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Data from: The distribution of tree biomass carbon within the pacific coastal temperate rainforest, a disproportionally carbon dense forest

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Apr 26, 2024 version files 26.30 GB

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Spatially explicit global estimates of forest carbon storage are typically coarsely scaled. While useful, these estimates do not account for the variability and distribution of carbon at management scales. We asked how climate, topography, and disturbance regimes interact across and within geopolitical boundaries to influence tree biomass carbon, using the perhumid region of the Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest, an infrequently disturbed carbon dense landscape, as a test case. We leveraged permanent sample plots in southeast Alaska and coastal British Columbia and used multiple quantile regression forests and generalized linear models to estimate tree biomass carbon stocks and the effects of topography, climate, and disturbance regimes. We estimate tree biomass carbon stocks are either 211 (SD = 163) Mg C ha-1 or 218 (SD = 169) Mg C ha-1. Natural disturbance regimes had no correlation with tree biomass but logging decreased tree biomass carbon and the effect diminished with increasing time since logging. Despite accounting for 0.3% of global forest area, this forest stores between 0.63% - 1.07% of global aboveground forest carbon as aboveground live tree biomass. The disparate impact of logging and natural disturbance regimes on tree biomass carbon suggests a mismatch between current forest management and disturbance history.