Data from: seasonal patterns and processes of migration in a long-distance migratory bird: energy or time minimization?
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Optimal migration theory prescribes adaptive strategies of energy, time or mortality minimization. To test alternative hypotheses of energy and time minimization migration we used multisensory data loggers recording time-resolved flight activity and light for positioning by geolocation in a long-distance migratory shorebird, little ringed plover Charadrius dubius. We could reject the hypothesis of energy minimization based on a relationship between stopover duration and subsequent flight time as predicted for a time minimizer. We found seasonally diverging slopes between stopover and flight durations in relation to the progress (time) of migration, which follows for a time minimizing policy if resource gradients increase and decrease, respectively. Total flight duration did not differ significantly between autumn and spring migration, although spring migration was 6% shorter. Overall duration of autumn migration was longer than that in spring, mainly due to a mid-migration stop in most birds, when they likely initiated moult. Overall migration speed was not significantly different between autumn and spring. Migratory flights often occurred as runs of 2-7 nocturnal flights on adjacent days, which may be countering a time minimization strategy. Other factors may influence a preference for nocturnal migration, such as avoiding flight in turbulent conditions, heat stress, and diurnal predators.
README: Data from: seasonal patterns and processes of migration in a long-distance migratory bird: energy or time minimization
The Xnnn_acc.csv files contain acceleration data for migrating little ringed plovers Charadrius dubius
Description of the data and file structure
The csv-files contain nine columns of data (A-I), where each data row is the summary of acceleration data sampled for one hour, consisting of 12 samples. The data in each column are as follows:
(A) Date and time.
(B) Sequence number. Only of operational interest. The number is a control function that indicates that timing of the sampling routine works as expected. The number represents minutes passed since sampling was activated, truncated to 1 byte, i.e. when minutes is greater than 255, 256 is subtracted. The first values are 60, 120, 180, 240, and then they are 300-256 = 44, 104, 164, and so on.
(C) acc (0), acc(1), .., acc(5), columns C-H: Every 5 minutes a summary is stored for how many of 5 samples indicated active flight, i-5- 0..5. Every hour the distribution of the 12 runs are summarized according to activity level (acc(0), .., acc(5)). If the bird has been motionless during the preceding hour the data will be (12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), and if it has been flying continuously the numbers stored are (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12).
(D) sumAcc (column I): The sum of columns C-H. The value should be 12 when sampling has followed the expected routine; if <12 the logger may have failed to the record data during >0 five minute periods.
The Xnnn_yyyy_mm_dd_1.lux files contain light data for migrating little ringed plovers Charadrius dubius
Description of the data and file structure
The .lux files contain time stamped (UTC) light level measurements on a scale 1..255.
In the loggers deployed in years 2016-2020 light level was measured for five day periods as follows (mmdd): 0715-0720, 0901-0906, 1115-1120, 0201-0206, 0415-0420, 0505-0510, 0715-0720,..
The loggers deployed in 2021 had the following measurement schedule: 0615-0620, 0711-0720, 0901-0910, 1201-1210, 0201-0210, 0301-0310, 0401-0410, 0501-0510, 0615-0620,..
The Little ringed plover reduced data.csv file contains reduced data used for statistical analyses for migrating little ringed plovers Charadrius dubius
Description of the data and file structure
The columns contain data as follows:
A (Rnr) Ring number, Swedish Museum of Natural History
B (Logger) Logger identification code
C (Sex) Sex of bird, male (M) or female (F)
D (Year) Year
E (Season) Autumn (A) or spring (S)
F (day start) Date and time of migratory flight start
G (day stop) Date and time of migratory flight stop
H (flight periods) Number of 5 min periods when flight activity score was 4 or 5 (possible score is 0..6)
I (flight periods excluded) Number of 5 min periods when flight activity score was <4 (possible score is 0..6)
J (flight duration min) Flight duration in minutes
K (flight duration h) Flight duration in hours
L (T2-T1) Time (in hours) between start and stop of migratory flight (difference between columns G and F; always equal or less than flight duration of column J depending on number of activity scores <4).
M (cum flight dur) Cumulated flight duration for the migration season (hours)
N (stopover duration) Time (hours) between consecutive migratory flights. For the first flight of a season the time required to accumulate fuel for the first flight was estimated by assuming a daily fuel deposition rate of 1.3% of the lean body mass.
Q (MigDist) Season specific migration distance (km)
Missing data code: null
The data were collected using custom designed micro data loggers (MDLs) that recored acceleration, light during specified periods, air pressure, and temperature. The loggers were deplyed on little ringed plovers Charadrisu dubois, during the breeding season (May and June) in southern Sweden, and retrived 1-2 years later.
The MDLs were pre-programmed with a calendar defining when to run the light level measurements for position estimates. This approach is different from conventional geolocators in that our loggers only measured sequences of daily light cycles for a limited number of consecutive days. The reduction of measurement periods of light-level substantially reduces the amount of data to be stored and prolongs operation time by minimizing the power consumption. In our study, we ran six measurement periods each of 5 days distributed over one year, starting on 15 July, 1 September, 1 November, 1 February, 15 April, and 5 May. The timing of measurement sequences was selected to match periods of residence previously identified by conventional geolocators (Hedenström et al. 2013).
We used the R software GeoLigth for all steps in the analyses of light level data (Lisovski and Hahn 2012). To annotate twilight events we used the twilightCalc() function and a threshold value of 2 lux. Each twilight event was visually inspected before proceeding. Positions were translated from light measurements into geographical positions using the coord() function. Because light intensity was only measured during a few short periods, appropriate calibrations were not possible. Consequently, we set sun elevation angles to -6° to -5.5° for all but three loggers, which were set to -4°. Adjustments were done by visually inspecting the discrepancy in latitude estimates between the two measurement periods in November and February and for the positions derived in May, when we know that the birds had returned to the breeding sites, adjustment were made to yield positions corresponding to south Sweden. This approach gives a somewhat less certain estimate of wintering positions compared to geolocators recording light continually, but we obtain reasonable estimates of wintering areas and major stopovers provided limited data.
Total migration distances were estimated as the sum of great circle distances between well-defined consecutive stopovers and the breeding/wintering sites. To define stopovers we used light data during periods of residency as revealed by the MDLs (see above).
Acceleration in the Z-axis was sampled every 5 minutes with runs of 10 measurements at 5 time points, each separated by 5s. Each measurement is a sample during 100 ms at 100 Hz in the range ±4g. For each run, the mean of the values was subtracted from each of the 10 measurements to compensate for static gravity, and the recorded acceleration was considered as indicative of flight if at least 3 of the 10 values were greater than g/3, where g is acceleration due to gravity. Each 5-minute sample was assigned the number of runs that indicate flight behavior, i.e. (0, .., 5). Every hour a summary of results from all 12 runs were stored according to the distribution of the samples across the different activity categories (0, .., 5). If the bird is perched and motionless the data stored will be (12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), and if it is flying with continuous wing beats the data are (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12). To illustrate flight activity in graphical actograms the hourly recordings are coded as ‘black’ to represent continuous flapping flight (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12), and ‘white’ to represent no flight (12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), with shades of grey representing intermediate levels of activity (Hedenström et al. 2016; Bäckman et al. 2017).
To identify flight periods based on the accelerometer data we derived weighted hourly activity scores by calculating the sum of each score multiplied by the number of events within each hour. Thus, the lowest score becomes 0 (0 * 12) and the highest possible score is 60 (5 *12). We then identified all hours with a weighted score > 49, which we defined as an activity level corresponding to flapping flight. In almost all cases these hours were associated with sequences of high scores that could be identified as periods of flight. Start and end times of a flight were defined around the above defined flight period by subtracting all measurements (5 min periods) falling under a score of 3. Specifically, for a flight to be defined as ended zero-scores must be present during that hour. Thus, the starting and end points of flight periods, and hence flight duration, were calculated to a 5-minute resolution, provided that all scores < 3 and all scores >2 were recorded in sequence, respectively. Periods between well-defined flight periods were recorded as stopovers or winter/breeding site residency, depending on season.
In some cases, particularly at the end of flight periods, hourly weighted scores were below 50. In such cases we examined the distribution of the raw activity scores (0-5) and defined the hour as in flight as long as no zero-scores were recorded. If a zero-score was recorded, we looked at the next hour to asses if the bird had landed by summing the number of zeros between the two hours. If that sum was > 11 (corresponding to more than or equal to 1 hour) the bird had landed, if it did not then the bird had continued, and we considered the full sequence as a continuous flight. However, when calculating the duration of the flight all 5 min scores < 3 were omitted.
Bäckman, J., A. Andersson, T. Alerstam, L. Pedersen, S. Sjöberg, K. Thorup, and A. Töttrup. 2017. Activity and migratory flights of individual free-flying songbirds throughout the annual cycle: method and first case study. Journal of Avian Biology 48:309-319.
Hedenström, A., R. H. Klaassen, and S. Åkesson. 2013. Migration of the little ringed plover Charadrius dubius breeding in south Sweden tracked by geolocators. Bird Study 60:466-474.
Hedenström, A., G. Norevik, K. Warfvinge, A. Andersson, J. Bäckman, and S. Åkesson. 2016. Annual 10-month aerial life-phase in the common swift Apus apus. Current Biology 26:3066-3070.
Lisovski, S. and S. Hahn. 2012. GeoLight - processing and analysing light-based geolocator data in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3:1055–1059.