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Every day mitral valve reconstruction: what has changed over the last 15 years?

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Prof. Dr. Albes, Johannes et al. (2022). Every day mitral valve reconstruction: what has changed over the last 15 years? [Dataset]. Dryad.


Mitral valve reconstruction (MVR) is one of the cardiosurgical procedures which cannot be substituted by any intervention owing to the quality of the quasi-anatomical, physiological repair. However, techniques and strategies have changed over the years. We looked at procedural characteristics and outcome in an all-comer, non-selected cohort of patients at our center.

738 out of 1977 patients were retrospectively analyzed receiving MVR with and without concomitant procedures at one center. The cohort was divided into three periods: P1: 2004-2009 (134 patienst); P2: 2010-204 (294 patients); and P3 : 2015-1019 (310 patients). Clinical data from our own database were compiled. Demographic data, procedural characteristics, outcome data were compiled and case-wise organized (first row: Item-descriptions for respective columns).Statistics were performed: numerical data: Student's-t, Mann-Withney-U, Categorical data: Fisher, X², Cochrane Armitage, Risk-factor analyis, Kendall's Tau, Kaplan-Meier-Survival. The data set is strictly anonymized according to current European data protection law.


15 years retrospective study, single center, clinical data, assessment of late survival, descriptive statistics, numerical data: Student's-t, Mann-Withney-U, Categorical data: Fisher, X2,  Cochrane-Armitage, Risk-factor analysis, Kendall's Tau, Kaplan-Meier-Survival

Data are casewise (rows) organized. Demographic data and procedural items are organized in columns (see item-descrition in the first row).

Note: no patient-sensitive information other than age and sex is provided due to restriction because of European data protection law.

Usage notes

Data are anonymized because they contain patient-sensitive data according to European data protection law