Fitness consequences of anthropogenic subsidies for a partially migratory wading bird
Data files
Aug 29, 2024 version files 56.57 MB
Human activities are forcing wildlife to confront selective pressures different from those under which they evolved. In seasonal environments, migration evolved as an adaptation to fluctuating resource availability. Anthropogenic subsidies modify resource dynamics by providing a steady food source that is not subject to seasonality. Globally, many migratory populations are becoming increasingly resident in response to food supplementation. While these population-level shifts are assumed to arise from changing fitness consequences of individual behavior in response to resource dynamics, these mechanisms are often difficult to quantify and disentangle. Here, we quantified fitness consequences of responses to anthropogenic subsidies in partially migratory wood storks (Mycteria americana) in the heavily urbanized southeastern U.S. First, we tested whether individual migratory behavior is linked to different responses to anthropogenic subsidies. Second, we quantified fitness consequences of these behavioral responses. We found that, in our system, migration and residency are alternative behavioral tactics associated with different responses to food supplementation. In turn, the use of anthropogenic resources alters a fitness component by enhancing nest survival. These results provide a mechanistic examination of how animals may respond to human-modified resource dynamics and how fitness consequences of individual tactics may translate into behavioral shifts at the population level.
README: Fitness consequences of anthropogenic subsidies for a partially migratory wading bird
Description of the data and file structure
This repository contains data used in Picardi, S., Frederick, P.C., Basille, M. “Fitness consequences of anthropogenic subsidies for a partially migratory wading bird”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 2024. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2024.1530
Files and variables
File: GPS_WOST_adults.csv
Description: GPS tracking data for 65 adult wood storks in the Southeastern U.S. from 2005 to 2018
- id: Unique identifier of individual
- burst: Unique identifier of individual-year
- date: Date-time of GPS location
- long: Longitude of GPS location
- lat: Latitude of GPS location
File: mig_yrs.csv
Description: Annual migratory status of the tracked individuals, assigned using methods described in Picardi et al. 2020,
- stork: Unique identifier of individual
- year: Year used to define migratory status
- start: Start date of current year
- end: End date of current year
- choice: Migratory status in current year
Code to reproduce the analysis is included in file and also available at
Access information
The GPS data was derived from the following sources:
- Basille M, Borkhataria RR, Bryan AL, Bucklin DN, Picardi S, Frederick PC. 2021. Data from: Study "Wood stork (Mycteria americana) Southeastern US 2004–2019". Movebank Data Repository.