Research on the benefits of nature to people: How much overlap is there in citations and terms for ‘nature’ across disciplines?
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- Research on the diverse benefits of nature to people is characterised by a broad range of disciplines involved, encompassing a variety of approaches, methods and terminologies. While a diversity of approaches is valuable, it can lead to difficulties in integrating and sharing findings and could form a barrier to effective knowledge exchange, hindering the development and applications of research outputs.
- As a starting point for this scoping review, we chose four broad research areas (medicine, psychology, education and environment), selected to represent disparate approaches to research on the benefits of nature to people, within and across which to explore overlap in citations and terms used to describe nature.
- We conducted expert consultation and a snowball-based approach to source publications, resulting in a sample of 210 papers, spanning multiple disciplines within each of our four research areas. For each paper, we recorded the discipline of the journal in which it was published (publishing discipline), the discipline of its first author (first-author discipline), the number of times journals of each discipline were cited in its bibliography (cited discipline) and the term(s) used in the paper’s title or abstract to describe the aspect of nature being explored (nature term).
- Cited disciplines were significantly different between publishing and first-author disciplines, with papers from psychology, education and public health citing distinct communities of papers. However, disciplines generally cited a wide range of other disciplines, with articles in medical journals being particularly broadly cited.
- Nature terms were significantly different between publishing and first-author disciplines, with some degree of consistency within disciplines (e.g., education papers consistently used a narrow range of nature terms, such as ‘outdoor learning’). However, there was a notably high range of nature terms used within psychology and public health papers, indicating that research from these disciplines may be particularly prone to being overlooked by search strings.
- The wide range of disciplines cited is encouraging, since this indicates that diverse research areas are generally aware of each other’s work. However, to avoid unnecessary expansion of nature terms and support searchability, we propose four key terms for nature: (‘outdoor learning’ OR ‘outdoor education’), (‘nature’ OR ‘natural’), (‘green space’ OR ‘greenspace’) and (‘biodiversity’ or ‘trees’), which could be used across disciplines. We particularly propose that at least one of these be included in every paper, and all four should be included in review search strings. This is likely to result in better understanding of the valuable, disparate contributions made by different disciplines to this expanding and important topic.
README: Research on the benefits of nature to people: How much overlap is there in citations and terms for ‘nature’ across disciplines?
This dataset is a list of 210 papers, all representing research into the benefits of nature to people, which we used to conduct a scoping review on this topic.
As a starting point for this scoping review, we chose four broad research areas (medicine, psychology, education and environment), selected to represent disparate approaches to research on the benefits of nature to people, within and across which to explore overlap in citations and terms used to describe nature.
We conducted expert consultation and a snowball-based approach to source publications, resulting in this sample of 210 papers, spanning multiple disciplines within each of our four research areas. For each paper, we recorded the discipline of the journal in which it was published (publishing discipline), the discipline of its first author (first-author discipline), the number of times journals of each discipline were cited in its bibliography (cited discipline) and the term(s) used in the paper’s title or abstract to describe the aspect of nature being explored (nature term).
Description of the data and file structure
This dataset comprises three data files: '01_Sample of 210 papers.csv', '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' and '03_Cited disciplines.csv'.
01_Sample of 210 papers.csv
This data file represents the raw data used for this paper.
This column shows the individual numbered paper in our total sample of 210 papers.
This column shows the title of each indiviudal paper.
This column shows whether the nature term (See Column D) used by this paper came from the paper's title or abstract. A paper's abstract was only consulted in no nature term was found in its title.
This columns shows the term(s) used in the paper’s title or abstract to describe the aspect of nature being explored.
This column shows the category into which each nature term was assigned. Options are 'Biodiversity', 'Forest bathing', 'Forest school', 'Green', 'Natural', 'Nature', 'Outdoor', 'Restorative', 'Trees', 'Urban', 'Other' and 'Multiple'. For full details of these categories, see Table 3 of the published paper.
This columnn shows the journal in which each paper was published.
This column contains a URL to each published paper.
This column shows the first author of each published paper.
This column shows the year in which each paper was published.
This column shows the source of each paper. The options are 'initial', 'expert' or 'snowball'.
This column gives extra detail about the source of each paper (See Column J). For 'initial' papers, source detail is 'own selection'. For 'expert'-suggested papers, this column shows the anonymised, consulted expert(s) who suggested the paper. For 'snowball' papers, this column lists the number of the paper (See Column A) whose bibliography each paper was sourced from.
This column shows the research area to which each of the 10 benchmark papers and 47 papers resulting from the expert consultation process were assigned. Options are 'medicine', 'psychology', 'education' and 'environment'. For papers sourced via the snowball process (See Column J), this column lists 'NA'.
This column shows the discipline of the journal in which each paper was published. This was decided from a combination of a journal’s title and scope (title and summary for grey literature, or title and blurb for books). Options are 'biology', 'education', 'environment', 'geography', 'medicine', 'psychology', 'public health', 'science', 'social science' and 'urban planning'.
This column shows the discipline of the first author of each paper. This was decided by looking at a combination of the first author’s affiliation and list of publications. Options are 'conservation', 'education', 'environment', 'geography', 'medicine', 'psychology', 'public health' and 'urban planning'.
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography.
Each of these column headers shows an individual journal, or other type of source, listed in the bibliographies of the 210 papers in the sample. Each columns shows the number of times each of these journals, or other source types, are cited in the bibliographies of each of the 210 papers.
02_Cited journal disciplines.csv
This data file shows details of all individual journals, or other types of sources, listed in the bibliographies of all 210 papers in the sample, including which cited discipline each journal, or other source type, was assigned to and the number of times each was cited across all 210 bibliographies.
This column lists all individual journals, or other types of sources, listed in the bibliographies of all 210 papers in the sample.
This column shows the type of cited source. Options are 'book', 'conference', 'grey literature', 'journal', 'lecture', 'magazine', 'newspaper' and 'software'.
This columns shows the discipline to which each citation is assigned. Options are 'biology', 'education', 'engineering', 'environment', 'geography', 'medicine', 'psychology', 'public health', 'science', 'social science', 'urban planning' and 'other'.
This column shows the number of times each individual journal, or other source type, was cited across the bibliographies of all 210 papers in the sample.
03_Cited disciplines.csv
This data file shows the same information as in '01_Sample of 210 papers.csv', but instead of Columns P-BJF listing the numbers of times each journal, or other source type, was cited in the bibliographies of each of the 210 papers, Columns P-AA show the numbers of times journals, or other types of sources, in each cited discipline category were cited. Categories are 'biology', 'education', 'engineering', 'environment', 'geography', 'medicine', 'other', 'psychology', 'public health', 'science', 'social science' and 'urban planning'.
This column shows the individual numbered paper in our total sample of 210 papers.
This column shows the title of each indiviudal paper.
This column shows whether the nature term (See Column D) used by this paper came from the paper's title or abstract. A paper's abstract was only consulted in no nature term was found in its title.
This columns shows the term(s) used in the paper’s title or abstract to describe the aspect of nature being explored.
This column shows the category into which each nature term was assigned. Options are 'Biodiversity', 'Forest bathing', 'Forest school', 'Green', 'Natural', 'Nature', 'Outdoor', 'Restorative', 'Trees', 'Urban', 'Other' and 'Multiple'. For full details of these categories, see Table 3 of the published paper.
This columnn shows the journal in which each paper was published.
This column contains a URL to each published paper.
This column shows the first author of each published paper.
This column shows the year in which each paper was published.
This column shows the source of each paper. The options are 'initial', 'expert' or 'snowball'.
This column gives extra detail about the source of each paper (See Column J). For 'initial' papers, source detail is 'own selection'. For 'expert'-suggested papers, this column shows the anonymised, consulted expert(s) who suggested the paper. For 'snowball' papers, this column lists the number of the paper (See Column A) whose bibliography each paper was sourced from.
This column shows the research area to which each of the 10 benchmark papers and 47 papers resulting from the expert consultation process were assigned. Options are 'medicine', 'psychology', 'education' and 'environment'. For papers sourced via the snowball process (See Column J), this column lists 'NA'.
This column shows the discipline of the journal in which each paper was published. This was decided from a combination of a journal’s title and scope (title and summary for grey literature, or title and blurb for books). Options are 'biology', 'education', 'environment', 'geography', 'medicine', 'psychology', 'public health', 'science', 'social science' and 'urban planning'.
This column shows the discipline of the first author of each paper. This was decided by looking at a combination of the first author’s affiliation and list of publications. Options are 'conservation', 'education', 'environment', 'geography', 'medicine', 'psychology', 'public health' and 'urban planning'.
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography.
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in a biology journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to biology.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in an education journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to education.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in an engineering journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to engineering.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in an environment journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to environment.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in a geography journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to geography.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in a medicine journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to medicine.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in a journal in the 'other' category. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to other.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in a psychology journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to psychology.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in a public health journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to public health.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in a science journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to science.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in a social science journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to social science.)
This column shows the number of citations in each paper's bibliography that were published in an urban planning journal. (See Table 2 of the published paper for criteria for each cited discipline category, and see '02_Cited journal disciplines.csv' for details of all journals assigned to urban planning.)