Data from: Population structure of sea-type and lake-type sockeye salmon and kokanee in the Fraser River and Columbia River drainages
Data files
Jun 21, 2018 version files 202.12 KB
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Population structure of three ecotypes of Oncorhynchus nerka (sea-type Sockeye Salmon, lake-type Sockeye Salmon, and Kokanee) in the Fraser River and Columbia River drainages was examined with microsatellite variation, with the main focus as to whether Kokanee population structure within the Fraser River drainage suggested either a monophyletic or polyphyletic origin of the ecotype within the drainage. Variation at 14 microsatellite loci was surveyed for sea-type and lake-type Sockeye Salmon and Kokanee sampled from 121 populations in the two river drainages. An index of genetic differentiation, FST, over all populations and loci was 0.087, with individual locus values ranging from 0.031 to 0.172. Standardized to an ecotype sample size of 275 individuals, the least genetically diverse ecotype was sea-type Sockeye Salmon with 203 alleles, whereas Kokanee displayed the greatest number of alleles (260 alleles), with lake-type Sockeye Salmon intermediate (241 alleles). Kokanee populations from the Columbia River drainage (Okanagan Lake, Kootenay Lake), the South Thompson River (a major Fraser River tributary) drainage populations, and the mid-Fraser River populations all clustered together in a neighbor-joining analysis, indicative of a monophyletic origin of the Kokanee ecotype in these regions, likely reflecting the origin of salmon radiating from a refuge after the last glaciation period. However, upstream of the mid-Fraser River populations, there were closer relationships between the lake-type Sockeye Salmon ecotype and the Kokanee ecotype, indicative of the Kokanee ecotype evolving independently from the lake-type Sockeye Salmon ecotype in parallel radiation. Kokanee population structure within the entire Fraser River drainage suggested a polyphyletic origin of the ecotype within the drainage. Studies employing geographically restricted population sampling may not outline accurately the phylogenetic history of salmonid ecotypes.