Data and code from: Thermodynamics underpinning the microbial community-level nitrogen networks
Data files
Jan 30, 2025 version files 39.20 MB
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Nitrogen species often serve as crucial electron donors or acceptors in microbial catabolism, enabling the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Although theoretically any nitrogen redox reactions could be an energy source, it remains unclear why specific reactions are predominantly utilized. This study evaluates energetically superior reactions from 988 theoretically plausible combinations involving 11 nitrogen species, oxygen gas, hydrogen ion, and water. Our analysis of the similarity between this model-based energetically superior network and the actual microbial community-level nitrogen network, reconstructed as a combination of enzymatic reactions, showed increased link overlap rates with thermodynamic weighting on reaction rates. In particular, existing microbial reactions involving solely nitrogen species and additionally oxygen, such as anaerobic ammonia oxidation (ANAMMOX) and complete and partial nitrification, were frequently identified as energetically superior among the examined reactions. The alignment of these reactions with thermodynamically favorable outcomes underscores the critical role of thermodynamics not only in individual metabolic processes but also in shaping the broader network interactions within ecosystems, consequently affecting biodiversity and ecological functions.
README: Hierarchical Structure within the Nnetwork Directory
├── Data
│ ├── DfG0.csv
│ ├── N_reactions.csv
│ ├── N_reactions_not_half.csv
│ └── REDOXlist
│ ├── REDOXlist.csv
│ ├── REDOXlist_Text.csv
│ ├── REDOXlist_kdef.csv
│ ├── divdata_all.csv
│ └── edges_all.csv
├── Programs
│ ├── 0_Make_Redox_reaction_List.nb
│ ├── 1_Preparation.nb
│ ├── 2_err_response.nb
│ ├── 3_time_constrained_response.nb
│ ├── 4_SS_export.nb
│ ├── 5_SS_visualize.nb
│ ├── Fig_2a.nb
│ ├── Fig_3b.nb
│ ├── Fig_S2.nb
│ ├── Fig_S3.nb
│ ├── Functions_X.nb
│ ├── Functions_1.nb
│ ├── Functions_2.nb
│ └── Functions_3.nb
└── Results
└── kdef_XX
└── Iin_YY
└── p_ZZ
Description of Each Directory and File
All CSV files in this directory are used as input data. These files are processed by ../Programs/0_Make_Redox_reaction_List.nb
- Each line contains a string of half-reactions. It is acceptable to include overall redox reactions and blank lines.
- If the first character of a line is "#", it is treated as a comment.
- Insert a space between stoichiometric numbers and chemical formulas; spaces should also be inserted before and after the "+" sign and the "<->" sign, which denotes reversible reactions. Even if the stoichiometric number is 1, it should not be omitted but explicitly noted. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in errors during the execution of
. 0_Make_Redox_reaction_List.nb
extracts only those half-reactions that include the electron denoted by "e" from this file and returns all possible overall redox reactions. Reactions that do not include "e" are ignored.- The script first splits the reaction formula at the "<->" position. Each split segment is further divided at the "+" positions, creating a list of sets of stoichiometric numbers and chemical species.
- Any string can be used as a symbol for chemical species; however, using symbols like "+", "-", "=" will cause an error. If it is necessary to include valence information in the string, using notations like "NH4p1" is recommended.
- The symbols for chemical species are used to reference the standard Gibbs energy change of formation for that species from the "DfG0.csv" file. Therefore, the strings for chemical species in this file and "DfG0.csv" must be identical.
- Add reactions that are not derived from the half-reactions in
but involve nitrogen species dynamics to this file. Leave blank if there are no such reactions. - The notation in the file should follow the same guidelines as
- This table summarizes the chemical species appearing in both
, along with their standard Gibbs energy change of formation. Enter the string of the chemical species in the first column, their state in the second column, and the numerical value of the standard Gibbs energy of formation in the third column. Columns beyond the third are not used in processing and can be used freely for remarks and other notes.
This directory stores CSV files exported from ../Programs/0_Make_Redox_reaction_List.nb
. The files REDOXlist_kdef.csv
or REDOXlist.csv
within this directory are imported and processed by ../Programs/1_Preparation.nb
for further analysis.
- This file contains detailed reaction information formatted for processing in the Wolfram Language, as outlined in the table below. Columns 4, 12, and 13 contain additional data that is not utilized in this study. This list contains partial blanks because some reactions do not involve electron transfer and therefore lack information related to electron exchange.
Column Description 1 Redox or acid-base reaction 2 Number of electrons transferred (if applicable) 3 ΔrGº (kJ/mol-N) 4 ΔrGºe (kJ/mol-e) (if applicable) 5 Forward reaction rate 6 Reverse reaction rate 7 Forward reaction rate constant 8 Reverse reaction rate constant 9 ΔrG 10 Edge of forward reaction 11 Edge of reverse reaction 12 Proportion of each nitrogen species in forward reaction flow 13 Proportion of each nitrogen species in reverse reaction flow REDOXlist_kdef.csv
- This file modifies
by replacing columns 7 and 8 withkdef
(a constant) to simulate scenarios where reaction rates are unaffected by thermodynamic factors, using identical rate constants for all reactions. This list contains partial blanks because some reactions do not involve electron transfer and therefore lack information related to electron exchange.
- This file modifies
- Converts
into more standard notation for chemical equations and functions. The table below details the format and content. This list contains partial blanks because some reactions do not involve electron transfer and therefore lack information related to electron exchange.
Column Description 1 Redox and acid-base reaction 2 Oxidation reaction (if applicable) 3 Reduction reaction (if applicable) 4 Number of electrons moved (if applicable) 5 ΔrGº (kJ/mol-N) 6 ΔrGºe (kJ/mol-e) (if applicable) 7 Forward reaction rate 8 Reverse reaction rate constant 9 ΔrG - Converts
- Contains
for 988 reactions, which includes detailed reaction dynamics data. For function specifics ofdivdata
, see../Programs/Functions_0.nb
- Contains
- Details the proportion of each nitrogen species involved in the flow of 988 reactions. Although this file is created, this file is not utilized in the current study.
This directory contains Mathematica notebooks written in the Wolfram Language. These notebooks were created using Mathematica 12. Each notebook is designed for specific steps or processes, and should be executed in numerical order as indicated by the numbers at the beginning of the file names.
- This notebook creates each file in
.- Specify the absolute path of the Nnetwork directory as the string
and execute theFunctions_0.nb
where functions are defined. - Import
, combine half-reactions comprehensively to obtain a list of all reactions (listall
), and calculate and associate the standard Gibbs energy change for each reaction. - Import
and add all reactions and their standard Gibbs energy changes tolistall
. - Retain only one of any duplicate overall reactions that have the same number of transferred electrons and delete the others.
- Determine the reaction rates for each reaction. Refer to the Methods section in the manuscript.
- Export the resulting files to the
- Specify the absolute path of the Nnetwork directory as the string
Perform numerical differentiation under specified conditions kdef
, Iin
, and p
. Set the reaction rate constant k to kdef when p = "def"
. In this case, import ../Data/REDOXlist/REDOXlist_kdef.csv
; otherwise, import ../Data/REDOXlist/REDOXlist.csv
. The numerical differentiation uses Mathematica's NDSolve
- Create the output directory for generated files:
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/Model
Here, the placeholders represent the Log10 transformed values of each parameter, or the value of p
2. Export model.csv
(differential equation model), init.csv
(initial values), and cond.csv
(parameter conditions).
3. Using these files, perform parallel computations of numerical differentiation with the NDSolve function under specified O2 conditions from ωlist and H+ conditions from hlist. If no errors occur, the results are exported to:
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/O2_[O2 value at calculation time in log10]_H_[H+ value at calculation time in log10].csv
If an error occurs, create an empty file named:
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/err/O2_[O2 value at calculation time in log10]_H_[H+ value at calculation time in log10].csv
If the execution of NDSolve exceeds the timelimit
seconds, the calculation is interrupted, and no results are exported.
Execute this notebook when CSV files exist in the directory ../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/err
to retry numerical differentiation. If no CSV files are present, this notebook can be ignored.
- Retrieve the O2 and H+ conditions from the error CSV files in the directory.
- Retry the numerical differentiation under these conditions with a modified AccuracyGoal.
- If no errors occur, export the results to:
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/O2_[O2 value at calculation time in log10]_H_[H+ value at calculation time in log10].csv
and delete the corresponding error CSV file.
4. Continue retrying until all error CSV files are processed and deleted.
This notebook searches for and retries numerical differentiation for any missing O2 and H+ condition files where the execution of the NDSolve function was previously interrupted.
- Retry the numerical differentiation under the missing conditions with a modified AccuracyGoal.
- If no errors occur, export the results to:
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/O2_[O2 value at calculation time in log10]_H_[H+ value at calculation time in log10].csv
Continue the process until there are no more missing condition files.
Compile the steady-state concentrations from the files located at ../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/O2_[O2 value at calculation time in log10]_H_[H+ value at calculation time in log10].csv
. Calculate the steady-state Gibbs energy changes of reactions (-ΔrG), reaction rates (r), and work (W = -ΔrG * r).
1. Specify H+ Condition:
- Select any H+ condition from the hlist (list of H+ conditions used for calculations).
- Access the file
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/O2_[log value in ωlist]_H_[log value in hlist].csv
. - Retrieve the last line and sort it by {O2 condition, tmax time nitrogen species concentration (e.g., N2, N2H4, etc.)}.
- Export the steady-state concentrations for the specified pH to
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/0Summary/SS/H_[specified H+ log value].csv
2. Calculate reaction rate and Gibbs energy change at steady state:
- Calculate the reaction rate (ri) and the Gibbs energy change (∆rGi) for the i-th reaction in steady state under each O2 and H+ condition: {{r1, ∆rG1}, {r2, ∆rG2}, ..., {r988, ∆rG988}}.
- Export these calculations to
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/0Summary/SS/RRGibbs/O2_[O2 log value]_H_[H+ log value].csv
. - Ensure alignment of rows 2 to 495 with the rightward reactions and rows 496 to 990 with the leftward reactions as per the
3. ri Selected Edges:
- Arrange the data by reaction rate ri and its associated chemical reaction formula i, along with the directed edge and stoichiometric contributions for each.
- Sort the list in descending order of reaction rate and extract the top θ reactions to form a sorted list of {chemical reaction formula', r', edge', edge_weight'}.
- Output the sorted reaction data to
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/0Summary/RateSelectedEdges/[θ value]/Reactions/O2_[O2 log value]_H_[H+ log value].csv
and the edges data to a corresponding edges file.
4. -∆rGi Selected Edges:
- Sort by Gibbs energy change ∆rGi in ascending order and select the top θ where the Gibbs energy change is negative.
- Export as
../Results/kdef_[Log10[kdef] value]/Iin_[Log10[Iin] value]/p_[p value]/0Summary/GibbsSelectedEdges/[θ value]/Reactions/O2_[O2 log value]_H_[H+ log value].csv
and the corresponding edges data.
5. W Selected Edges (when θ ≥ 1):
- Calculate the work done Wi = ri * (-∆rGi) and arrange by work, sorting in descending order.
- Extract and export the top θ elements as detailed reaction and edges files.
6. Power Selected Edges (when θ < 1):
- Calculate total work Wtot = ∑_i max(Wi, 0).
- Obtain top reactions contributing to θ * Wtot and export the detailed reaction and edges files to the respective directories.
This notebook calculates edge overlap rates and generates various figures (e.g., Figures 1, 2b-d, 3a, 4). Note that the figures produced in this notebook may differ slightly from those in the published paper, as the eps files used in the paper were processed further after being generated by this notebook.
- Settings:
- Specify the directory containing the numerical results as
by setting parametersp
. "Other settings" include the definition of several variables and functions essential for calculations and the visualization of graphs. This setup enables the creation of both enzyme-level and community-level network graphs.
- Specify the directory containing the numerical results as
- Steady State Concentrations:
- Visualize the concentrations of each chemical species at steady state along with the combinations of major chemical species compositions. This visualization helps in understanding the distribution and dominance of chemical species under different conditions.
- Power Selected Edges:
- Retrieve and rank top reactions by work done, convert these reactions to edges, and calculate and visualize edge overlap rates. Additionally, visualize key reactions and the pH and O2 conditions under which these reactions were selected as key.
- Rate Selected Edges:
- Identify and rank top reactions by reaction rate, convert these reactions to edges for visualization, and calculate edge overlap rates.
- Gibbs Selected Edges:
- Select top reactions based on negative Gibbs energy changes, convert to edges, and visualize and calculate edge overlap rates.
- Summary of Edge Overlap Rates:
- Arrange and present the figures showing edge overlap rates.
This file compiles all the functions utilized across the various notebooks. For detailed explanations of specific functions and their applications, refer to the descriptions within the file itself.
This notebook is dedicated to visualizing specific figures, denoted as Figure **, used in the paper.
This directory contains the results generated from the programs whose filenames start with numbers from 0 to 4.
The structure of the Results directory is hierarchically organized based on the parameter conditions used in the calculations. It consists of directories named after the log10 values of the kdef and Iin parameters, as well as directories named after the p parameter. Within these directories, the results of numerical differentiation performed under various O2 and H+ concentration conditions are automatically saved as O2_xx._H_yy.csv
Additionally, within the p_ZZ
directories, other subdirectories serve specific functions (see Programs
for details):
contains the summary of steady-state analysis results.err
temporarily stores files in cases where numerical computation errors occur.Model
stores the calculation conditions and the system of differential equations in Wolfram format, as described above.
All codes were written in the Wolfram Language platform using Mathematica 12.