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Data and scripts from: Balanced polymorphism fuels rapid selection in an invasive crab despite high gene flow and low genetic diversity


Carcinus maenas is a globally invasive species which spreads and thrives across a range of temperate environments. In the northwestern Pacific, the species has spread across >12 degrees of latitude in 10 years from a single source, following its introduction <35 years ago. Using six locations spanning >1,500 km, we examined genetic structure and selection to temperature using 9,376 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) derived from cardiac transcriptome sequencing.

Data in this repository includes information on sequenced samples (*.csv, *.txt), a cleaned transcriptome assembly after expression filtering (*.fasta), transcriptome annotation from EnTAP (*.tsv), list of transcripts removed from analysis after mapping (*.txt), high-quality SNPs identified from the transcriptome sequencing with GATK (seven files representing different SNP sets used in the analysis; *.vcf), and four custom scripts used in processing SNP data (*.py and *.R).

Raw sequence data is archived in GenBank's SRA. 2015-2016 samples: BioProject ID PRJNA690934 and BioSample IDs SAMN17267686–SAMN17267781. 2011 samples: BioProject ID PRJNA283611 and BioSample IDs SAMN03653390–SAMN03653413.