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Magnolia Warbler (Setophaga magnolia) flight calls demonstrate individuality and variation by season and recording location

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Nov 28, 2023 version files 3.45 MB


Flight calls are short vocalizations frequently associated with migratory behavior that may maintain group structure, signal individual identity, and facilitate intra- and interspecific communication. In this study, Magnolia Warbler (Setophaga magnolia) flight call characteristics varied significantly by season and recording location, but not age or sex, and an individual’s flight calls were significantly more similar to one another than to calls of other individuals. To determine if flight calls encode traits of the signaling individual during migration, we analyzed acoustic characteristics of the calls from the nocturnally migrating Magnolia Warbler. Specifically, we analyzed calls recorded from temporarily captured birds across the northeastern United States, including Appledore Island in Maine, Braddock Bay Bird Observatory in New York, and Powdermill Avian Research Center in Pennsylvania to quantify variation attributable to individual identity, sex, age, seasonality, and recording location. Overall, our findings suggest that Magnolia Warbler flight calls may show meaningful individual variation and exhibit previously undescribed spatiotemporal variation, providing a basis for future research.