Data from: Experimental evaluation of spectral efficiency from a circular array antenna producing a Laguerre-Gauss mode
Data files
Dec 14, 2020 version files 8.99 MB
8.99 MB
We present the 4D volumetric electromagnetic field measurements (x, y, z and frequency) of the complex radiated field produced by an 8-element circular antenna array. The array is designed to produce a Laguerre-Gauss (LG) mode l = -1 over the frequency range of 9 - 10 GHz. We evaluate our findings in terms of far-field LG mode purity and spectral efficiency in terms of the QAM modulation scheme that can be supported. The application of LG modes in radio systems is as a means of multiplexing several data streams onto the same frequency, polarisation and time slot, thus making highly spectrally efficient transmission system or enhancing radar systems by means of exploiting mode behaviour as an additional degree of freedom. Our results show that for the circular antenna array, we find that mode purity allows BPSK or QPSK modulation over a 0.3GHz bandwidth. Closer to the antennas’ design frequency, 256QAM modulation may be used over a 0.05 GHz band. We anticipate the practical insights provided in this paper to contribute to the successful design of such systems.
Usage notes
This is a ZIP file containing measured field data relating to the OAM array. It is measured as a grid in X, Y and Z coordinates. Each data file is a CSV files containing date for that location.