High specificity of symbiont-conferred resistance in an aphid-parasitoid field community
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Host-parasite coevolution is mediated by genetic interactions between the antagonists and may lead to reciprocal adaptation. In the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae fabae, resistance to parasitoids can be conferred by the heritable bacterial endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa. H. defensa has been shown to be variably protective against different parasitoid species, and different genotypes of the black bean aphid’s main parasitoid Lysiphlebus fabarum. However, these results were obtained using haphazard combinations of laboratory-reared insect lines with different origins, making it unclear how representative they are of natural, locally (co)adapted communities. We therefore comprehensively sampled the parasitoids of a natural A. f. fabae population and measured the ability of the five most abundant species to parasitize aphids carrying the locally prevalent H. defensa haplotypes. H. defensa provided resistance only against the dominant parasitoid L. fabarum (70% of all parasitoids), but not against less abundant parasitoids, and resistance to L. fabarum acted in a genotype-specific manner (G × G interactions between H. defensa and L. fabarum). These results confirm that strong species- and genotype-specificity of symbiont-conferred resistance is indeed a hallmark of wild A. f. fabae populations, and they are consistent with symbiont-mediated local adaptation of aphids to parasitoids.
README: High specificity of symbiont-conferred resistance in an aphid-parasitoid field community
Authors: Elena Gimmi & Christoph Vorburger
Title: High specificity of symbiont-conferred resistance in an aphid-parasitoid field community
submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society B on June 20, 2023
The study design is explained in the manuscript. For questions please contact gimmielena@gmail.com
This data submission contains two files:
The file analysis_wasp_project_Gimmi_Vorburger.R contains the R code to run all analyses.
The file data_Gimmi_Vorburger.csv contains all data discussed in the paper and has 7 columns:
id: Unique identifier for the experimental unit, that is, one potted plant. The id is a combination of block (left side of the point) and position within the block (right side of the point). There are 240 samples, i.e. 240 ids.
block: 1 out of 10 randomized complete blocks. Each block consisted of 1 plastic tray containing a total of 24 potted and singly covered plants, i.e. experimental units.
aphid: Aphid line. All aphids were genetically identical and differed only in their Hamiltonella infection state: uninfected (a407), infected with Hamiltonella H42 (a407H42) or infected with Hamiltonella H76 (a407H76)
wasp: Parasitoid species or line. Acha (Aphelinus chaonia), Bang (Binodoxys angelicae), Epla (Ephedrus palliator), Pvol (Praon voluter), Lfab1 (Lysiphlebus fabarum line 1), Lfab2 (L. fabarum line 2), Lfab3 (L. fabarum line 3), Lfab5 (L. fabarum line 5).
nr_aphids_day_3: Number of aphid nymphs counted per plant on day 3 of the experiment.
nr_mummies_day_16: Number of mummies counted per plant on day 16 of the experiment.
nr_wasps_hatched: Number of parasitoids hatched from the mummies collected on day 16.
See manuscript.
Usage notes
The data submission contains:
- a .csv file containing all experimental data
- a README containing information to understand the data file
- a .R file containing the code to reproduce the statistical analyses and figures presented in the manuscript