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Data for: Positive in situ hybridization for ZIKV RNA in MFI tissues and gravid uteri slides


Zika virus (ZIKV) can be transmitted vertically from mother to fetus during pregnancy, resulting in a range of outcomes, including severe birth defects and fetal/infant death. Potential pathways of vertical transmission in utero have been proposed but remain undefined. Identifying the timing and routes of vertical transmission of ZIKV may help us identify when interventions would be most effective. Furthermore, understanding what barriers ZIKV overcomes to effect vertical transmission may help improve models for evaluating infection by other pathogens during pregnancy. The images included in this dataset belong to a study that aimed to determine the pathways of vertical transmission using a rhesus macaque model. Pregnant rhesus macaques were inoculated with 104 plaque forming using (PFA) of an African-lineage ZIKV isolate (ZIKV-DAK) at gestational day 30 (term is 165 days). Maternal-fetal interface and gravid uteri were evaluated for ZIKV RNA using in situ hybridization (ISH). The included images are the maternal fetal interface tissues and coronal sections evaluated for ZIKV via ISH, areas were ZIKV RNA was detected have pink/red staining. The pattern of infection observed in the maternal-fetal interface provides evidence of vertical ZIKV transmission through the fetal membranes.