Data, simulations/projections, and supporting materials for simulated hydrologic responses to climate-change projections for the Lake Tahoe basin: subbasin-scale results
Data files
Sep 15, 2023 version files 4.56 GB
4.56 GB
5.74 KB
5.70 KB
This dataset contains data, simulations, projections, and supporting materials associated with simulated hydrologic responses, at the scale of 60 subbasins comprising the Lake Tahoe Basin, California and Nevada, to a 16-member ensemble of statistically-downscaled projections of climate change, 1950-2099. The process and results are described in detail in
This readme file was generated on 2023-08-06 by M. Dettinger
Title of Dataset: Data, simulations/projections, and supporting
materials for Simulated Hydrologic Responses to Climate-Change
Projections for the Lake Tahoe Basin: Subbasin-scale Results
Contents: This dataset includes a zipped file (5 Gb, expanding to 15 Gb
when opened) containing 1975 files of data, simulations, projections and
supporting materials associated with simulated hydrologic responses, at
the scale of 60 subbasins comprising the Lake Tahoe Basin,
California and Nevada, to a 16-member ensemble of
statistically-downscaled projections of climate change, 1950-2099. The
process and results are described in detail in
Dettinger, M., & Rajagopal, S., 2023, Simulated hydrologic responses to
climate-change projections for the Lake Tahoe Basin: Desert Research
Institute Publication 41292, 99 p.
Along with this large data file, copies of the report above, the
executive summary thereof, and a powerpoint presentation summarizing
results are included here (and in the zipped file).
Author/Principal Investigator Information Name: Michael Dettinger ORCID:
0000-0002-7509-7332 Institution: Desert Research Institute Address: 2215
Raggio Parkway, Reno NV 89512 Email:
Author/Co-investigator Information Name: Seshadri Rajagopal ORCID:
0000-0003-4813-2670 Institution: Desert Desert Research Institute
Address: 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno NV 89512 Email:
Alternate Contact Information Name: Sean McKenna ORCID:
0000-0001-6015-0500 Desert Desert Research Institute Address: 2215
Raggio Parkway, Reno NV 89512 Email:
Date of data collection: 2023-08-06 Geographic location of data
collection: Desert Desert Research Institute, 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno
NV 89512
Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the
data: Funded by California Tahoe Conservancy, Grant # 20 016L
Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Public domain Links to
publications that cite or use the data: pdf of final reports included in
this dataset (see below); also available at
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: none (as of
Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: Higher resolution
projections (>300Gb) available on disks held by Sean McKenna, DRI;
Sudeep Shandra, UNR; Pat Manley, USFS; Robert Larsen, Tahoe Science
Advisory Council; and Whitney Brennan, California Tahoe Conservancy
Was data derived from another source? No
Recommended citation for this dataset:
Dettinger, M.D., and Rajagopal, S., 2023, Data, Simulations/projections,
and Supporting Materials for Simulated Hydrologic Responses to
Climate-Change Projections for the Lake Tahoe Basin: Subbasin-scale
Results: Online data resources, Desert Research Institute, 1975 files.
File List: See below (horizontal line). Are there multiple versions of
the dataset? no
Methods for production and analysis of data (including relevant data
inputs and codes) here described at some length in the corresponding
DRI Publication 41292, and/or in #readme.txt files in
sub-sub-directories throughout.
Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: Chapter 3 of DRI
Publication 41292.
The zipped file contains the data described in associated reports,
including elements, data, and background from the Tahoe Climate-Change
Projections project for your use and in hopes that you will take these
results and recraft them to meet your own needs.
The full reports and executive summary are included here in pdf form:
The historical_verificationflows_online subdirectory contains the data
files used in section 3 of the report, as the raw materials for
assessing the verifications of the historical performance of the PRMS
model (and PRMS_GCM combinations). See the #_README.txt file for more
The key_reports_resources subdirectory contains some background
materials regarding models, past applications, and so on. These elements
can be hard to find, and so have been included here.
The reports_figs_online subdirectory contains raw materials (underlying
data), analysis and formatting codes, and other tidbits associated with
each of the figures in the reports. The idea is that you can rework
them, calculate your own statistics, and change the questions answered
by the report figures using these materials. See README.txt files in
each sub-sub-directory. See readme files in each sub-subdirectory to
navigate all the many data sets, codes, and figures included.
The subbasins_projxns_online subdirectory contains all of the
subbasin-level projections of hydrologic outputs and meteorological
inputs, so that you can do whatever you want or need with the
simulations results at the 60 subbasins at daily levels for all the
simulations. Simple example codes are provided to get you started. See
the #_README.txt file for information about what is here.
The tahoe_figures subdirectory contains pdf (and some png) files for
each of the new figures in the reports. These are about as crisp and
clean as we can offer.
The Tahoe_PRMS.7z file is a compressed copy of the PRMS model used.
The tahoe_subbasins_online.qgs file is a copy of the basic GIS
information for this study as stored by the open-access QGIS software
(used in this study).
Simulations with PRMS hydrologic model of the Lake Tahoe Basin, daily resolutions on 300 m grid, compiled for each of 60 subbasins comprising the whole basin. Models, simulations, model validations, projections, and results described in detail in the subject report (available online and as a pdf file in the top level of this data set).