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Environmental controls on butterfly occurrence and species richness in Israel: The importance of temperature over rainfall


Aim Butterflies are considered important indicators representing the state of biodiversity and key ecosystem functions, but their use as bioindicators requires better understanding of how their observed response link to environmental factors. Moreover, better understanding how butterfly faunas vary with climate and land cover may be useful to estimate the potential impacts of various drivers, including climate change, botanical succession, grazing, and afforestation. It is particularly important to establish which species of butterflies are sensitive to each environmental driver. Location Israel, including the West Bank and Golan Heights. Methods To develop a robust and systematic approach for identifying how butterfly faunas vary with the environment, we analysed the occurrence of 73 species and the abundance of 24 species from Israeli Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (BMS-IL) data. We used Regional Generalised Additive Models to quantify butterfly abundance, and generalised linear latent variable models and generalised linear models to quantify the impact of temperature, rainfall, soil type, and habitat on individual species and on the species community. Results Species richness was higher along cooler transects, and also for hilly and mountainous transects in the Mediterranean region (rendzina and Terra Rossa soils) compared with the coastal plain (Hamra soil) and semi-arid northern Jordan Vale (loessial serozem soil). Species occurrence was better explained by temperature (negative correlation) than precipitation, while for abundance the opposite pattern was found. Soil type and habitat were insignificant drivers of occurrence and abundance. Conclusions Butterfly faunas responded very strongly to temperature, even when accounting for other environmental factors. We expect that some butterfly species will disappear from marginal sites with global warming, and a large proportion will become rarer as the region becomes increasingly arid.