Betula ermanii range-wide provenance trial: Survival, height, diameter, and productivity data
Data files
Apr 22, 2024 version files 265.63 KB
Understanding the response of Betula ermanii populations to climate change is crucial for conservation efforts. Range-wide provenance trials provide valuable insights into local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity, aiding in the maintenance of productivity in boreal and alpine forest ecosystems. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of climate change on survival and productivity of B. ermanii, and to formulate conservation strategies for future climates. Using survival and growth data from provenance trials, models were developed and applied to projected climate scenarios obtained from WorldClim. Results indicated that populations at the southern edge and thermal limit experienced more pronounced declines in survival and productivity compared to others. Particularly, the southern-edge population struggled to survive in situ under severe climate warming, while the high-altitude edge population faced challenges in surviving ex situ. These findings emphasize the necessity of integrating both in situ and ex situ conservation measures tailored to source populations and the severity of climate change. Range-wide provenance trial data provide valuable insights into how climatic responses affect populations, guiding conservation efforts for Betula ermanii in the face of changing environmental conditions.
README: Betula ermanii Range-Wide Provenance Trial: Survival, Height, Diameter, and Productivity Data
* File name: Paing_B.ermanii_data.xlsx
* Authors: Aye Myat Myat Paing
* Other contributors: Takaki Aihara, Yoshihiko Tsumura, Mitsuru Hirota, Toshiya Yoshida, Kousuke Homma, Hajime Kobayashi, Atsuhiro Iio, Nobuhiro Tomaru, Masahiro Takagi, Dai Nagamatsu, Ikutaro Tsuyama, Yoko Hisamoto, Haruhiko Taneda, Susumu Goto
* Date created: 2024-04-04
* Date modified: 2024-04-19
Contact Information
* Name: Aye Myat Myat Paing
* Institution: Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
* Address: 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan
* Email:
Additional Dataset Metadata
* Funding sources: JSPS-KAKENHI 21H04732
Dates and Locations
* Dates of data collection: Data were collected from autumn 2020 and autumn 2023
* Geographic locations of data collection: Data was collected in 11 sites in Japan (Paing et al.,2023).
Methodological Information
*Deciduous broad-leaved boreal species, Betula ermanii, inhabit natural forests in Japan's sub-alpine zones.
* Seeds were gathered from 11 natural populations spanning Japan.
* Saplings were cultivated in the nursery located within the University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest.
*Between autumn 2019 and spring 2020, a total of 2013 saplings were transplanted to 11 sites throughout Japan.
*Planting was executed utilizing a randomized design approach.
*From autumn 2020 to 2023, assessments including survival counts, height, and diameter measurements were conducted.
*Productivity Index was calculated by multiplying the survival rate and average height of autumn 2023.
Description of the data and file structure
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: raw-data [Paing_B.ermanii_data.xlsx]
Number of columns x rows: 26 x 2013
Colum Name Description
Label: Individual label ID
Site: Planting site name abbreviation
Pop: Seed source population abbreviation
L_planted: Height of seedling after planting (in centimeters) after planting: In increments of 0.1 centimeters.
Analysis: Analyzed: 1, Not Analyzed: 0
surv20au: survival survey results for autumn 2020: Survival 1, Death 0.
L20au: Height (in centimeters) for autumn 2020: In increments of 0.1 centimeters.
D1_20au: In autumn 2020, the diameter at 10 centimeters above ground level, direction 1 in millimeters: In increments of 0.1 millimeters.
D2_20au: In autumn 2020, the diameter at 10 centimeters above ground level, direction 2 in millimeters: In increments of 0.1 millimeters.
rem20au: Remarks for the growth survey in autumn 2020
surv21au: Survival survey results for autumn 2021: Survival 1, Death 0.
L21au: Height (in centimeters) for autumn 2021: in increments of 0.1 centimeters.
D1_21au: In autumn 2021, the diameter at 10 centimeters above ground level, direction 1 in millimeters: In increments of 0.1 millimeters.
D2_21au: In autumn 2021, the diameter at 10 centimeters above ground level, direction 2 in millimeters: In increments of 0.1 millimeters.
rem21au: Remarks for the growth survey in autumn 2021
surv22au: Survival survey results for autumn 2022: Survival 1, Death 0.
L22au: Height (in centimeters) for autumn 2022: in increments of 0.1 centimeters.
D1_22au: In autumn 2022, the diameter at 10 centimeters above ground level, direction 1 in millimeters: In increments of 0.1 millimeters.
D2_22au: In autumn 2022, the diameter at 10 centimeters above ground level, direction 2 in millimeters: In increments of 0.1 millimeters.
rem22au: Remarks for the growth survey in autumn 2022
surv23au: Survival survey results for autumn 2023: Survival 1, Death 0.
L23au: Height (in centimeters) for autumn 2023: in increments of 0.1 centimeters.
D1_23au: In autumn 2023, the diameter at 10 centimeters above ground level, direction 1 in millimeters: In increments of 0.1 millimeters.
D2_23au: In autumn 2023, the diameter at 10 centimeters above ground level, direction 2 in millimeters: In increments of 0.1 millimeters.
rem23au: Remarks for the growth survey in autumn 2023
Number of variables: 16
Variable List: surv20au, L20au, D1_20au, D2_20au, surv21au, L21au, D1_21au, D2_21au, surv22au, L22au, D1_22au, D2_22au, surv23au, L23au, D1_23au, D2_23au
Variable used for data analysis: surv23au, L23au
Missing data codes: NA (not available)
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 2023_avg_data [Paing_B.ermanii_data.xlsx]
Number of columns x rows: 14 x 121
Colum Name Description
site: Planting site name abbreviation
pop: Seed source population abbreviation
num_t: Total number of seedlings at each planting site.
surv23au: Number of seedlings that survived until autumn 2023.
dead23au: Number of seedlings that did not survive until autumn 2023.
surv_rate23au: Survival rate of seedlings at each planting site as of autumn 2023 in percentage.
P23au: Productivity index for autumn 2023.
bio1_s: Annual Mean Temperature of the planting site, sourced from WorldClim version 2.1 (1970-2000) at a 30-second spatial resolution.
bio12_s: Annual Precipitation of the planting site, sourced from WorldClim version 2.1 (1970-2000) at a 30-second spatial resolution.
bio1_p: Annual Mean Temperature of the seed source population, sourced from WorldClim version 2.1 (1970-2000) at a 30-second spatial resolution.
bio12_p: Annual Precipitation of the seed source population, sourced from WorldClim version 2.1 (1970-2000) at a 30-second spatial resolution.
ΔMAT: Annual mean temperature difference between the planting site and the seed source population.
ΔPRT: Annual Precipitation difference between the planting site and the seed source population.
Number of variables: 10
Variable List: surv23au, dead23au, surv_rate23au, P23au, bio1_s, bio12_s, bio1_p, bio12_p, ΔMAT, ΔPRT
Variable used for data analysis: surv23au, dead23au, surv_rate23au, P23au, bio1_s, bio12_s, bio1_p, bio12_p, ΔMAT, ΔPRT
Betula ermanii, a wind-pollinated deciduous tree species, is a significant component of Japan's deciduous broad-leaved forests, particularly prevalent in subalpine regions and forest margins, where it often forms pure forests. Seeds of B. ermanii were gathered during the autumns of 2016 and 2017 from 11 natural populations across its distribution zones. These seeds were grown in the nursery at the University of Tokyo Hokkaido Forest (UTHF) in April 2018. Following two growing seasons, containerized saplings were planted at 11 sites across Japan in autumn 2019 and spring 2020. Each planting site received 20 seedlings per population, with exceptions for Akkeshi (AKS), Goyo-San (GYS), and Choukai-San (CKS). This endeavor resulted in a total of 2013 seedlings (183 seedlings × 11 planting sites). Random planting designs were implemented for each site to mitigate spatial autocorrelation issues. Survival counts, height, and diameter measurements were conducted in autumn from 2020 to 2023. The productivity index was calculated by multiplying the survival rate by the average height of each site. Relative differences in climatic parameters between the planting site and the seed source population were analyzed. To forecast future climate, Mean Annual Temperature (MAT - Bio1) and Annual Precipitation (PRT - Bio12) data were obtained from the WorldClim database (Hijmans et al., 2005). The differences in MAT and PRT between the provenance trials and source populations from 2011 to 2022 were calculated using the equations: ΔMAT = MAT_s – MAT_p, ΔMAT2 = (ΔMAT) ^2, ΔPRT = (PRT_s – PRT_p)/PRT_p, where MAT_s represents the MAT of the planting site, MAT_p denotes the MAT of the seed source population, PRT_s signifies the PRT of the planting site, and PRT_p stands for the PRT of the seed source population.