American white pelican predation on adult sockeye (2014-2023)
Data files
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Adult Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) migrate through the area of the Columbia River, USA, home to the largest breeding colony of American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos). To assess the extent of pelican predation on these salmon, a state-space Bayesian model was employed, estimating predation and survival probabilities with spatial and temporal detail, as well as the annual total of salmon consumed by pelicans. This dataset includes capture-recapture-recovery data, adult salmon counts, and the model code used to generate the predation probabilities, survival probabilities, and yearly estimates of salmon consumed by pelicans.
README: American white pelican predation on adult sockeye (2014-2023)
Description of the data and file structure
Adult sockeye salmon were observed (captured) returning to the Bonneville Adult Fish Facility from 2014-2023, then subsequently observed (recaptured) alive migrating upriver additional adult fish ladders or dead (recovered) at breeding American White Pelican colonies in the Columbia River Basin.
Raw data used in this study was acquired from a publicly available databases DART and PTAGIS (CBR 2023, FPC 2023, PSFMC 2024). All Sockeye Salmon included in this study were captured, handled, and tagged as part of separate, independent studies.
Files and variables
File: laddercounts.csv
Description: Counts of Adult Sockeye Salmon at Bonneville Dam fishways from 2014-2023
- mm/dd: Month and date of observations
- years: 2014-2023
- counts: Number of tagged and untagged adult Sockey Salmon Counted on mm/dd/yyyy at Bonneville Dam fishways
File: CRR.csv
Description: Capture-Recapture-Recovery dataset
- Tag_code: Unique PIT tag code for individual Sockeye Salmon
- Recap: 1 if tagged as juvenile and recaptured at BONAFF; 0 if captured and tagged as Adult at BONAFF
- Smolt_Migration_Year: year of smolt migration (if applicable)
- Smolt_Release_Site: release site of smolt (if applicable)
- Release_HUC: release HUC of smolt (if applicable)
- Release_Basin: release basin of smolt (if applicable)
- Smolt_Release_Date: smolt release date (if applicable)
- Event_length_mm: Length at BONAFF
- BON_Release_year: Year of release at BONAFF
- BON_Release_date: Date of release at BONAFF
- EVENT_DATE1: Date of observation 1 (following release from BONAFF)
- EVENT_SITE1: Site of observation 1
- EVENT_DATE2: Date of observation 2
- EVENT_SITE2: Site of observation 2
- EVENT_DATE3: Date of observation 3
- EVENT_SITE3: Site of Observation 3 and so on...
- Note that empty throughout the CRR dataset is necessary for the code to run properly. Empty cells indicate that no data exists for this field (e.g. an empty cell in column EVENT_DATE2 signifies that individual was not observed at a second Site/Date).
This file conducts the joint mortality-survival analysis described in the manuscript.
Access information
Other publicly accessible locations of the data:
- FPC:
Data was derived from the following sources:
- Columbia Basin Research [CBR]. 2023. Data Access in Real Time [DART]. [Database]. University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. Available from [accessed July 2024].
- Fish Passage Center [FPC]. 2023. COE Adult Fish Counts. [Database]. Available from [accessed July 2024].
- Pacific States Fisheries Marine Commission [PSFMC]. 2024. The Columbia Basin PIT Tag Information System [PTAGIS]. [Database]. Available from [accessed July 2024].