Testing for deterministic succession in metazoan parasite communities of marine fish
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Dec 30, 2020 version files 23.88 KB
A sample of 12,306 marine teleost fish belonging to 95 species from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans were obtained from local fishermen from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), the Gulf of Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula: three localities) and Portugal (Madeira Islands) (samples of two populations of Scomber colias Gmelin, 1789 were analyzed, one from Portugal; Madeira Islands and another from Rio de Janeiro). Samples from the Pacific Ocean were from Chile (five localities) and Peru (two localities). Metazoan parasites were collected according traditional techniques in parasitology. Deterministic sucession was evaluated using seriation with replication to test the hypothesis that succession of parasite community structure is deterministic, thus developing throughout consecutive changes along the fish ontogeny, via a seriated pattern using seriation with replication test of the RELATE analysis implemented in PRIMER 6