Data from: Fine-scale spatial associations between functional traits and tree growth
Data files
Oct 20, 2021 version files 36.49 KB
36.49 KB
This data set relates to a 40x60 m2 stem-mapped plot that was established in a temperate rainforest of southern Chile. It contains data for each individual stem located within the plot. Each individual is characterized by a species code, diameter at breast height (dbh, 1.35 m), diameter at coring height (dch, ca. 30 cm), x and y coordinates, basal area index of the last 10 years (bai, cm2), and growth efficiency (ge, cm2/cm2).
The data set was collected in May 2016. Each tree contained in the plot was measured in dbh and dch and 1-2 cores were extracted from each single stem to derive bai and ge.
The species name codes are:
1. Amomyrtus luma (Al); 2. Azara lanceolata (Az); 3. Drimys winteri (Dw); 4. Embothrium coccineum (Ec); 5. Laureliopsis philippiana (Lp); 6. Lomatia ferruginea (Lf); 7. Maytenus magellanica (Mm); 8. Nothofagus antarctica (Na); 9. Nothofagus betuloides (Nb); 10. Podocarpus nubigenus (Pn); 11. Raukua latevirens (Rl).
Usage notes
The data set is very straightforward and simple. If otherwise indicated (mandatory), I think it is not necessary to include a readme file.