Pneumatic elastostatics of multi-functional inflatable lattices: Realization of extreme specific stiffness with active modulation and deployability
Data files
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Supplementary codes and data: Elastostatics of multi-functional inflatable lattices: Realization of extreme specific stiffness with active modulation and deployability
README: Pneumatic elastostatics of multi-functional inflatable lattices: Realization of extreme specific stiffness with active modulation and deployability
Descriptions of supplementary codes and data
Note: The MATLAB files are hosted on Zenodo and the Excel files are on Dryad.
- The Matlab code file E1_inflatable presents the variation in non-dimensionalized elastic moduli E1/E of hexagonal lattices with non-dimensionalized internal pressure p/E. It generates data for the Equation 24 of the paper which is then used to plot the Figure 5(A-D). Each subplot in Figure 5, i.e., Figure 5 (A-D) considers different combinations of cell configurations (i.e., different values of cell angle θ) for a particular value of h/l.
- The Matlab code file E1_inflatable_rl presents the variation in non-dimensionalized elastic moduli E1/E of hexagonal lattices with non-dimensionalized internal pressure p/E. It generates data for the Equation 24 of the paper by considering different values of ratio of radius and length, i.e., r/l, which is then used to plot the Figure 5(E-F). The Figure 5(E-F) considers a particular value of h/l and cell angle θ.
- The data set generated in the file E1.xlx corresponds to Figure 5A and the data set generated in the file E1_rl.xlx corresponds to Figure 5F.
- The Matlab code file E2_inflatable presents the variation in non-dimensionalized elastic moduli E2/E of hexagonal lattices with non-dimensionalized internal pressure p/E. It generates data for the Equation 32 of the paper which is then used to plot the Figure 5(A-D). Each subplot in Figure 6, i.e., Figure 6 (A-D) considers different combinations of cell configurations (i.e., different values of cell angle θ) for a particular value of h/l.
- The Matlab code file E2_inflatable_rl presents the variation in non-dimensionalized elastic moduli E2/E of hexagonal lattices with non-dimensionalized internal pressure p/E. It generates data for the Equation 32 of the paper by considering different values of ratio of radius and length, i.e., r/l, which is then used to plot the Figure 6(E-F). The Figure 6(E-F) considers a particular value of h/l and cell angle θ.
- The data set generated in the file E2.xlx corresponds to Figure 6B and the data set generated in the file E2_rl.xlx corresponds to Figure 6E.
- The Matlab code file G12_inflatable presents the variation in non-dimensionalized elastic moduli G12/E of hexagonal lattices with non-dimensionalised internal pressure p/E. It generates data for the Equation 53 of the paper which is then used to plot the Figure 5(A-D). Each subplot in Figure 7, i.e., Figure 7 (A-D) considers different combinations of cell configurations (i.e., different values of cell angle θ) for a particular value of h/l.
- The Matlab code file G12_inflatable_rl presents the variation in non-dimensionalized elastic moduli G12/E of hexagonal lattices with non-dimensionalized internal pressure p/E. It generates data for the Equation 53 of the paper by considering different values of ratio of radius and length, i.e., r/l, which is then used to plot the Figure 7(E-F). The Figure 7(E-F) considers a particular value of h/l and cell angle θ.
- The data set generated in the file G12.xlx corresponds to Figure 7C and the data set generated in the file G12_rl.xlx corresponds to Figure 7E.
- The Matlab code files E1_inflatable_reldensity and G12_inflatable_reldensity present the variation of the ratio of the elastic moduli and relative density with internal pressure, (as shown in Figure 8 of the paper), at different values of r/l along with the variation of t/l ratio, with the assumption of thin honeycomb cell walls (t/l ~ ). The Figure shows that the specific properties of the inflatable structures are quite high and the stiffness by weight ratio for inflatable beams can increase up to a thousand times when compared with that of solid circular beams. The Matlab code E1_inflatable_reldensity is used to plot the Figure 8 (A-B) and the Matlab code G12_inflatable_reldensity is used to plot the Figure 8 (C-D) by considering different values of ratio of radius and length, i.e., r/l for a particular value of t/l. The results are presented in non-dimensional forms considering (E1/ρ) / , (E2/ρ) / and (G12/ρ) / for the elastic moduli and p/E for the internal pressure. In the Figure, the subscript s denotes the properties that correspond to that of a solid circular beam.
The data set generated in the file E1_reldensity.xlx corresponds to Figure 8A and the data set generated in the file G12_reldensity.xlx corresponds to Figure 8D.
Descriptions of the figures mentioned above:
- Figure 5: Longitudinal effective Young's modulus for hexagonal inflatable lattices under the influence of air pressure.
- Figure 6: Transverse effective Young's modulus for hexagonal inflatable lattices under the influence of air pressure.
- Figure 7: In-plane effective shear modulus for hexagonal inflatable lattices under the influence of air pressure.
Figure 8: Comparative assessment of specific elastic properties of inflatable lattices with respect to conventional solid lattices.
(Note: For further details regarding the above figures, please refer to the paper titled: Pneumatic elastostatics of multi-functional inflatable lattices: Realization of extreme specific stiffness with active modulation and deployability)