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Rhodocybe brunneoaurantiaca (sect. Rufrobrunnea, Entolomataceae): A new species from India

Data files

Apr 26, 2021 version files 59.40 KB


We describe a new species of Rhodocybe, R. brunneoaurantiaca, from West Bengal, India. Field photographs of the collected basidiocarps are provided and the new species is compared with its allied taxa based on morphological and molecular (nrITS and nrLSU sequence) data. Rhodocybe brunneoaurantiaca is characterized by clitocyboid basidiomata with a small (25–41 mm), infundibuliform, brownish orange to brown pileus; decurrent, brittle, greyish orange to light brown lamellae; a smooth light brown to brown stipe; ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores; 2–4-spored basidia; cylindrical to slender clavate, flexuous cheilocystidia; and unique sequences. A full description with illustrations, and phylogenetic trees showing the placement of the new species based on molecular sequence data are provided as well as an artificial key to the reported species of Rhodocybe from India.