Soft trade-offs and the stochastic emergence of diversification in E. coli evolution experiments
Data files
Jul 05, 2023 version files 6.19 MB
Laboratory experiments of bacterial colonies (e.g., Escherichia coli) under well-controlled conditions often lead to evolutionary diversification in which (at least) two ecotypes, each one specialized in the consumption of a different set of metabolic resources, branch out from an initially monomorphic population. Empirical evidence suggests that, even under fixed and stable conditions, such an "evolutionary branching'' occurs in a stochastic way, meaning that: (i) it is observed in a significant fraction, but not all, of the experimental repetitions, (ii) it may emerge at broadly diverse times, and (iii) the relative abundances of the resulting subpopulations are variable across experiments. Theoretical approaches shedding light on the possible emergence of evolutionary branching in this type of condition have been previously developed within the theory of "adaptive dynamics''. Such approaches are typically deterministic –or incorporate at most demographic or finite-size fluctuations which become negligible for the extremely large populations of these experiments– and, thus, do not permit to reproduce the empirically observed large degree of variability. Here, we make further progress and shed new light on the stochastic nature of evolutionary outcomes by introducing the idea of "soft'' trade-offs (as opposed to"hard'' ones). This introduces a natural new source of stochasticity which allows one to account for the empirically observed variability as well as to make predictions for the possibility of evolutionary branching to be observed, thus helping to bridge the gap between theory and experiments.
Data has been created with our own codes. Data has been processed using our own-designed python programs.
Usage notes
Python 3.9 or higher. Data consists of two main folders:
> The 'python' one has the programs to get the data and the plots. In particular:
- has the functions to produce the plots as well as the functions to preprocess the raw data.
- has the functions to produce the simulation data. In particular, it can produce the evolution of the populations we study in phenotypic space for both hard and soft trade-offs.
- have auxiliary functions needed.
- auxiliary module to help visualize the contour feasibility plots.
- and both help visualize in an animated way the evolution of populations in phenotypic space.
- mathscript.wls: contains a Mathematica script. This is no longer needed but was used to solve the differential equations with Mathematica to double-check the solution.
- contains useful functions for plotting.
> The 'results' one where only the needed data for the plots are included:
- aux_data_paperplots: have preprocessed data that is used for all the plots of the paper. In particular:
- (i) result2:
- branching_times: json file with keys indicating the different sigmas ("sigma0", "sigma1", ... with the actual value inside the The values are a couple of the iteration in which the data branched and the file where branching actually happened (e.g. ["iter_1", "29.csv"]).
- fraction_fixed_times.json: file indicating the fraction of acetate scavengers present at the moment of branching. Here the keys are the sigmas as before and then the time moment at which the fraction is measured (e.g. "sigma0": "70").
- (ii) result3:
- branched_realizations.json: json file with an identifier as key (e.g. "V2_0.004_1e-4"": the "V2_0.004" gives the V2 or V_a value in phenotypic space, and "1e-4" indicates the noise amplitude. The values for each key are a list with the realization number in which branching did actually occurred.
- unbranched_realizations.json: same as before but with realizations in which branching did not occur.
- (iii) result4:
- branched_realizations_end.json: file with an identifier as key (e.g. "d_1_40_1.5e-4": the "d_1" part means the first "d" (dilution rate) value, the "40" indicates where the point is located in phenotypic space and "1.5e-4" is the noise amplitude. The values for each key are a list with the realization number in which branching did actually occurred at the maximum evolutionary time.
- branched_realizations_half.json: same as before but for half of the evolutionary time.
- unbranched_realizations_end.json: same as the branching_realizations_end but with realizations in which branching did not occur at the end.
- unbranched_realizations_half.json:same as before but for half of the evolutionary time.
- (i) result5:
- branched_realizations.json: json file with the noise amplitude value as keys (e.g. "3e-04"). The values for each key are a list with the realization number in which branching did actually occurred.
- unbranched_realizations.json: same as before but with realizations in which branching did not occur.
- aux_params.json: contains data defining the soft trade-off parameters as well as the experimental parameters for the realization and some more metadata.
- (i) result2:
- feasibility: contains data needed to produce the contour plots of Fig4 of the article. In particular:
- b1: has .pkl files inside with changing beta value. A file like 2.2222e-11 means beta=1, and the other values of beta follow.
- d: has .pkl files inside changing the dilution rate value. The names indicate the value of d.
- R1_0: same as before but with changing the G_0 glucose concentration inside the media supplying the chemostat.
- R2_0: same as before but adding an A_0 concentration of acetate to the media supplying the chemostat.
Raw data are not included due to the immense amount of files that they entail. They can be generated with the codes given and could be shared upon request.
We have also used Inkscape to join some subplots in a bigger figure (as for Fig2 of the main article).