Data from: Guppies in large groups cooperate more frequently in an experimental test of the group size paradox
Data files
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Feb 11, 2025 version files 55.44 MB
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The volunteer’s dilemma, in which a single individual is required to produce a public good, predicts that individuals in larger groups will cooperate less frequently. Mechanistically, this could result from trade-offs between costs associated with volunteering and costs incurred if the public good is not produced (nobody volunteers). During predator inspection, one major contributor to the cost of volunteering is likely increased probability of predation; however, a predator also poses a risk to all individuals if nobody inspects. We tested the prediction that guppies in larger groups will inspect a predator less than those in smaller groups. We also predicted that individuals in larger groups would perceive less threat from the predator stimulus because of the protective benefits of larger groups (e.g. dilution). Contrary to prediction, we found that individuals in large groups inspected more frequently than those in smaller groups but (as predicted) spent less time in refuges. There was evidence that individuals in intermediate-sized groups made the fewest inspections and spent the most time in refuges, suggesting that any link between group size, risk and cooperation is not driven by simple dilution. Extensions of theoretical models that capture these dynamics will likely be broadly applicable to risky cooperative behaviour.
README: Data from: Guppies in large groups cooperate more frequently in an experimental test of the group size paradox
Data files
all_tracking_data.csv: All trajectory data for each fish, giving its position for each frame of the video, providing a resolution of 25Hz. This file contains the following variables:
- frame -- the frame number
- X -- the x coordinate of the fish (in cm)
- Y -- the y coordinate of the fish (in cm)
- Fish_ID -- the individual fish identification number (unique within but not across trials; note the ID error could not be quantified so data are not appropriate for personality studies without post-processing)
- Group_size -- the group size treatment
- Trial_ID -- the identification code for the trial
all_binned_data.csv: This file contains trajectory data for each fish; data are aggregated (/'binned') into a 1-second resolution. This file contains the following variables:
- Fish_ID -- the individual fish identification number (unique within but not across trials)
- Second -- the time point (as a second) of the data point
- X -- the x coordinate of the fish (in cm)
- Y -- the y coordinate of the fish (in cm)
- Dist_to_model -- the distance of the fish from the closest point of the predator model (in cm)
- Group_size -- the group size treatment
- Trial_ID -- the identification code for the trial
all_inspection_data.csv: This file contains individual-level data about inspection behaviour, specifically the number, during, and distance of inspections. This file contains the following variables:
- Fish_ID -- the individual fish identification number (unique within but not across trials)
- Min_dist -- the minimum distance that the individual approached the predator (in cm)
- Time_within_30cm -- the amount of time (in seconds) that an individual spent within 30cm of the predator model
- Total_time -- the total time that the fish was visible to the tracking software (in seconds)
- Proportion_within_30cm -- the proportion of visible time that the fish was within 30cm of the predator model
- Group_size -- the group size treatment
- Trial_ID -- the identification code for the trial
- N_inspections -- the number of inspections
all_inspection_times_data.csv: This file contains individual-level data about inspection behaviour, specifically the time an individual entered and left the 30cm 'inspection zone'. This file contains the following variables:
- Trial_ID -- the identification code for the trial
- Group_size -- the group size treatment
- Fish_ID -- the individual fish identification number (unique within but not across trials)
- In -- a timestamp (in seconds) that the fish entered within 30cm of the predator model
- Out -- a timestamp (in seconds) that the fish left the 30cm radius of the predator model
- Duration -- the amount of time (in seconds) that the fish spent within 30cm on that occasion
before_all_tracking_data.csv: All trajectory data for each fish before the introduction of the predator model, giving its position for each frame of the video, providing a resolution of 25Hz. This file contains the following variables:
- frame -- the frame number
- X -- the x coordinate of the fish (in cm)
- Y -- the y coordinate of the fish (in cm)
- Fish_ID -- the individual fish identification number (unique within but not across trials)
- Group_size -- the group size treatment
- Trial_ID -- the identification code for the trial
before_all_binned_data.csv: This file contains trajectory data for each fish before the introduction of the predator model; data are aggregated (/'binned') into a 1-second resolution. This file contains the following variables:
- Fish_ID -- the individual fish identification number (unique within but not across trials)
- Second -- the time point (as a second) of the data point
- X -- the x coordinate of the fish (in cm)
- Y -- the y coordinate of the fish (in cm)
- Group_size -- the group size treatment
- Trial_ID -- the identification code for the trial
all_lengths_data.csv: This file contains data on the length of each fish in each trial used in the manuscript. This file contains the following variables:
- Length -- the length of the fish (in cm)
- Date -- the date of the trial (analogous to trial ID since there was one trial per day)
all_lengths_data_updated.csv: This file contains data on the length of each fish in each trial. This is an updated version of all_lengths_data, which contained the wrong lengths for the group tested on 07/12 (the difference in means is ~0.01cm; within measurement error range). This file contains the following variables:
- Length -- the length of the fish (in cm)
- Date -- the date of the trial (analogous to trial ID since there was one trial per day)
all_refuge_data.csv: This file contains data on the proportion of time that fish spent in refuges. This file contains the following variables:
- Fish_ID -- the individual fish identification number (unique within but not across trials)
- Total_time -- the number of seconds the fish is visible
- Time_refuge -- the proportion of time spent in the refuge (not visible)
- Group_size -- the group size treatment
- Trial_ID -- the identification code for the trial
- Phase -- whether this was before or during predator stimulus exposure
- pool_temp -- trial pool temperature in degrees C
- fish_length -- mean length of fish in group in cm
- pool_temp_scaled -- pool_temp z-scored
- fish_length_scaled -- fish_length z-scored
- Groupsize_Phase -- group_size * phase interaction group
- Trial_Date -- date of trial in ddmm
Version changes
7th February 2025 -- Added a new file, all_lengths_data_updated.csv. This is an updated version of all_lengths_data, which contained the wrong lengths for the group tested on 07/12 (the difference in means is ~0.01cm; within measurement error range); added all_refuge_data.csv, which was missing from initial upload.