Defeating the 21st century demon 'Cybercrime' on corporate bodies in Nigeria: is security intelligence a weapon? A quantitative study
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Aug 11, 2022 version files 1.42 MB
Aug 16, 2022 version files 1.43 MB
This paper unveils the role of security intelligence in facilitating the war against cybercrime in organizations. it introduces the term cybercrime and security intelligence with financial organizations in Nigeria as the focus of the paper. Since the invention of information and communication technology in Nigeria, citizens have become fascinated and engrossed. Unfortunately, it opened the door for people with malicious intent to attack individuals, organizations, and nations. Thus, the paper views the problem of information vulnerability, finds out the level of cybercrime in financial entities, establishes the type of cybercrime, and assesses security intelligence awareness among staff and customers. The paper employed the simple-random sampling technic, using a primary and secondary source of information, analyzing with frequency counts, percentages, and charts for the demographic variables, and the use of chi-square through SPSS data processing. The Discussion of findings states the ubiquity of cybercrime among financial organizations. It reveals that phishing scams, website spoofing, piracy, ransomware, and Hacking are the top cyber-crime types commonly used. Thus, the administration of security intelligence can reduce internal and external threats in an organization. Furthermore, the paper states that security intelligence intervention is independent of the nature of cybercrime across the organization. However, the paper recommends that organizations need to enlighten their staff and customers with measures to safeguard information against cybercrime with the usage of security intelligence techniques or any other proactive measures.
Dat for the article was collectd via questionnaire