warmer microhabitats for associated fauna, which may benefit marine ectotherms, though temperature differentials were narrow (up to 0.7 °C) over the range of aggregation sizes we encountered (area 0.01–15 m2). We propose a hypothetical curve describing variation in SST differential with Sargassum aggregation size as a prediction for future studies to evaluate across temporal and geographic ranges. Our study provides a foundation for investigating the importance of thermal microhabitats in holopelagic Sargassum ecosystems.
This Supplement_metadata.txt file was generated on 2023-09-11
- Title of dataset: Holopelagic Sargassum aggregations provide warmer microhabitats for associated fauna
- Author information: Principal investigator contact information (equal first authorship) <br> Name: Alexandra G. Gulick Institution: University of Florida, Department of Biology Address: 313 Carr Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA Email: alexandra.gulick@ufl.edu Alternate email: alexandra_gulick@nps.gov <br> Name: Nerine Constant Institution: University of Florida, Department of Biology Address: 313 Carr Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA Email: nconstant@ufl.edu
- Date of data collection: 2019-07 to 2019-08
- Geographic location of data collection: Sargasso Sea (30.3–31.5°N, 61.7–63.9°W)
- Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Funding was provided by Greenpeace USA and the Jeffrey and Monette Fitzsimmons Fund of the University of Florida (UF) Archie Carr Center for Sea Turtle Research (ACCSTR).
- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: License CCO 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ Dryad Terms of Service: https://datadryad.org/stash/terms/view
- Links to publications that cite or use the data: Data and code support the associated publication: Gulick AG, Constant N, Bolten AB, Bjorndal KA. (2023) Holopelagic Sargassum aggregations provide warmer microhabitats for associated fauna. Scientific Reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41982-w
- Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: NA
- Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: NA
- Was data derived from another source? No
- Recommended citation for this dataset: Gulick AG, Constant N, Bolten AB, Bjorndal KA. 2023 Holopelagic Sargassum aggregations provide warmer microhabitats for associated fauna. Dryad, Dataset, https://doi.org/TBD
1. File list:
- Supplement_data.csv -- Sargassum temperature 2019 dataset
- Supplement_metadata.txt -- Metadata for dataset
- Supplement_script.R -- R script used to process the dataset for publication
2. Relationship between files\, if important: NA
3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: NA
4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No
1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data:
Please refer to the associated publication for detailed methodology:
Gulick AG, Constant N, Bolten AB, Bjorndal KA. (2023) Holopelagic Sargassum aggregations provide warmer microhabitats for associated fauna. Scientific Reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41982-w
2. Methods for processing the data:
We provide raw data of water temperatures measured in Sargassum mats and nearby open water in the Sargasso Sea, along with sampling information (date, time, location, mat characteristics). We also provide the R script used to process data for publication. Please refer to the associated publication for detailed methodology:
Gulick AG, Constant N, Bolten AB, Bjorndal KA. (2023) Holopelagic Sargassum aggregations provide warmer microhabitats for associated fauna. Scientific Reports. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41982-w
3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: NA
4. Standards and calibration information\, if appropriate: NA
1. Number of variables: 93
2. Number of cases/rows: 50
3. Variable list:
- date_year: Year in which temperature measurements were taken for each Sargassum mat and paired open water point
- date_mo: Month in which temperature measurements were taken for each Sargassum mat and paired open water point
- date_day: Day on which temperature measurements were taken for each Sargassum mat and paired open water point
- time_collection: Local time (AST, GMT-4) at which data collection began for each Sargassum mat and paired open water point
- latitude: Latitude (decimal degrees) of each Sargassum mat
- longitude: Longitude (decimal degrees) of each Sargassum mat
- mat_ID: Unique alphanumeric identifier for each Sargassum mat in which temperatures were measured
- mat_w: Width (m) of each Sargassum mat
- mat_l: Length (m) of each Sargassum mat
- ow_0: Water temperature (°C) measured at paired open water point at depth of 0 m (sea surface)
- ow_0_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- ow_0.2: Water temperature (°C) measured at paired open water point at depth of 0.2 m
- ow_0.2_t: Local time of corresponding temperature measurement
- ow_0.4: Water temperature (°C) measured at paired open water point at depth of 0.4 m
- ow_0.4_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- ow_0.6: Water temperature (°C) measured at paired open water point at depth of 0.6 m
- ow_0.6_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- ow_0.8: Water temperature (°C) measured at paired open water point at depth of 0.8 m
- ow_0.8_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- ow_1: Water temperature (°C) measured at paired open water point at depth of 1 m
- ow_1_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat edge at depth of 0 m (sea surface)
- edge_0_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0.2: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat edge at depth of 0.2 m
- edge_0.2_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0.2_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0.4: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat edge at depth of 0.4 m
- edge_0.4_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0.4_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0.6: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat edge at depth of 0.6 m
- edge_0.6_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0.6_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0.8: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat edge at depth of 0.8 m
- edge_0.8_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_0.8_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_1: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat edge at depth of 1 m
- edge_1_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- edge_1_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0: Water temperature (°C) measured 0.5 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0 m (sea surface)
- 0.5_0_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0.2: Water temperature (°C) measured 0.5 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0.2 m
- 0.5_0.2_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0.2_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0.4: Water temperature (°C) measured 0.5 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0.4 m
- 0.5_0.4_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0.4_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0.6: Water temperature (°C) measured 0.5 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0.6 m
- 0.5_0.6_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0.6_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0.8: Water temperature (°C) measured 0.5 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0.8 m
- 0.5_0.8_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_0.8_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_1: Water temperature (°C) measured 0.5 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 1 m
- 0.5_1_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 0.5_1_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0: Water temperature (°C) measured 1 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0 m (sea surface)
- 1_0_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0.2: Water temperature (°C) measured 1 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0.2 m
- 1_0.2_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0.2_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0.4: Water temperature (°C) measured 1 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0.4 m
- 1_0.4_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0.4_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0.6: Water temperature (°C) measured 1 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0.6 m
- 1_0.6_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0.6_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0.8: Water temperature (°C) measured 1 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 0.8 m
- 1_0.8_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_0.8_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_1: Water temperature (°C) measured 1 m into Sargassum mat at depth of 1 m
- 1_1_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- 1_1_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat center at depth of 0 m (sea surface)
- center_0_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0.2: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat center at depth of 0.2 m
- center_0.2_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0.2_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0.4: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat center at depth of 0.4 m
- center_0.4_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0.4_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0.6: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat center at depth of 0.6 m
- center_0.6_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0.6_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0.8: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat center at depth of 0.8 m
- center_0.8_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_0.8_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_1: Water temperature (°C) measured at Sargassum mat center at depth of 1 m
- center_1_t: Local time (AST, GMT-4) of corresponding temperature measurement
- center_1_d: Sargassum mat thickness (m) at location of corresponding temperature measurement
4. Missing data codes:
Missing data is denoted by "na".
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA
Please see associated metadata file.