Mitonuclear effects on sex ratio persist across generations in interpopulation hybrids
Data files
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Eukaryotic energy production requires tight coordination between nuclear and mitochondrial gene products. Because males and females often have different energetic strategies, optimal mitonuclear coordination may be sex-specific. Previous work found evidence for sex-specific mitonuclear effects in the copepod Tigriopus californicus by comparing two parental lines and their reciprocal F1 crosses. However, an alternative hypothesis is that the patterns were driven by the parental source of nuclear alleles. Here we test this alternative hypothesis by extending the same cross to F2 hybrids, who receive both maternal and paternal nuclear alleles from F1 hybrids. Results confirm mitonuclear effects on sex ratio, with distorted ratios persisting from the F1 to F2 generations, despite reduced fitness in F2 hybrids. No sex by cross interactions was found for other phenotypic traits measured. Mitochondrial DNA content was higher in females. Both routine metabolic rate and oxidative DNA damage were lower in F2 hybrids than in parentals. The persistence of sex-specific mitonuclear effects, even in the face of F2 hybrid breakdown, attests to the magnitude of these effects, which contribute to the maintenance of within-population mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms.
README: Mitonuclear effects on sex ratio persist across generations in interpopulation hybrids
This dataset accompanies the manuscript entitled "Mitonuclear effects on sex ratio persist across generations in interpopulation hybrids" accepted by the Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
The authors are Suzanne Edmands (, Jacob Denova (, Ben Flanagan (, Murad Jah (, and Scott Applebaum ( All authors contributed to collecting data and writing code.
This study found that mitonuclear effects on sex ratio found in first-generation (F1) hybrids of the copepod Tigriopus californicus also persist in second-generation (F2) hybrids, thus attesting to the magnitude of these effects. Fitness declined in F2 hybrids, as expected, and these F2 hybrids had unexpectedly low routine metabolic rates and DNA damage.
Description of the data and file structure
Data files are Damage_data.csv, MtContent_data.csv, Resp_data.xlsx, Resp_data.csv, Surv_data.xlsx, Surv_data_sheet1.csv, Surv_data_sheet2.csv, Surv_data_sheet3.csv, Surv_data_sheet4.csv, Surv_data_sheet5.csv, Surv_data_sheet6.csv, Surv_data_sheet7.csv,
Script files are Damage.R, MtContent.R, Resp.R, and Surv2b.R
Images are in
Analyses are divided into four parts:
DNA damage analyses use the script file Damage.R and data file Damage_data.csv.
Data for these analyses include each individual's ID ("Name"), "Sex" (male or female), Cross type ("Cross"), "Cross+sex", level of DNA damage ("pg_per_ug"), the standard deviation for DNA damage ("STDEV"), coefficient of variation for DNA damage ("CV%") and DNA quantity ("DNA").
Mitochondrial DNA content analyses use script file MtContent.R and data file MtContent_data.csv.
MtContent_data.csv. Data for these analyses include a name for each assay ("Name"), mitochondrial content for each assay ("Mcontent"), Cross type ("Cross"), "Sex", and average mitochondrial content across replicate assays ("Mcontent_avg"). Empty cells in the "Mcontent_avg" column are necessary for the script to run.
Respiration analyses use script file Resp.R and data file Resp_data.xlsx.
These data are also provided as Resp_data.csv. The 'length' column in this dataset comes from copepod images with label names in the "Label" column. These images are included in, which also includes the ocular micrometer image ("ControlMeasurement.jpg) used for size calibrations. These data are also provided as Resp_data.csv. The 'length' column in this dataset comes from copepod images with label names in the "Label" column. These images are included in, which also includes the ocular micrometer image ("ControlMeasurement.jpg) used for size calibrations. Other columns in the dataset are Cross type ("Cross"), "Sex" (male or female), family ID ("Family"), age of animal in days ("Age (days)"), respiration rate ("Resp"), respiration rate corrected for body length in mm ("mmCorrectedResp"), total protein content ("Protein") and respiration rate corrected for total protein content ("ProteinCorrResp").
Survivorship analyses use script file Surv2b.R and data file Surv_data.xlsx.
The 5 sheets in this xlsx file are also provided as csv files (Surv_data_sheet1.csv etc.).
- Sheet 1 contains background information on the start date for each of the F0 mating dishes.
- Sheet 2 is for F1 crosses and includes cross-type ("Cross"), family ID ("family"), hatching date ("hatch_date"), date when survivors were counted ("count_date"), number of males ("num_males"), number of females ("num_females"), number of males and females combined ("m_and_f"), number of pairs ("num_pairs"), number of juveniles ("num_juveniles") and animals age in days post-hatch ("age").
- Sheet 3 is for F2 crosses and includes cross-type ("Cross"), family ID ("family"), hatching date ("hatch_date"), date when survivors were first counted ("count_date"), age at first count in days ("age1"), number of males ("num_males"), number of females ("num_females"), number of males and females combined ("m_and_f"), number of pairs ("num_pairs"), number of juveniles ("num_juveniles"), date when animals were recounted "recount date" and age when animals were recounted ("age2").
- Sheet 4 is for F1 crosses summed by sex and includes cross-type ("Cross"), family ID ("family"), hatching date ("hatch_date"), date when animals were counted ("count_date"), number of live animals ("num_alive") and sex of the animals ("Sex").
- Sheet 5 is for F2 crosses summed by sex and includes cross-type ("Cross"), family ID ("family"), hatch date ("hatch_date"), count date ("count_date"), age at the first count ("age1"), number of males ("num_males"), number of females ("num_females"), number of males and females combined ("m_and_f"), number of pairs ("num_pairs"), number of juveniles ("num_juv"), day when animals were recounted ("recount date"), age at recount ("age2"), number of males at recount ("num_male2"), number of females at recount ("num_female2"), number alive at the first count ("num_alive1"), number alive at recount ("num_alive2"), the proportion that survived from first count to recount ("prop_surv") and "Sex" (male or female).
- Empty cells in the dataset are necessary for the script to run.