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Efficient sub-pixel fully connected neural network: an intelligent fault diagnosis method for signal resolution enhancement

Data files

Mar 18, 2021 version files 33.40 MB


Using deep learning to augment the dataset has become a hot topic in various fields. That is, to generate a more simulated dataset from the limited dataset. However, the premise of the study is to use high resolution sampling equipment to collect experimental data. In this paper, we propose a simple and effective algorithm -- efficient sub-pixel fully connected neural network (ESPFCN). Different from other data enhance algorithms, ESPFCN does not explicitly generate more simulation data. On the contrary, it performs the fully-connected operation on the original input data and outputs the results of four-channel multi-feature maps. Through the sub-pixel fully connected layer, the data resolution is changed from low to high and increased to 4 times of the original. Finally, two set of bearing and gearbox experiments are set up to evaluate the performance of the generated model. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the ESPFCN model, and the feature learning process of ESPFCN is visualized.