Morphological measurements in a coastal Ecuadorian avifauna
Data files
May 02, 2022 version files 220.35 KB
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This dataset contains measurement of six morphological variables in 3444 individual birds. These birds were captured using mist-nets in the Reserva Jama-Coaque, operated by the Third Millennium Alliance, Manabí, Ecuador (0° 6’ 57.75” S, 80° 7’ 28.20” W) Data were collected in 2018 and 2019. The variables included here are unflattened wing chord, length of longest retrix, bill length from nares to tip, bill width at nares, bill depth at nares, and weight, as described in Pyle (1997). Also included are measurements of elevation of the sites at which birds were captured, and age and sex characteristics, when these could be determined.
Please see associated manuscript for details on data collection.
Usage notes
Missing morphological data in this data set is the result of premature escapes.