Oregon hydrologic area agricultural field boundaries and field level and hydrologic unit water-use data
Data files
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The data was developed for the USGS Water-Use and Data Research program grant opportunities G20AS00053 and G21AS00258, combined with fundnig from Oregon Water Resources Department to improve estimates of water use from irrigated lands in Oregon. These data contain attributes of irrigation status, irrigation source type, crop type, irrigation method, assumed irrigation efficiency, irrigation water source, evapotranspiration (ET) data from OpenET, and effective precipitation developed using the USBR ET Demands model. Thee data were aggregated in order to further the development of estimates of applied water at the field-scale.
README: Oregon Statewide ET OpenET Field Boundary and HUC Watershed Geodatabases Processing
Blake Minor - DRI
The Oregon Statewide Evapotranspiration (ET) field boundary file ("Oregon_WUDR_II_DataPackage_Field_Scale.zip") and HUC file geodatabase ("Oregon_WUDR_II_DataPackage_HUC_Summary.zip") contains results of the Phase I and II of the USGS Water-Use and Data Research (WUDR) projects for the state of Oregon. These files contains summaries of ET, effective precipitation, net ET, and additional variables/attributes for the 2016-2022 time period on a per-field and per HUC-8 and HUC-12 basis. Elements of the field level geodatabase include the field boundary feature class, annual summary table CSV's, and relationship classes to relate the table records to the feature class dataset. The HUC file geodatabase contains two feature classes, with one of them being the HUC-8 summaries and the other being the HUC-12 summaries. Google Earth Engine (GEE) and the Python Application Programming Interface (API) were used to generate the OpenET field boundary and HUC summary tables with the following processing steps:
1) Upload the Oregon field boundary dataset (Oregon_Hyd_Area_Ag_Boundaries_20231020.shp) to GEE that contains unique field ID's, acreages, annual crop type information (2016-2021, CDL), irrigation type, irrigation efficiencies, HUC-8 and HUC-12 attributes, OWRD basin number, and gridMET cell ID.
2) Compute spatial averages of the OpenET ensemble monthly ET rate, bias-corrected gridMET reference ET (ETo) rate, fraction of reference ET (EToF), and total gridMET precipitation rate from 2016-2022 at the Nov-Oct time step.
3) Compute the percent of the total field boundary area (pixel area) that is classified as being irrigated by the IrrMapper Irrigated Lands dataset (https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12142328) to determine annual irrigation status (Note: for HUC-8 and HUC-12 summaries, fields were included only if >40% of the pixel area was classified as irrigated for a given year).
4) Pair the OpenET field boundary summaries from the previous steps with monthly crop-specific potential ET (ETc), effecive precipitation (Prz), and net irrigation water requirement (NIWR) estimates from the ET Demands Model using the field's annual crop type and corresponding ET Demands classification.
5) Compute the spatial average of the monthly EToF climatologies from 2016-2021 for gap-filling in step 7.
6) Linearly interpolate monthly EToF for non-consecutive (i.e., isolated) months of missing data.
7) Use the field's EToF climatology to gap-fill consecutive months of missing data.
8) Multiply gap-filled monthly EToF by the corresponding monthly ETo to compute actual ET for the missing months of data.
9) Multiply the field boundary acreage by the spatially averaged monthly ET, ETo, precipitation, Prz, ETc, and NIWR rates to compute volumes.
10) Calculate applied water volumes using the water surplus (when monthly Net ET is negative), carrying forward water surplus each month (i.e., cumulative water surplus), and field irrigation efficiencies (applied water = (Net ET + cumulative water surplus from previous month) / efficiency)
11) Sum all field-level monthly ET, ETo, precipitation, Prz, ETc, and NIWR volumes within each HUC-8 and HUC-12 boundary and filter out non-irrigated fields using the >40% field area classified as being irrigated threshold.
12) Subtract the Prz volume from the ET volume to compute the total net ET volume for the aggregation level.
Output File Formats are as follows:
Field Boundary Feature Class Columns (Oregon_Hyd_Area_Ag_Boundaries_20231020)
OPENET_ID - Unique ID assigned to each field
SOURCECODE - Organization (DRI)
MGRS_TILE - Military Grid Reference System Tile
OWRD - OWRD admin basin number
HUC8_name - HUC-8 name
Acres - Field boundary acreage
ITYPE - Irrigation system type number (0-5)
IRR_EFF - Irrigation efficiency
CROP_[YEAR] - Cropland data layer (CDL) classification for the given year
srctype - Irrigation source type
Field Boundary Annual Summary Tables (e.g., or_openet_ensemble_etdemands_monthly_water_year_shift_1mo_2016_final)
OPENET_ID - Unique ID assigned to each field
HUC8_name - HUC-8 name
HUC8 - HUC-8 number
HUC12_name - HUC-12 name
HUC12 - HUC-12 number
ACRES_FTR_GEOM_[YEAR] - Total field boundary acreage
ACRES_ALL_[YEAR] - Total field boundary acreage
ACRES_IRRIGATED_[YEAR] - Irrigated acreage based on IrrMapper
%IRRIGATED[YEAR] - Percent of total area that is irrigated
CROP_[YEAR] - CDL classification
ETD_[YEAR] - ET Demands Model classification
ET_Fraction_[MONTH]_[YEAR] - monthly fraction of reference ET
ETa_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_in - OpenET ensemble monthly actual ET rate in inches
ETDa_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_in - ET Demands monthly crop-specific potential ET rate in inches
ET_Reference_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_in - Bias-corrected gridMET monthly grass reference ET in inches
PPT_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_in - GridMET monthly total precipitation rate in inches
Peft_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_in - ET Demands monthly effective precipitation (Peft, available for transpiration only) rate in inches
Prz_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_in - ET Demands monthly effective precipitation (Prz, available for both evaporation and transpiration) rate in inches
NIWR_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_in - ET Demands monthly net irrigation water requirement rate in inches
ET_VOLUME_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_acft - OpenET ensemble monthly actual ET volume in acre feet
ETDa_VOLUME_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_acft - ET Demands monthly crop-specific potential ET volume in acre feet
ETO_VOLUME_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_acft - Bias-corrected gridMET monthly grass reference ET volume in acre feet
PPT_VOLUME_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_acft - GridMET monthly total precipitation volume in acre feet
EFF_VOLUME_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_acft - ET Demands monthly Prz volume in acre feet
IRR_CU_VOLUME_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_acft - Monthly net ET volume in acre feet (OpenET ensemble actual ET volume minus ET Demands Prz volume)
NIWR_VOLUME_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_acft - ET Demands monthly net irrigation water requirement volume in acre feet
IRRIGATION_EFFICIENCY - Irrigation efficiency as a decimal value out of 1. 0 means no irrigation efficiency was attributed and applied water calcs are not made
WS_C_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_acft - Cumulative water surplus volume (when net ET is negative and we carry forward any surplus forward month
AW_[MONTH]_[YEAR]_acft - Applied water volume calculated as the sum of the net ET and cumulative water surplus, divided by irrigation efficiency
HUC-8 Summary Table (all years Nov-Oct totals, or_openet_huc8_summaries_irrigated)
HUC8 (huc8_1 or huc_str) - HUC-8 code
HUC8_name - HUC-8 name
ACRES_[YEAR] - Total irrigated acreage for the given year
EFF_[YEAR] - Effective precipitation (Prz) volume for the given year in acre-feet
ET_[YEAR] - Actual ET volume for the given year in acre-feet
IRR_CU_[YEAR] - Net ET (consumptive use from irrigation, ET less Prz) volume for the given year in acre-feet
PPT_[YEAR] - Total gridMET precipitation volume for the given year in acre-feet
areaacres - HUC-8 geometry area in acres
areasqkm - HUC-8 geometry area in square kilometers
loaddate - Upload date
states - List of state abbreviations in which the HUC-8 boundary is located
tnmid - Unique gnis ID of the HUC-8 feature
Shape_Length - HUC-8 geometry length
Shape_Area - HUC-8 geometry area
HUC-12 Summary Table (all years Nov-Oct totals, or_openet_huc12_summaries_irrigated)
HUC12 (huc12_1 or huc_str) - HUC-12 code
HUC12_name - HUC-12 name
ACRES_[YEAR] - Total irrigated acreage for the given year
EFF_[YEAR] - Effective precipitation (Prz) volume for the given year in acre-feet
ET_[YEAR] - Actual ET volume for the given year in acre-feet
IRR_CU_[YEAR] - Net ET (consumptive use from irrigation, ET less Prz) volume for the given year in acre-feet
PPT_[YEAR] - Total gridMET precipitation volume for the given year in acre-feet
areaacres - HUC-12 geometry area in acres
areasqkm - HUC-12 geometry area in square kilometers
loaddate - Upload date
states - List of state abbreviations in which the HUC-12 boundary is located
tnmid - Unique gnis ID of the HUC-12 feature
Shape_Length - HUC-12 geometry length
Shape_Area - HUC-12 geometry area
A single set of draft field boundaries for all agricultural lands were developed to represent the maximum extent of irrigated lands from 1985-2020 (digitized at the 1:5,000 scale). The approach used for this task was relatively straight forward yet time consuming and required careful attention to detail to avoid numerous potential pitfalls. Agricultural field boundaries were developed within a GIS system by modifying existing 2007 USDA Common Land Unit (CLU) data, OWRD drawn field boundaries (e.g., Malheur Lake Basin) and developing field boundaries from scratch where needed. This entailed: 1) using Common Land Unit (CLU) as-is where the quality and representativeness of the linework was deemed suitable; 2) modifying the CLU data to eliminate duplicates, overlaps, and slivers within the linework, and make representative of maximum agricultural extent; 3) manually digitizing new field boundaries where they do not currently exist; and 4) QAQC all results.
Crop type and irrigation status rasters and field-level summaries were derived from the USDA Cropland Data Layer (CDL) (USDA, 2019) and the open-source IrrMapper model (Ketchum et al., 2020). IrrMapper uses a Random Forest (RF) modeling approach to predict four land classes of irrigated agriculture, dryland agriculture, uncultivated lands, and wetlands at an annual time step, and at 30 m spatial resolution across the Western U.S. IrrMapper was used in this project to produce rasters of these classes for 2016-2022. For the attribution of agricultural field boundaries, the native IrrMapper values were aggregated into 2 classifications; a value of ‘1’ representing irrigated conditions and ‘0’ representing non-irrigated conditions. For each year, mapped field polygons were included in HUC-12 ET and irrigated acreage summaries if the irrigation status value was greater than 0.4 (40% of IrrMapper pixels in polygon are classified as irrigated). Crop type classification was based on the mode (i.e., majority) of CDL crop type pixels contained by the individual field geometry.
Irrigation system type was determined based on available data including OWRD place of use, water right, and water source information, high-resolution aerial images, and expert knowledge of agricultural practices in Oregon. The primary sources of imagery used for irrigation system type attribution was sourced from OSIP acquired in 2017 and 2018 at ~0.3m (1 ft pixel resolution) (State of Oregon: Oregon Geospatial Enterprise Office - Oregon Statewide Imagery Program, n.d.) and the 2020 series of aerial imagery from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) (National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP), 2019) acquired at 60 cm (2 ft pixel resolution). Fields were attributed using the following irrigation system types: 0 - Developed/No longer irrigated; 1 - Sprinkler-Pivot-Linear; 2 - Sprinkler-Other (Wheel Line, Hand Line, Solid Set, Big Gun, Travelling Gun, Pods); 3 - Flood-Uncontrolled (Wild Flood) and No Apparent Irrigation Equipment; 4 - Flood-Controlled (Land Leveling, Borders, Basins, Furrows); 5 - Micro (Micro Sprinklers, Drip Lines, Subsurface Drip).
An irrigation efficiency value, assumed to represent the ratio of ET of applied water divided by the total applied water, was assigned to each agricultural field based on the system type attribute. Average values of irrigation efficiency for each system type category were based on values in the Washington Department of Ecology Report “Determining Irrigation Efficiency and Consumptive Use” (Washington State Department of Ecology, 2005).
Fields digitized by the DRI team were attributed by OWRD staff with one of the following irrigation source types: groundwater irrigated (GW), surface water irrigated (SW), or a combination of groundwater and surface water (GW&SW). The geometries represented in the shapefile are attributed using the following categories: 1 =GW irrigated, 2 = SW irrigated, and 3 = Combination.
Estimates of irrigation application rates were developed using spatially averaged field-scale OpenET ensemble ET estimates, effective precipitation developed from ET Demands, and irrigation efficiency attributes collected by OWRD. Application rates were estimated as: Application Rate = (ET – effective precipitation) / irrigation efficiency)
This approach resulted in many timesteps where effective precipitation was greater than ET, which resulted in negative Net ET. This negative Net ET was interpreted as a surplus of water contained within the represented unit of soil. As vegetation response lags irrigation activity, it is a certainty that irrigation or precipitation events occur during one calendar month, with a corresponding increase in ET and vegetation vigor observed in the following month. To account for this asynchronous relationship, negative Net ET was carried over to the following calendar month. This carry-over was repeated until positive Net ET values accounted for the surplus water condition. The applied water calculation was initialized using data developed prior to the 2016 water year, therefore all data associated with 2016 is considered valid.
Beamer, J., & Hoskinson, M. (2021). Historical Irrigation Water Use and Groundwater Pumpage Estimates in the Harney Basin, Oregon, 1991-2018. State of Oregon Water Resources Department.
Bromley, M.; Minor, B. A.; Pearson, C.; Beamer, J.; Dunkerly, C. W.; Ott, T.; Huntington, J. L.; Hoskinson, M. (2023). Evapotranspiration, Net Irrigation Water Requirements, and Reservoir Evaporation Estimates for Oregon. Desert Research Institute – Draft report prepared for Oregon Water Resources Department.
Melton, F. S., Huntington, J. L., Grimm, R., Herring, J., Rollison, D., Erickson, T., Allen, R., Anderson, M., Fisher, J. B., Kilic, A., Senay, G. B., Volk, J., Hain, C., Johnson, L., Ruhoff, A., Blankenau, P., Bromley, M., Carrara, W., Daudert, B., Doherty, C., Dunkerly, C., Friedrichs, M., Guzman, A., Halverson, G., Hansen, J., Harding, J., Kang, Y., Ketchum, D., Minor, B., Morton, C., Ortega-Salazar, S., Ott, T., Ozdogan, M., ReVelle, P. M., Schull, M., Wang, C., Yang, Y., & Anderson, R. G. (2021). OpenET: Filling a critical data gap in water management for the western United States. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58(6): 971-994. https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12956
National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). (2020). [Data set]. DOI/USGS/EROS. https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/national-agriculture-imagery-program-naip
State of Oregon: Oregon Geospatial Enterprise Office - Oregon Statewide Imagery Program. (n.d.). https://www.oregon.gov/geo/Pages/imagery.aspx
USDA NRCS. (1993). Part 623 National Engineering Handbook, Chapter 2, Irrigation Water Requirements.
Washington State Department of Ecology, 2005, Determining Irrigation Efficiency and Consumptive Use: Washington State Department of Ecology GUID-1210.