Photoresponsive Hydrogel Friction
Data files
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Photoresponsive hydrogels are an emerging class of stimuli-responsive materials that exhibit changes in physical or chemical properties in response to light. Previous investigations have leveraged photothermal mechanisms to achieve reversible changes in hydrogel friction, although few have focused on photochemical means. To date, the tribological properties of photoswitchable hydrogels (e.g., friction and lubrication) have remained underexplored. In this work, we incorporated photoresponsive methoxy-spiropyran-methacrylate monomers (methoxy-SP-MA) into a hydrogel network to form a copolymerized system of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid-co-methoxy-spiropyran-methacrylate) (p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP)). We demonstrated repeatable photoresponsive changes to swelling, friction, and stiffness over three light cycles. Our findings suggest that volume changes driven by the decreased hydrophilicity of the methoxy-SP-MA upon light irradiation are responsible for differences in the mechanical and tribological properties of our photoresponsive hydrogels. Our results could inform future designs of photoswitchable hydrogels for applications ranging from biomedical applications to soft robotics.
README: Photoresponsive Hydrogel Friction
Description of the data and file structure
Data from peer-reviewed article:
Title: Photoresponsive Hydrogel Friction
Journal: Soft Matter
Authors: Allison L. Chau*, Kseniia M. Karnaukh*, Ian Maskiewicz, Javier Read de Alaniz, and Angela A. Pitenis
*co-first author
Corresponding author: Javier Read de Alaniz (, Angela Pitenis (
Files and variables
File List
A) Fig1b.csv
B) Fig2a.csv
C) Fig2b.csv
D) Fig3a.csv
E) Fig3b.csv
F) Fig4b_side_DSC_13253_0min.jpg
G) Fig4b_side_DSC_13264_1min.jpg
H) Fig4b_side_DSC_13276_2min.jpg
I) Fig4b_side_DSC_13288_3min.jpg
J) Fig4b_side_DSC_13312_5min.jpg
K) Fig4b_side_DSC_13372_10min.jpg
L) Fig4b_top_SampleR4b_before_20min_13196.jpg
M) Fig4b_top_SampleR4b_after_20min_13228.jpg
N) Fig5.csv
O) Fig6a_S15a.csv
P) Fig6b.csv
Q) Fig6c.csv
R) Fig6d.csv
S) FigS1.csv
T) FigS2.csv
U) FigS3.csv
V) FigS4.csv
W) FigS5.csv
X) FigS6.csv
Y) FigS7.csv
Z) FigS8a.csv
AA) FigS8b.csv
AB) FigS9a.csv
AC) FigS9b.csv
AD) FigS10a.csv
AE) FigS10b.csv
AF) FigS11a.csv
AG) FigS11b.csv
AH) FigS11c.csv
AI) FigS12a.csv
AJ) FigS12b.csv
AK) FigS12c.csv
AL) FigS12d.csv
AM) FigS13.csv
AN) FigS14a.csv
AO) FigS14b.csv
AP) FigS14c.csv
AQ) FigS14d.csv
AR) FigS14e.csv
AS) FigS14f.csv
AT) FigS15b.csv
AU) FigS15c.csv
AV) FigS15d.csv
AW) FigS15e.csv
AX) FigS15f.csv
AY) FigS16a.csv
AZ) FigS16b.csv
BA) FigS16c.csv
BB) FigS17a.csv
BC) FigS17b.csv
BD) FigS17c.csv
BE) Manuscript_mechanics_compilation.csv
BF) Manuscript_swelling_FigS13.csv
BG) Manuscript_swelling_compilation.csv
FIGURE 1: UV-Vis spectroscopy of monomers
A) Fig1b.csv: UV-Vis spectra of methoxy-spiropyran-methacrylate monomer
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to wavelength (x) and absorbance (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- row 3: light state
- dataset 1: 470 nm (1 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + B
- dataset 2: dark (30 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + C
- dataset 3: dark (60 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + D
- dataset 4: dark (90 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + E
- dataset 5: dark (120 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + F
- dataset 6: dark (150 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + G
- row 4 and beyond: data
FIGURE 2: representative indentation curves and friction force loops
B) Fig2a.csv: representative indentation curves
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to indentation depth (x) and normal force (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: sample identifier (internal use)
- row 4 and beyond: data
C) Fig2b.csv: representative friction force loops
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to x position (x) and friction force (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: sample identifier (internal use)
- row 4 and beyond: data
FIGURE 3: linear polymer kinetics data
D) Fig3a.csv: UV-Vis spectra of linear p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP)
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to wavelength (x) and absorbance (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- row 3: light state
- dataset 1: 470 nm (1 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + B
- dataset 2: dark (30 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + C
- dataset 3: dark (60 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + D
- dataset 4: dark (90 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + E
- dataset 5: dark (120 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + F
- dataset 6: dark (150 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + G
- row 4 and beyond: data
E) Fig3b.csv: pump probe kinetics measurements of linear p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP)
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to time (x) and absorbance at 450 nm (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3 and beyond: data
FIGURE 4: top and side view of hydrogel timelapse
F) Fig4b_side_DSC_13253_0min.jpg - side view before photobleaching
G) Fig4b_side_DSC_13264_1min.jpg - side view after photobleaching for 1 min
H) Fig4b_side_DSC_13276_2min.jpg - side view after photobleaching for 2 min
I) Fig4b_side_DSC_13288_3min.jpg - side view after photobleaching for 3 min
J) Fig4b_side_DSC_13312_5min.jpg - side view after photobleaching for 5 min
K) Fig4b_side_DSC_13372_10min.jpg - side view after photobleaching for 10 min
L) Fig4b_top_SampleR4b_before_20min_13196.jpg - top view before photobleaching
M) Fig4b_top_SampleR4b_after_20min_13228.jpg - top view after photobleaching for 20 min
FIGURE 5: volume as a function of time
N) Fig5b.csv: volume vs. time
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to time (x) and volume (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3 and beyond: data
FIGURE 6: friction coefficient and normalized volume
O) Fig6a_S15a.csv: friction coefficient vs. time
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to time (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark (cycle 1) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light (cycle 1) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns D + E + F
- dataset 3: dark (cycle 2) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns G + H + I
- dataset 4: light (cycle 2) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns J + K + L
- dataset 5: dark (cycle 3) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns M + N + O
- dataset 6: light (cycle 3) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns P + Q + R
- row 4 and beyond: data
P) Fig6b.csv: friction coefficient bar charts
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle number (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark - cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light - cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + D + E
- row 3 and beyond: data
Q) Fig6c.csv: normalized volume vs. time
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to time (x) and normalized volume average (avg) (y) and normalized volume standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3 and beyond: data
R) Fig6d.csv: normalized volume bar charts
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle number (x) and normalized volume average (avg) (y) and normalized volume standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark - cycle number (x) and normalized volume average (avg) (y) and normalized volume standard deviation (std) (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light - cycle number (x) and normalized volume average (avg) (y) and normalized volume standard deviation (std) (y) -> columns A + D + E
- row 3 and beyond: data
FIGURE S1: NMR spectrum of 5-methoxy-2,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indole
S) FigS1.csv
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to 1H NMR chemical shift (x) and arbitrary intensity (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- column 1: 1H (ppm)
- column 2: signal/arbitrary intensity
FIGURE S2: H-NMR spectrum of 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium bromide
T) FigS2.csv
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to 1H NMR chemical shift (x) and arbitrary intensity (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- column 1: 1H (ppm)
- column 2: signal/arbitrary intensity
FIGURE S3: C-NMR spectrum of 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium bromide
U) FigS3.csv
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to 13C NMR chemical shift (x) and arbitrary intensity (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- column 1: 13C (ppm)
- column 2: signal/arbitrary intensity
FIGURE S4: H-NMR spectrum of 2-(5'-methoxy-3',3'-dimethylspiro[chromene-2,2'-indolin]-1'-yl)ethan-1-ol
V) FigS4.csv
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to 1H NMR chemical shift (x) and arbitrary intensity (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- column 1: 1H (ppm)
- column 2: signal/arbitrary intensity
FIGURE S5: C-NMR spectrum of 2-(5'-methoxy-3',3'-dimethylspiro[chromene-2,2'-indolin]-1'-yl)ethan-1-ol
W) FigS5.csv
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to 13C NMR chemical shift (x) and arbitrary intensity (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- column 1: 13C (ppm)
- column 2: signal/arbitrary intensity
FIGURE S6: H-NMR spectrum of 2-(5'-methoxy-3',3'-dimethylspiro[chromene-2,2'-indolin]-1'-yl)ethyl methacrylate
X) FigS6.csv
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to 1H NMR chemical shift (x) and arbitrary intensity (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- column 1: 1H (ppm)
- column 2: signal/arbitrary intensity
FIGURE S7: C-NMR spectrum of 2-(5'-methoxy-3',3'-dimethylspiro[chromene-2,2'-indolin]-1'-yl)ethyl methacrylate
Y) FigS7.csv
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to 13C NMR chemical shift (x) and arbitrary intensity (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- column 1: 13C (ppm)
- column 2: signal/arbitrary intensity
FIGURE S8: kinetics of methoxy-spiropyran-methacrylate monomer
Z) FigS8a.csv: UV-Vis spectra of methoxy-spiropyran-methacrylate monomer
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to wavelength (x) and absorbance (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- row 3: light state
- dataset 1: 470 nm (1 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + B
- dataset 2: dark (5 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + C
- dataset 3: dark (10 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + D
- dataset 4: dark (20 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + E
- dataset 5: dark (30 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + F
- dataset 6: dark (40 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + G
- dataset 7: dark (50 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + H
- dataset 8: dark (60 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + I
- dataset 9: dark (90 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + J
- dataset 10: dark (120 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + K
- dataset 11: dark (150 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + L
- row 4 and beyond: data
AA) FigS8b.csv: pump probe kinetics measurements of methoxy-spiropyran-methacrylate monomer
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to time (x) and absorbance at 450 nm (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3 and beyond: data
FIGURE S9: UV-Vis spectra
AB) FigS9a.csv: UV-Vis spectra of linear p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) in 100 mM phosphate buffer
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to wavelength (x) and absorbance (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- row 3: light state
- dataset 1: 470 nm (1 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + B
- dataset 2: dark (5 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + C
- dataset 3: dark (10 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + D
- dataset 4: dark (20 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + E
- dataset 5: dark (30 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + F
- dataset 6: dark (40 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + G
- dataset 7: dark (50 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + H
- dataset 8: dark (60 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + I
- dataset 9: dark (90 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + J
- dataset 10: dark (120 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + K
- dataset 11: dark (150 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + L
- row 4 and beyond: data
AC) FigS9b.csv: UV-Vis spectra of linear p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) in acidified methanol
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to wavelength (x) and absorbance (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- row 3: light state
- dataset 1: 470 nm (1 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + B
- dataset 2: dark (5 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + C
- dataset 3: dark (10 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + D
- dataset 4: dark (20 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + E
- dataset 5: dark (30 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + F
- dataset 6: dark (40 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + G
- dataset 7: dark (50 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + H
- dataset 8: dark (60 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + I
- dataset 9: dark (80 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + J
- dataset 10: dark (100 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + K
- dataset 11: dark (120 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + L
- dataset 12: dark (140 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + M
- row 4 and beyond: data
FIGURE S10: kinetics of p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) hydrogels with 0.5 mol SP
AD) FigS10a.csv: UV-Vis of p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) hydrogels with 0.5 mol SP
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to wavelength (x) and absorbance (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state
- dataset 1: before 470 nm - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + B
- dataset 2: 470 nm (1 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + C
- dataset 3: dark (1 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + D
- dataset 4: dark (3 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + E
- dataset 5: dark (5 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + F
- dataset 6: dark (10 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + G
- dataset 7: dark (15 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + H
- dataset 8: dark (20 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + I
- dataset 9: dark (30 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + J
- dataset 10: dark (60 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + K
- dataset 11: dark (90 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + L
- dataset 12: dark (150 min) - wavelength (x) and absorbance (y) -> columns A + M
- row 4 and beyond: data
AE) FigS10b.csv: pump probe kinetics of p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) hydrogels with 0.5 mol SP
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to time (x) and absorbance at 450 nm (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes, where a.u. stands for arbitrary units
- row 3 and beyond: data
FIGURE S11: representative indentation curves
AF) FigS11a.csv: indentation curves for Sample 1
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to indentation depth (x) and normal force (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state and sample identifier (internal use) (MCH - dark, SP- light)
- dataset 1: dark cycle 1 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns A + B
- dataset 2: light cycle 1 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns C + D
- dataset 3: dark cycle 2 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns E + F
- dataset 4: light cycle 2 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns G + H
- dataset 5: dark cycle 3 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns I + J
- dataset 6: light cycle 3 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns K + L
- row 4 and beyond: data
AG) FigS11b.csv: indentation curves for Sample 2
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to indentation depth (x) and normal force (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state and sample identifier (internal use) (MCH - dark, SP- light)
- dataset 1: dark cycle 1 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns A + B
- dataset 2: light cycle 1 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns C + D
- dataset 3: dark cycle 2 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns E + F
- dataset 4: light cycle 2 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns G + H
- dataset 5: dark cycle 3 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns I + J
- dataset 6: light cycle 3 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns K + L
- row 4 and beyond: data
AH) FigS11c.csv: indentation curves for Sample 3
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to indentation depth (x) and normal force (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state and sample identifier (internal use) (MCH - dark, SP- light)
- dataset 1: dark cycle 1 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns A + B
- dataset 2: light cycle 1 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns C + D
- dataset 3: dark cycle 2 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns E + F
- dataset 4: light cycle 2 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns G + H
- dataset 5: dark cycle 3 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns I + J
- dataset 6: light cycle 3 - indentation depth (x) and normal force (y) --> columns K + L
- row 4 and beyond: data
FIGURE S12: bar charts of reduced elastic modulus
AI) FigS12a.csv: bar chart of reduced elastic modulus for Sample 1
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle number (x) and elastic modulus averages (avg) (y) and elastic modulus standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark ,SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark - cycle number (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) --> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light - cycle number (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) --> columns A + D + E
- row 4 and beyond: data
AJ) FigS12b.csv: bar chart of reduced elastic modulus for Sample 2
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle number (x) and elastic modulus averages (avg) (y) and elastic modulus standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark ,SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark - cycle number (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) --> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light - cycle number (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) --> columns A + D + E
- row 4 and beyond: data
AK) FigS12c.csv: bar chart of reduced elastic modulus for Sample 3
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle number (x) and elastic modulus averages (avg) (y) and elastic modulus standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark ,SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark - cycle number (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) --> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light - cycle number (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) --> columns A + D + E
- row 4 and beyond: data
AL) FigS12d.csv: bar chart of reduced elastic modulus for averages of Samples 1-3
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle number (x) and elastic modulus averages (avg) (y) and elastic modulus standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark ,SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark - cycle number (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) --> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light - cycle number (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) --> columns A + D + E
- row 4 and beyond: data
FIGURE S13: volume change bar chart
AM) FigS13.csv: volume change bar chart
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to sample (x) and volume change (avg) (y) and volume change standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3 and beyond: data
FIGURE S14: friction coefficient vs. reciprocating cycle
AN) FigS14a.csv: friction coefficient vs. reciprocating cycle in the dark for Sample 1
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light cycle number
- dataset 1: dark cycle 1 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: dark cycle 2 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns D + E + F
- dataset 3: dark cycle 3 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns G + H + I
- row 3 and beyond: data
AO) FigS14b.csv: friction coefficient vs. reciprocating cycle in the dark for Sample 2
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light cycle number
- dataset 1: dark cycle 1 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: dark cycle 2 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns D + E + F
- dataset 3: dark cycle 3 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns G + H + I
- row 3 and beyond: data
AP) FigS14c.csv: friction coefficient vs. reciprocating cycle in the dark for Sample 3
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light cycle number
- dataset 1: dark cycle 1 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: dark cycle 2 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns D + E + F
- dataset 3: dark cycle 3 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns G + H + I
- row 3 and beyond: data
AQ) FigS14d.csv: friction coefficient vs. reciprocating cycle in the light for Sample 1
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light cycle number
- dataset 1: light cycle 1 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light cycle 2 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns D + E + F
- dataset 3: light cycle 3 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns G + H + I
- row 3 and beyond: data
AR) FigS14e.csv: friction coefficient vs. reciprocating cycle in the light for Sample 2
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light cycle number
- dataset 1: light cycle 1 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light cycle 2 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns D + E + F
- dataset 3: light cycle 3 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns G + H + I
- row 3 and beyond: data
AS) FigS14f.csv: friction coefficient vs. reciprocating cycle in the light for Sample 3
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light cycle number
- dataset 1: light cycle 1 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light cycle 2 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns D + E + F
- dataset 3: light cycle 3 - reciprocating cycle number (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns G + H + I
- row 3 and beyond: data
FIGURE S15: friction coefficients
AT) FigS15b.csv: friction coefficient vs. time for Sample 2
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to time (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark (cycle 1) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light (cycle 1) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns D + E + F
- dataset 3: dark (cycle 2) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns G + H + I
- dataset 4: light (cycle 2) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns J + K + L
- dataset 5: dark (cycle 3) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns M + N + O
- dataset 6: light (cycle 3) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns P + Q + R
- row 4 and beyond: data
AU) FigS15c.csv: friction coefficient vs. time for Sample 3
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to time (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark (cycle 1) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light (cycle 1) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns D + E + F
- dataset 3: dark (cycle 2) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns G + H + I
- dataset 4: light (cycle 2) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns J + K + L
- dataset 5: dark (cycle 3) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns M + N + O
- dataset 6: light (cycle 3) - time (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns P + Q + R
- row 4 and beyond: data
AV) FigS15d.csv: bar chart for friction coefficients for Sample 1
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- row 3: sample identifier (internal use)
- row 4 and beyond: data
AW) FigS15e.csv: bar chart for friction coefficients for Sample 2
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- row 3: sample identifier (internal use)
- row 4 and beyond: data
AX) FigS15f.csv: bar chart for friction coefficients for Sample 3
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- row 3: sample identifier (internal use)
- row 4 and beyond: data
FIGURE S16: data for pNIPAAm
AY) FigS16a.csv: normalized volume bar charts
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to sample (x) and normalized volume average (avg) (y) and normalized volume standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark state - sample (x) and normalized volume avg (y) and normalized volume std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light state - sample (x) and normalized volume avg (y) and normalized volume std (y) -> columns A + D + E
- row 4 and beyond: data
AZ) FigS16b.csv: friction coefficient bar charts
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to sample (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark state - sample (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light state - sample (x) and friction coefficient avg (y) and friction coefficient std (y) -> columns A + D + E
- row 4 and beyond: data
BA) FigS16c.csv: reduced elastic modulus bar charts
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to sample (x) and elastic modulus average (avg) (y) and elastic modulus standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- dataset 1: dark state - sample (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) -> columns A + B + C
- dataset 2: light state - sample (x) and elastic modulus avg (y) and elastic modulus std (y) -> columns A + D + E
- row 4 and beyond: data
BB) FigS17a.csv: normalized volume bar chart for silanized hydrogel
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle (x) and normalized volume (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- row 4 and beyond: data
BC) FigS17b.csv: reduced friction coefficient bar chart for silanized hydrogel
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle (x) and friction coefficient average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- row 3 and beyond: data
BD) FigS17c.csv: reduced elastic modulus bar chart for silanized hydrogel
- row 1: x and y axis, corresponding to cycle (x) and elastic modulus average (avg) (y) and friction coefficient standard deviation (std) (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- row 3: light state (MCH - dark, SP - light)
- row 4 and beyond: data
Compilation of raw friction coefficient and reduced elastic modulus data
BE) Manuscript_mechanics_compilation.csv: raw compiled friction coefficient and reduced elastic modulus data from hydrogel samples
- Table 1: elastic modulus data for p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) (A1 - I9)
- row 2: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation for Sample 1
- Column D + E: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation for Sample 2
- Column F + G: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation for Sample 3
- Column H + I: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation for averages of Sample 1 - 3
- Table 2: elastic modulus ratios for p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) (K2 - O6)
- row 3: light state ratio (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column K: cycle number
- Column L: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 1
- Column M: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 2
- Column N: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 3
- Column O: reduced elastic modulus ratio for averages of Sample 1 - 3
- Table 3: friction coefficient data for p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) (A11 - I19)
- row 12: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: friction coefficient average and standard deviation for Sample 1
- Column D + E: friction coefficient average and standard deviation for Sample 2
- Column F + G: friction coefficient average and standard deviation for Sample 3
- Column H + I: friction coefficient average and standard deviation for averages of Sample 1 - 3
- Table 4: friction coefficient ratios for p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) (K12 - O16)
- row 13: light state ratio (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column K: cycle number
- Column L: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 1
- Column M: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 2
- Column N: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 3
- Column O: reduced elastic modulus ratio for averages of Sample 1 - 3
- Table 5: elastic modulus data for pNIPAAm (A21 - I25)
- row 22: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation for Sample 1
- Column D + E: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation for Sample 2
- Column F + G: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation for Sample 3
- Column H + I: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation for averages of Sample 1 - 3
- Table 6: elastic modulus ratios for pNIPAAm (L22 - O24)
- row 23: light state ratio (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column L: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 1
- Column M: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 2
- Column N: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 3
- Column O: reduced elastic modulus ratio for averages of Sample 1 - 3
- Table 7: friction coefficient data for pNIPAAm (A27 - I31)
- row 28: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: friction coefficient average and standard deviation for Sample 1
- Column D + E: friction coefficient average and standard deviation for Sample 2
- Column F + G: friction coefficient average and standard deviation for Sample 3
- Column H + I: friction coefficient average and standard deviation for averages of Sample 1 - 3
- Table 8: friction coefficient ratios for pNIPAAm (L28 - O30)
- row 29: light state ratio (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column L: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 1
- Column M: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 2
- Column N: reduced elastic modulus ratio for Sample 3
- Column O: reduced elastic modulus ratio for averages of Sample 1 - 3
- Table 9: elastic modulus data for silanized p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) hydrogel (A33 - C40)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Columns B + C: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation
- Table 10: elastic modulus ratio for silanized p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) hydrogel (E34 - G36)
- row 35: light state ratio (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column E: reduced elastic modulus ratio for cycle 1
- Column F: reduced elastic modulus ratio for cycle 2
- Column G: reduced elastic modulus ratio for cycle 3
- Table 11: friction coefficient data for silanized p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) hydrogel (A42 - C49)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Columns B + C: reduced elastic modulus average and standard deviation
- Table 12: friction coefficient ratio for silanized p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) hydrogel (E43 - G45)
- row 44: light state ratio (MCH- dark, SP - light) and cycle number
- Column E: reduced elastic modulus ratio for cycle 1
- Column F: reduced elastic modulus ratio for cycle 2
- Column G: reduced elastic modulus ratio for cycle 3
Compilation of raw swelling data
BF) Manuscript_swelling_FigS13.csv: raw compiled volume data used to plot Fig S13
- row 1: sample (x), cycle time, diameter, height, volume, volume change (y)
- row 2: units for corresponding axes
- Column A: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column B: cycle time
- Column C: hydrogel diameter
- Column D: hydrogel height
- Column E: hydrogel volume (assuming cylinder)
- Column F: volume change
BG) Manuscript_swelling_compilation.csv: raw compiled modulus data from hydrogel samples
- Table 1: volume measurements (A1 - T15)
- row 2: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP- light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: volume average and standard deviation for Sample F2a
- Column D + E: volume average and standard deviation for Sample G4a
- Column F + G: volume average and standard deviation for Sample G5a
- Column H + I: volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q1
- Column J + K: volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q2
- Column L + M: volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q3
- Column N + O: volume average and standard deviation for Sample O1
- Column P + Q: volume average and standard deviation for Sample O2
- Column R + S: volume average and standard deviation for Sample O3
- Column T: volume average for Sample R1 (silanized gel)
- Table 2: volume change measurements (A16 - T30)
- row 18: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP- light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: volume change average and standard deviation for Sample F2a
- Column D + E: volume change average and standard deviation for Sample G4a
- Column F + G: volume change average and standard deviation for Sample G5a
- Column H + I: volume change average and standard deviation for Sample Q1
- Column J + K: volume change average and standard deviation for Sample Q2
- Column L + M: volume change average and standard deviation for Sample Q3
- Column N + O: volume change average and standard deviation for Sample O1
- Column P + Q: volume change average and standard deviation for Sample O2
- Column R + S: volume change average and standard deviation for Sample O3
- Column T: volume change average for Sample R1 (silanized gel)
- Table 3: normalized volume (A32 - T46)
- row 33: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP- light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample F2a
- Column D + E: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample G4a
- Column F + G: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample G5a
- Column H + I: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q1
- Column J + K: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q2
- Column L + M: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q3
- Column N + O: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample O1
- Column P + Q: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample O2
- Column R + S: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample O3
- Column T: normalized volume average for Sample R1 (silanized gel)
- Table 4: normalized volume*100 (A48 - T62)
- row 49: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP- light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample F2a
- Column D + E: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample G4a
- Column F + G: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample G5a
- Column H + I: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q1
- Column J + K: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q2
- Column L + M: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q3
- Column N + O: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample O1
- Column P + Q: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample O2
- Column R + S: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample O3
- Column T: normalized volume average for Sample R1 (silanized gel)
- Table 5: Batch Q bar chart (p(NIPAAm-co-AMPS-co-SP) hydrogels) (A64 - I72)
- row 65: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP- light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q1
- Column D + E: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q2
- Column F + G: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample Q3
- Column H + I: normalized volume average and standard deviation for averages of Sample Q1 - Q3
- Table 6: Batch O bar chart pNIPAAm (A74 - I78)
- row 75: sample identifier (internal use)
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP- light) and cycle number
- Column B + C: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample O1
- Column D + E: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample O2
- Column F + G: normalized volume average and standard deviation for Sample O3
- Column H + I: normalized volume average and standard deviation for averages of Sample O1 - O3
- Table 7: Sample R1 bar chart (A80 - D83)
- row 81: cycle number
- Column A: light state (MCH- dark, SP- light)
- Column B: normalized volume average for cycle 1
- Column C: normalized volume average for cycle 2
- Column D: normalized volume average for cycle 3
A) Tribometer_Indent_Analysis_v5
1) natsortfiles
B) Compiling_Friction_Data_v7
1) natsortfiles
A) Tribometer_Indent_Analysis_v5: opens microtribometer indentation data from Excel files and fits the data with the Hertz contact mechanics model using the lsqcurvefit function
B) Compiling_Friction_Data_v7: opens microtribometer friction data from Excel files and calculates the friction coefficient from the specified x-range in the friction force loop over a specified number of cycles
- Author: Stephen Cobeldick
- Download from:
- Citation: Stephen23 (2023). Natural-Order Filename Sort (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved 2021.
- Function of codes: reads and sorts through the files to analyze
- Functions:
A) natsortfiles
B) natsort
- Notes: natsortfiles calls natsort