Comparison of hepatosteatosis in mice treated with two forms of asparaginase: Orgel and Mittelman
Data files
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Calaspargase-pegol (SC-PEG) has replaced pegaspargase (SS-PEG) in pediatric ALL regimens in the United States. Calaspargase-pegol’s greater drug exposure has raised concern for correspondingly increased hepatotoxicity. However, we found no difference in hepatosteatosis between formulations in obese and non-obese asparaginase-treated mice. These reassuring findings should be confirmed in clinical studies.
README: Comparison of hepatosteatosis in mice treated with two forms of asparaginase - Orgel and Mittelman
Description of the data and file structure
An experiment was performed at UCLA, in Los Angeles, CA. C57Bl/6 male mice raised on a high-fat diet or control diet (purchased from Taconic) were treated with intraperitoneal injections of vehicle vs. two forms of pegylated asparaginase. Injections (1,000 IU/kg) were given weekly for three weeks. Weights were followed, and mice were sacrificed one week after the third dose. At sacrifice, photographs of livers in situ were taken. Livers were weighed and fixed for histology. Representative histological images from each group were collected. Histology slides were scored for steatosis by a pathologist. Plasma was sent for biochemical analysis for alanine transferase and albumin.
Contact Steven Mittelman ( or for any questions. This manuscript has been published.
Files and variables
File: Study Data - Orgel Mittelman.xls
This Microsoft Excel file includes data on mouse body weights over treatment time (tab labeled "Mouse Weights") and liver-related outcomes (tab labeled "Pathology").
Mouse Weights:
Mouse weights (shown in grams) by date and experimental day
variable | units | description |
Diet | categorical | Control = low fat diet; Obese = high fat diet |
Treatment | categorical | Vehicle = vehicle; SC-PEG = calaspargase-pegol mknl; SS-PEG = pegaspargase |
Mouse | number | arbitrary mouse number |
variable | units | description |
Diet | categorical | Control = low fat diet; Obese = high fat diet |
Treatment | categorical | Vehicle = vehicle; SC-PEG = calaspargase-pegol mknl; SS-PEG = pegaspargase |
Mouse | number | arbitrary mouse number |
Liver weight | grams | wet weight of liver at sacrifice |
ALT | U/L | serum alkaline transferase |
albumin | g/dL | serum albumin |
Macrovesicular steatosis | number | pathologist score based on reference below* |
Microvesicular steatosis | number | pathologist score based on reference below* |
Hypertrophy | number | pathologist score based on reference below* |
Steatosis Score | number | pathologist score based on reference below* |
Inflammatory foci | number | pathologist score based on reference below* |
* Liang W, Menke AL, Driessen A, et al. Establishment of a general NAFLD scoring system for rodent models and comparison to human liver pathology. PLoS One. 2014;9(12):e115922.
Missing values indicated by "missing"
Folder: Histology Images
Folder containing representative png images of liver histology slides (one from each experimental group)
File names:
First part of file name | Diet | Control = low fat diet; Obese = high fat diet |
Second part of file name | Treatment | Veh = vehicle; SC = calaspargase-pegol mknl; SS = pegaspargase |
Folder: Liver Photos jpeg
Individual jpeg files showing photos of livers in situ after sacrifice.
File names:
First part of file name | Diet | Control = low fat diet; Obese = high fat diet |
Second part of file name | Treatment | Veh = vehicle; SC = calaspargase-pegol mknl; SS = pegaspargase |
Third part of file name | Number | arbitrary mouse number |
Mice were treated with drug or vehicle. Body weights were recorded by date. At sacrifice, liver was photographed in situ and images are included as jpeg files. Liver weights were recorded. Livers were fixed for histology, and representative histological images are included as png files. Histological scoring was done by a pathologist and are recorded. Plasma chemistries were measured and recorded.