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Data of: Imputation-free reconstructions of three-dimensional chromosome architectures in human diploid single-cells using allele-specified contacts


These files are results obtained in
Imputation-free reconstructions of three-dimensional chromosome architectures in human diploid single-cells using allele-specified contacts
by Yoshito Hirata, Arisa H. Oda, Chie Motono, Masanori Shiro & Kunihiro Ohta.

There are 33 files for the corresponding each reconstruction of three-dimensional chromosomone structures
for each cell.
There are 3D structures for 15 GM cells and 18 PBMC cells, which are obtained from the single cell Hi-C data of Tan et al. Science (2018).

For each file, there are 6 columns:
The first column corresponds to the allele (0: maternal, 1: paternal)
The second column corresponds to the chromosome (1-22: chromosome's number, 23: X, 24: Y)
The third column corrsponds to the base point.
The fourth column, the fifth column and the sixth column correspond to x-, y-, and z-axes of our reconstruction.