Data from: Phylogeny of xerophilic aspergilli (subgenus Aspergillus) and taxonomic revision of section Restricti
Data files
Oct 10, 2017 version files 3.91 MB
beta-tubulin alignmnent of sect. Restricti.fas
88.70 KB
calmodulin alignmnent of sect. Restricti.fas
129.85 KB
concatenated alignmnent of sect. Restricti.fas
620.69 KB
concatenated alignmnent of subg. Aspergillus.fas
202.74 KB
partitioned analysis of sect. Restricti tree.pdf
997.39 KB
partitioned analysis of subg. Aspergillus tree.pdf
62.28 KB
rDNA ID region alignmnent of sect. Restricti.fas
217.58 KB
README_for_beta-tubulin alignmnent of sect. Restricti.txt
133 B
README_for_calmodulin alignmnent of sect. Restricti.txt
131 B
README_for_concatenated alignmnent of sect. Restricti.txt
397 B
README_for_concatenated alignmnent of subg. Aspergillus.txt
297 B
README_for_partitioned analysis of sect. Restricti tree.txt
438 B
README_for_partitioned analysis of subg. Aspergillus tree.txt
499 B
README_for_rDNA ID region alignmnent of sect. Restricti.txt
145 B
README_for_RNA polymerase beta alignmnent of sect. Restricti.txt
140 B
README_for_Stacey (penicillioides clade).txt
249 B
README_for_Stacey (restrictus, conicus, vitricola clades).txt
269 B
133 B
RNA polymerase beta alignmnent of sect. Restricti.fas
156.03 KB
Stacey (penicillioides clade).xml
345.32 KB
Stacey (restrictus, conicus, vitricola clades).xml
360.43 KB
729.64 KB
Aspergillus section Restricti together with sister sect. Aspergillus (formerly Eurotium) comprises osmophilic species, that are able to grow on substrates with low water activity and in extreme environments. We adressed the monophyly of both sections within subgenus Aspergillus and applied a multidisciplinary approach for definition of species boundaries in sect. Restricti. The monophyly of sections Aspergillus and Restricti was tested on a set of 102 taxa comprising all currently accepted species and was strongly supported by Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inferrence (BI) analysis based on coding regions of β-tubulin (benA), calmodulin (caM) and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (RPB2) loci. More than 300 strains belonging to sect. Restricti from various isolation sources and four continents were characterized by DNA sequencing, and 193 isolates selected for phylogenetic analyses and phenotypic studies. Species delimitation methods based on multispecies coalescent model were employed on DNA sequences from four loci, i.e., ID region of rDNA (ITS + LSU), caM, benA and RPB2, and supported recognition of 21 species, including 14 new. All these species were also strongly supported in ML and BI analyses. All recognized species can be reliably identified by all four examined genetic loci. Phenotype analysis was performed to support the delimitation of new species, it comprised colony characteristics on seven cultivation media incubated at several temperatures, growth on an osmotic gradient (six media with NaCl concentration from 0 to 25%) and analysis of morphology including scanning electron microscopy. The micromorphology of conidial heads, vesicle dimensions, temperature profiles and growth parameters in osmotic gradient were useful criteria for species identification.