Drone eviction assay raw data from Gilchrist et al for drone weights and eviction rates that have been treated with LPS or not
Data files
Mar 06, 2024 version files 483.50 KB
Across the animal kingdom, males advertise their quality to potential mates. Males of low reproductive quality, such as those that are sick, may be excluded from mating. In eusocial species, there is some evidence that reproductive females gauge the quality of their mates. However, males often spend much more time with non-reproductive females as they are raised or, for some species, when they return from unsuccessful mating flights. Do non-reproductive workers evaluate the quality of male reproductives? Here we address this question using male honey bees (Apis mellifera), called drones, as a model. We generated immune-challenged drones by injecting them with lipopolysaccharide and tested: 1) do workers evict immune-challenged drones from their colony, 2) do cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles, body size, or mass change when drones are immune-challenged, and 3) are these changes used by workers to exclude low quality males from the colony? We found that an immune challenge causes changes in CHC profiles of drones and reduces their body mass. Workers selectively evict small and immune-challenged drones who, themselves, do not self-evict. This work demonstrates that some eusocial males undergo an additional layer of scrutiny prior to mating, one mediated by the nonreproductive worker caste.
README: Drone Eviction Assay Raw Data
Description of the data and file structure
Data consist of 7 files as described with headers below.
Franken - headers "treat, intro, alive, evict, total" treat is LPS or control. Remaining columns are counts of each drone introduced (intro) or found evicted, or alive
Franken_trace_chc - headers: "time, rt, treat": time is retention time. rt is abundance. treat is 24hr (LPS at 24hr), 0ctrl (control at 24hr), or 9frank (LPS-CHC transferred to a control)
geneexpression - headers: "treat, avg, dct, ddct, exp": treat is LPS or control. Remaining columns calculate delta-deltact (ddct) and average log expression of def2 vs control gene.
intros - headers: "id, trial, colony, treatment, intro, alive, evicted, dead, missing": id is trial id, trial is date of test, colony is the introduced colony ID, treatment is either LPS or control. Remaining columns are counts of each drone introduced (intro) or found dead, live, or, evicted, missing
self_eviction - headers: "trial, treat, intro, dead, live, missing": trial is date of test, treat is either LPS or control. Remaining columns are counts of each drone introduced (intro) or found dead, live, or missing
thorax - headers: "colony, fate,treatment,thorax". Colony is colony drone was placed into, fate is either evict or retain, treatment is either LPS or control, thorax is width in mm
weight- weight fo freeze-dried drone in mg