EnderScope: A low-cost 3D printer based scanning microscope for microplastic detection
Data files
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The EnderScope is a novel, low-cost microscope for automated scanning and detection of microplastics in filtered seawater samples. This microscope is based on the mechanics of a low-cost 3D printer (Creality Ender 3). The hotend of the printer is replaced with an optics module, allowing for the reliable and calibrated motion system of the 3D printer to be used for automated scanning over a large area (>20x20 cm).
Here we present the optical and mechanical validtion of the EnderScope. Along with data from some proof of concept experiments that show the EnderScope is capable of detecting plastics in environmental seawater samples.
This README file was generated on 15-11-2023 by Niamh Burke.
- Title of Dataset: EnderScope: A Low-Cost 3D Printer Based Scanning Microscope for Microplastic Detection
- Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Niamh Burke Institution: University College Dublin Address: Dublin, Ireland Email: niamh.burke2@ucdconnect.ie <br> B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
- Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work is financially supported by the School of Medicine, University College Dublin, Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship (GOIPG/2020/1459)
- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
- Links to publications that cite or use the data: Currently under review
- Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
- Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
- Was data derived from another source? No A. If yes, list source(s): NA
- Recommended citation for this dataset:
File List:
- RawData_MainFigures 1.1) Fig5 Raw Data 1.1.1) Fig5_scale.tif 1.1.2) Fig5A.bmp 1.1.3) Fig5B.bmp 1.2) Fig6 Raw Data 1.2.1) Fig6_RawImages 1.2.2) Fig6_stitched.tif 1.2.3) Fig6_stitched_mask.tif 1.2.4) Fig6_Stitched_ParticleDetection.xlsx 1.3) Fig7 Raw Data 1.3.1) Fig7_Fluorescence_BigStitcherInput 1.3.2) Fig7_Fluorescence_RawImages 1.3.3) Fig7_ReflectedLight_BigStitcherInput 1.3.4) Fig7_ReflectedLight_RawImages 1.3.5) Fig7_Fluorescence_ParticleDetection.xlsx 1.3.6) Fig7_Fluorescence_StitchedMask.tif 1.3.7) Fig7_ReflectedLight_ParticleDetection.xlsx 1.3.8) Fig7_ReflectedLight_StitchedMask.tif 1.3.9) Fig7_scale.tif
- RawData_SupplementaryFigures 2.1) S1 Raw Data 2.1.1) 2023-11-06_10-05-45.xml 2.1.2) 2023-11-06_10-06-48.xml 2.1.3) 2023-11-06_10-07-32.xml 2.1.4) Plot_Values_normalized.csv 2.1.5) NeoPixels_Spectrum.png 2.2) S2 Raw Data 2.2.1) S2_AB S2_AB.xlsx S2_Scale_AB.tif S2A_RawImage.tif S2B_RawImage.tif 2.2.2) S2_CD S2_CD.xlsx S2C_RawImage.tif S2C_scale.tif S2D_RawImage.tif S2D_Scale.tif 2.3) S3 Raw Data 2.3.1) S3_RawImage.tif 2.3.2) S3_Scale.tif 2.3.3) S3_WedgeShape.stl 2.4) S4 Raw Data 2.4.1) S4_RawData.xlsx 2.4.2) S4_RawImage.tif 2.5) S5 Raw Data 2.5.1) S5_Plots 2.5.2) S5_RawImages 2.6) S6 Raw Data 2.6.1) S6.xlsx 2.6.2) S6_RawImage.tif 2.7) S7 Raw Data 2.7.1) S7AB_RawImages 2.7.2) S7CD_RawImages 2.7.3) S7.xlsx
Relationship between files, if important:
The raw data supporting the main figures (Fig. 5, Fig. 6, Fig. 7 and Fig. 8) can be found in RawData_MainFigures.zip
Within this zip file are three folders: Fig5 Raw Data, Fig6 Raw Data and Fig7 Raw Data.
'Fig5 Raw Data' contains raw images taken in reflected light and fluorescence mode using the EnderScope, and a scale image.
'Fig6 Raw Data' contains raw scan images, stitched image, stitched binary mask, and an excel file containing the results of particle detection on the stitched binary mask.
'Fig7 Raw Data' contains raw scan images taken in reflected light and fluorescence mode, processed images used in BigStitcher to generate large composite image, stitched binary mask of reflected light and fluorescence images, excel files containing the results of particle detection on the stitched binary masks, and a scale image.
The raw data supporting the supplementary figures (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7) can be found in 'RawData_SupplementaryFigures.zip'.
Within this zip file are eight folders: S1 Raw Data, S2 Raw Data, S3 Raw Data, S4 Raw Data, S5 Raw Data, S6 Raw Data and S7 Raw Data.
'S1 Raw Data' contains the results of measuring the spectra of a Neopixel LED ring with a Rainbow Light MR-16 spectrometer.
'S2 Raw Data' contains two folders 'S2_AB' and 'S2_CD', which contain the raw images and MTF measurements for figure 2 panel A and B and figure 2 panel C and D respectively.
'S3 Raw Data' contains the raw image and scale image used to calculate the depth of field of our system. The stl file for the 3D printed wedge shape used to measure the depth of field of our system is also included.
'S4 Raw Data' contains the raw image and excel file containing the measurements for relative illumination of our system.
'S5 Raw Data' contains the raw images used to measure distortion in our system. The plots generated by the 'Distortion Correction' plugin in Fiji are also included.
'S6 Raw Data' contains the raw image and excel file containing the measurements of spherical aberration in our system.
'S7 Raw Data' contains two folders 'S7AB_RawImages' and 'S7CD_RawImages' which contain the raw images used to calculate the positional deviation in our motion system in the X-axis and Y-axis respectively. An excel table is also included showing the measurement and calculation of positional deviation of our system.
- Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
- Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA i. Why was the file updated? NA ii. When was the file updated? NA
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) A mixture of fluorescent (REAL fluorescent orange PLA filament 1.75mm) and non-fluorescent (Prusament Jet Black PLA 1.75mm, Prusa Research) PLA was imaged using the EnderScope in both reflected white light and fluorescence modes. A block of tree supports was generated using PrusaSlicer (Version 2.6.1) and printed in each colour filament. The support blocks were cut into smaller pieces before being shredded into fine particles using a blender (Texet nutri-vault, BB-6088). These particles were filtered through a 0.6 mm mesh (JBL Artemio 4, Sieve combination). Particles were placed on a dampened filter paper (Whatman 602H1/2, 90 mm diameter, 10312642). The filter paper was not used to filter the samples, but to provide a realistic background for imaging.
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255) for reflected light imaging and green (0, 255, 0) for fluorescence imaging.
Emission Filter (for fluorescence imaging): Red lighting gel from Neewer 35PCS Universal Photography Speedlite 47x77mm Square Full Color Balance Gel Filter Kit.
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) Fig5_scale.tif was used to set the scale for Fig5A.bmp and Fig5B.bmp in Fiji ((Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.14.0/1.54f; Java 1.8.0_172).
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) A mixture of shredded 3D printer filament (PETG, PLA, Nylon and ABS) was shredded further in blender (Texet nutri-vault, BB-6088). Particles were filtered through a 0.6 mm mesh (JBL Artemio 4, Sieve combination) and placed on a dampened filter paper (Whatman 602H1/2, 90 mm diameter, 10312642). The entire filter paper was scanned by the EnderScope in reflected white light mode using the SnakeScan.py script (Parameters used in script are: x_win = 18, y_win = 25, x_step = 6.2, y_step = 4.5, exposure = 5000, wb.gain = 4, 1).
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255).
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) Images were moved to a desktop computer and imported into Fiji ((Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.14.0/1.54f; Java 1.8.0_172). These images were flipped vertically and horizontally in Fiji and the red channel was extracted. A large composite image was generated using the BigStitcher plugin in Fiji (Fig. 6). A gaussian blur filter was applied to the composite image (sigma = 12). The image was then thresholded (manual thresholding, default method) and particle detection was performed in Fiji (Analyse>Analyse Particles). The area, size and circularity (an index of shape) of the detected particles was measured (Fig6_Stitched_ParticleDetection.xlsx).
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Fig6_Stitched_ParticleDetection.xlsx
- Number of variables: 5
- Number of cases/rows: 138
- Variable List: (Note: all measurements have been converted to milimetres)
- Area: Area of selection in square pixels. Area is in calibrated units, such as square millimeters, if Analyze>Set Scale was used to spatially calibrate the image.
- Circ: 4π*area/perimeter^2. A value of 1.0 indicates a perfect circle. As the value approaches 0.0, it indicates an increasingly elongated shape. Values may not be valid for very small particles.
- AR: major_axis/minor_axis. Enable "Fit Ellipse" in Analyze>Set Measurements to have the major and minor axis displayed.
- Round: 4*area/(π*major_axis^2), or the inverse of the aspect ratio.
- Solidity: area/convex area. The Edit>Selection>Convex Hull command makes an area selection convex.
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) A seawater sample was collected from Howth Harbour, Co. Dublin (53°23′35″ N 6°03′59″ W) in October 2023. 1L of seawater was collected at high tide from the surface of the water. The seawater sample was treated with Potassium hydroxide (KOH). KOH flakes (Potassium hydroxide, reagent grade 90% flakes, Sigma Aldrich 484016-1KG) were added to the seawater sample to make a 10% w/vsolution. The sample was left at 60°C overnight. The sample was then filtered through a stainless steel 125 µm sieve (Test Sieve, Endecotts Ltd., 667924). Material collected on the sieve was resuspended in distilled water and neutralised to a pH of ~ 6 with 1M HCl. The resuspended sample was filtered through the metal sieve again and the material on the sieve was covered with Nile Red (0.01mg/ml in methanol, Nile Red for Microscopy, Sigma Aldrich, 72485-100MG) in the dark for 15 minutes. The stained plastics were both washed and resuspended with distilled water and filtered through a filter paper (Whatman 602H1/2, 90 mm diameter, 10312642). The filter paper was left to dry and imaged on the EnderScope using the SnakeScan.py script. The filter paper was scanned in both reflected light and fluorescence mode using the EnderScope (Snake scan parameters: x_win = 17, y_win = 23, x_step = 6.2, y_step = 4.5. Reflected light scan: exposure = 10000000, wb.gain = 3, 1. Fluorescence scan: exposure = 10000000, wb.gain = 3, 1).
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255) and green (0, 255, 0) for fluorescence imaging.
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) Images were moved to a desktop computer and imported into Fiji ((Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.14.0/1.54f; Java 1.8.0_172). Images were flipped horizontally and vertically. The red channel was extracted for fluorescence images and a colour composite was generated for reflected light images. The fluorescence and reflected light images were both stitched into a large composite image with BigSticher. A gaussian blur filter was applied to the composite images (sigma = 12). The imaged were then thresholded (manual thresholding, default method) and particle detection was performed in Fiji (Analyse>Analyse Particles). The area, size and circularity (an index of shape) of the detected particles was measured (Fig7_Fluorescence_ParticleDetection.xlsx, Fig7_ReflectedLight_ParticleDetection.xlsx). #########################################################################
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Fig7_Fluorescence_ParticleDetection.xlsx
- Number of variables: 5
- Number of cases/rows: 154
- Variable List: (Note: all measurements have been converted to milimetres)
- Area: Area of selection in square pixels. Area is in calibrated units, such as square millimeters, if Analyze>Set Scale was used to spatially calibrate the image.
- Circ: 4π*area/perimeter^2. A value of 1.0 indicates a perfect circle. As the value approaches 0.0, it indicates an increasingly elongated shape. Values may not be valid for very small particles.
- AR: major_axis/minor_axis. Enable "Fit Ellipse" in Analyze>Set Measurements to have the major and minor axis displayed.
- Round: 4*area/(π*major_axis^2), or the inverse of the aspect ratio.
- Solidity: area/convex area. The Edit>Selection>Convex Hull command makes an area selection convex.
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Fig7_ReflectedLight_ParticleDetection.xlsx
- Number of variables: 5
- Number of cases/rows: 329
- Variable List: (Note: all measurements have been converted to milimetres)
- Area: Area of selection in square pixels. Area is in calibrated units, such as square millimeters, if Analyze>Set Scale was used to spatially calibrate the image.
- Circ: 4π*area/perimeter^2. A value of 1.0 indicates a perfect circle. As the value approaches 0.0, it indicates an increasingly elongated shape. Values may not be valid for very small particles.
- AR: major_axis/minor_axis. Enable "Fit Ellipse" in Analyze>Set Measurements to have the major and minor axis displayed.
- Round: 4*area/(π*major_axis^2), or the inverse of the aspect ratio.
- Solidity: area/convex area. The Edit>Selection>Convex Hull command makes an area selection convex.
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) Emission spectra of a NeoPixel ring (16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812) was measured using a Rainbow Light MR-16 spectrometer.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) The spectrometer outputs the following XML files (2023-11-06_10-05-45.xml, 2023-11-06_10-06-48.xml, 2023-11-06_10-07-32.xml). The data from these XML files are combined into a CSV file (Plot_Values_normalized.csv). This CSV file is used to create the spectrum plot shown in Fig. S1. #########################################################################
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Plot_Values_normalized.csv
- Number of variables: 3
- Number of cases/rows: 401
- Variable List:
- Red: Intensity of red light from neopixel
- Green: Intensity of green light from neopixel
- Blue: Intensity of blue light from neopixel
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) Fig. S2 A and B: The slanted edge of a black square located on a USAF 1951 resolution test target (Thorlabs, R3L1S4P) was imaged using the EnderScope. Images were taken in reflected light and fluorescence mode.
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255) and green (0, 255, 0) for fluorescence imaging.
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) The SE_MTF_2xNyquist.jar ImageJ/Fiji plugin was used to generate MTF plots of both images
Fig. S2 C and D:
The slanted edge of a black square located on a USAF 1951 resolution test target (Thorlabs, R3L1S4P) was imaged using the EnderScope with the generic
(4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0) objective lens and the Nikon (Nikon CF N Plan Achromat 4X/0.13) objective lens. Images were taken in reflected light mode.
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255).
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length and Nikon CF N Plan Achromat 4X/0.13 objective lens with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) Images are imported into Fiji ((Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.14.0/1.54f; Java 1.8.0_172). The scale is set for each image. The red channel is extracted for each image. The rectangle tool in Fiji is used to select the slanted edge. The SE_MTF_2xNyquist.jar ImageJ/Fiji plugin was used to generate MTF plots of both images (measured in: cycles/pixel, sample size = 32).
The above excel files follow the same format. Output of SE_MTF_2xNyquist.jar MTF plugin (measured in cycles/pixel) is converted to line pairs per millimetre (lp/mm).
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) To assess the DOF of the generic lens, a small 3D printed wedge shape was imaged using the EnderScope in reflected light mode. The wedge was printed in PLA at 0.05 mm layer height, meaning each layer of the wedge is spaced 0.05 mm apart in Z.
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255).
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) N/a
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) To measure the Relative Illumination (RI) of an image taken using the EnderScope, a USAF 1951 resolution test target (Thorlabs, R3L1S4P) was raised on a platform ~ 40 mm above a sheet of white paper. The paper provides a white background for the image. The target is raised above the paper to ensure a consistent and clean background, minimising the influence of any paper imperfections or dust particles on the RI measurement. The EnderScope was focused on a group of lines on the target. Keeping the Z position the same, an image was taken of a blank area of the target. The Neopixel ring was set to white light at maximum intensity.
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255).
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) Images are imported into Fiji ((Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.14.0/1.54f; Java 1.8.0_172). The mean grey value across a diagonal line on the sensor was measured. This was then expressed as a percentage of the maximum grey value measured along this diagonal on the sensor and plotted against the distance in pixels across the sensor.
- Number of variables: 1
- Number of cases/rows: 5070
- Variable List:
- % Brightness: Each grey value is expressed as a percentage of the maximum grey value (148.5764).
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) To measure the effects of distortion on our system A 3 x 3 grid of images was taken of a sample with high contrastand 50% overlap in X and Y. Our chosen sample was a printed picture on card as this has enough contrast and structure to ensure the plugin can detect correspondence points between images.
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255).
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) Images are imported into Fiji ((Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.14.0/1.54f; Java 1.8.0_172). The Distortion Correction plugin was used in Fiji with all default settings.
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) The effects of spherical aberration in our system was measured from an image taken of Thorlabs distortion target (R2L2S3P3) acquired using the EnderScope with the generic objective lens.
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255).
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) Images are imported into Fiji ((Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.14.0/1.54f; Java 1.8.0_172). In Fiji, the pixel intensity (grey value) was measured along a line along the x-axis of the image, starting from mid way through the y-axis of the image. It was ensured this line was passing through the approximate centre of each dot it encountered.
- Number of variables: 1
- Number of cases/rows: 4081
- Variable List:
- Grey Value: Grey Value of each pixel.
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
- Description of methods for data collection or generation (include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used) Two dots were positioned 6 mm away from eachother on a piece of paper. To assess the movement repeatability of the EnderScope, a series of repeated 6mm movements back and forth were performed (29 movements in each direction, 58 movements in total), with an image of the piece of paper acquired after each movement. This was repeated for both x axis and y axis movements.
Aquisition: Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera, 12.3 megapixel, Sony IMX477 sensor.
Illumination: NeoPixel ring, 16x RGB LED, 16xWS2812. Pixels set to white (255, 255, 255).
Optics: 4x 185 Biological Microscope, Standard Plan Achromatic Objective Lens, NA = 0.1 with 60 mm tube length.
- Description of methods used for data processing (describe how the data were generated from the raw or collected data) Images are imported into Fiji ((Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.14.0/1.54f; Java 1.8.0_172). The images acquired were thresholded (manual thresholding, default method). Particle detection was performed (Analyse>Analyse Particles). The centroid of the dot in each image was measured.
- Number of variables: 2
- Number of cases/rows: 58
- Variable List:
- Positional Deviation: Centroid of dot - average co-ordinates of centroid, measured in microns.
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None