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Skull shape data for 188 species of living Carnivora

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Meloro, Carlo; Tamagnini, Davide (2021). Skull shape data for 188 species of living Carnivora [Dataset]. Dryad.


There are 5 files. Two include 2D coordinates used to quantify cranium and mandible shape for a sample of 188 averaged Carnivora species. These coordinates are in .NTS format. Another file is the phylogenetic tree employed for this study in nexus format. In Excel there is museum catalog list of all the specimens included in the study while the text file RoutineR.txt include most of the scripts employed in this study with examples on how to run simulations and other analyses. 


The shape coordinates were obtained from a larger sample of digital images via TPSDig subsequently averaged.

The phylogeny was obtained using the 10kTree project while ecological data in Excel were obtained via literature review.

The R routine file was obtained from the history of R data workspace.

Usage notes

Note that the 2D coordinates are obtained after averaging specimens per species using Generalised Procrustes Analysis. As a result these are shape coordinates whose centroid size does not reflect the averaged size of the species. The centroid size values (ordered following the same order as the .NTS files and the phylogeny) are available from the R workspace using the object CScra [averaged size of the cranial data] and CSmand [averaged size of mandible data]. Ecological categories for each species are also available in the R workspace using the object "diet".


Leverhulme Trust, Award: Taxon-free palaeontological methods for reconstructing environmental change

European Community, Award: Ecomorphology of extant African carnivores (BE-TAF 4901)

European Community

European Mobility Program, Award: ERASMUS plus

European Community, Award: Ecomorphology of extant African carnivores (BE-TAF 4901)

European Mobility Program, Award: ERASMUS plus