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Carbon flux and gross primary production of a scrub of Mexico

Data files

Dec 10, 2019 version files 5.45 MB


Vegetation fixes C in its biomass through photosynthesis or might release it into the atmosphere through respiration. Measurements of these fluxes would help us to understand ecosystem functioning. This data is related to carbon flux (NEE) colected with the eddy covariance technique (EC_Data). The NEE is the balance between gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) both calculated using the recent R package Reddyproc (Code Reddyproc). The database also include estimates of GPP of MOD17A2H product of MODIS Satellite for four pixels of a site with scrub vegetation in Mexico (GPP_MODIS). The programming code include the pre-procecing of NEE and the Theil-Sen and Linear model to describe the relationship between GPP of EC and GPP of MODIS (Code Theil-Sen).