As part of a project to develop predictive ecosystem models of United Kingdom woodlands we have collated data from two United Kingdom woodlands - Wytham Woods and Alice Holt. Here we present data from 582 individual trees of eight taxa in the form of summary variables relating to the allometric relationships between trunk diameter, height, crown height, crown radius and trunk radial growth rate to the tree’s light environment and diameter at breast height. In addition the raw data files containing the variables from which the summary data were obtained. Large sample sizes with longitudinal data spanning 22 years make these datasets useful for future studies concerned with the way trees change in size and shape over their life-span.
Sapling allometry DBH, D10 & Height
Contains data on DBH (cm), D10 (cm) and Height (m) for a total of 145 saplings for the eight taxa under consideration. The year in which the DBH and height and D10 data were recorded is reported for each individual. Data collected in the field
Data record 1.txt
Adult allometry DBH, Height & Crown height
Contains data on DBH (cm), Height (m), Crown height (m) and Crown radius (m) for a total of 297 adult trees for the eight taxa under consideration. The year in which DBH, height and crown height and radius were recorded are reported for each individual. Data collected in the field
Data record 2.txt
Sapling growth
Contains data on DBH growth rates (cm yr-1) for the periods between measurements, the mean growth rate, D10 (cm), and the fraction of ambient light in the tree’s environment for 129 individuals representing seven of the eight taxa under consideration. The year in which D10 and light were measured is reported. Data collected in the field.
Data record 4.txt
Canopy openness
Contains data on canopy openness for 165 single taxon stands of the eight taxa under consideration. Data collected in the field.
Data record 6.txt
All trees height v DBH
Contains data on DBH (cm) and Height (m) for 404 individuals for the eight taxa under consideration. Repeated measures on each individual results in 1018 records, the year of each measurement is reported. Data collected in the field
Data record 3.txt
All trees growth
Contains data on DBH growth rates (cm yr-1) for the periods between measurements and the mean growth rate for 439 individuals of the eight taxa under consideration. Data collected in the field.
Data record 5.txt
SORTIE parameter file
Contains data on 16 parameters for each of the eight taxa considered here. These allow the instantiation of the equations 1-8 listed in the associated paper. In conjunction with parameters on mortality and dispersal they also allow SORTIE to be run to produce projections of United Kingdom lowland woodlands.
Data record 7.txt