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Influence of COVID‑19 on the prognosis and medication compliance of glaucoma patients in the Nile Delta Region

Data files

Sep 14, 2021 version files 38.91 KB


Purpose: To assess the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the medication adherence and follow-up of glaucoma patients in the Nile Delta Region.

Patients and Methods:

Study design: An observational cross-sectional study

Study setting: Nile Delta Region, Egypt

Patients' records (2019-2020; group A) and (2020-2021; group B) were assessed for missed follow-up visits, medication adherence, number of trabeulectomies performed, and number of uncontrolled patients. In addition, a telephone-based questionnaire involving randomly chosen 200 patients from B.G.U. was carried out to clarify the potential causes of poor patients' compliance.

Results: There was a marked decline in the number of newly diagnosed patients and patients on regular follow-up with incidence rates 0.208 and 0.088 in group (A) and group (B), respectively. The number of compliant patients in the second year (group B) decreased, with an incidence rate difference of 0.312. The number of trabeculectomies declined in group (B) with an incidence rate in group (A) 0.131 compared to 0.081 in group (B). On the other hand, the number of uncontrolled glaucoma patients increased in group B with an incidence rate difference -0.231between the two groups. 21.5% of patients who participated in the questionnaire identified financial issues as the leading cause of non-compliance. Comorbidities (19.5%), lockdown and transportation difficulties were also highlighted.

Conclusion: COVID-19 had greatly hampered glaucoma care in the Nile Delta region. As a result, we need to implement new technologies like telemedicine and improve patients' awareness of glaucoma care.