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Data from: DGKα/ζ inhibition lowers the TCR affinity threshold and potentiates anti-tumor immunity

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Kureshi, Rakeeb et al. (2024). Data from: DGKα/ζ inhibition lowers the TCR affinity threshold and potentiates anti-tumor immunity [Dataset]. Dryad.


Checkpoint blockade immunotherapies expand neoantigen- or virus-specific T cells, and poor responsiveness to immunotherapy is associated with lower mutational burden in tumors of non-viral origin. Although mouse models demonstrate that lower affinity T cells recognizing self-antigens can contribute to tumor control if sufficiently activated, therapeutic options for enhancing T cell priming are limited. Diacylglycerol kinases (DGKs) attenuate DAG signaling by converting DAG to phosphatidic acid, thereby suppressing pathways downstream of TCR signaling. Using a novel dual DGK alpha and zeta inhibitor (DGKi), tumor-specific CD8 T cells with different affinities (TRP1high and TRP1low), and a series of altered peptide ligands, we demonstrate that inhibition of DGKα/ζ can lower the signaling threshold for T cell priming. TRP1high and TRP1low CD8 T cells produced more IL-2, IFNγ, and other effector cytokines in the presence of cognate antigen and DGKi. Effector TRP1high- and TRP1low-mediated cytolysis of tumor cells with low antigen load was MHC-restricted, mediated by IFNγ, and augmented by DGKi. Adoptive T cell transfer into mice bearing pancreatic or melanoma tumors synergized with single-agent DGKi or DGKi and αPD1, with increased expansion of low-affinity T cells and increased cytokine production observed in tumor infiltrates of treated mice. Collectively, our findings highlight DGKα/ζ as therapeutic targets for augmenting tumor-specific CD8 T cell function.

README: Data from: DGKα/ζ inhibition lowers the TCR affinity threshold and potentiates anti-tumor immunity

Data for Kureshi et al

Raw Quantitative values for all the figure data sets. Each sheet is labeled with the corresponding figures and corresponding panels are labeled in bold font.

Figure 1. Inhibition of DGKα/ζ in antigen-specific CD8 T cells enhances proliferation and cytokine production in a dose-dependent manner.
Panel A & B. Trp1high CD8 T cells were activated with αCD3/28 antibodies for 5,15,30, and 60 minutes and western blot was conducted for phosphorylated and total ERK1/2 levels. Band intensity values from imageJ are provided in the Excel sheet.

Panel C. Trp1high Cd8 T cells were activated with B cells pulsed with 0, 50, and 500pg/mL peptide at denoted concentrations of DGK inhibitor. Proliferation indices are provided in the Excel sheet and was calculated from CTV staining. Fold change in proliferation was calculated in reference to vehicle-treated group for each peptide concentration.

Panel D. IFNg and IL-2 ELISA were conducted from supernatants from priming assay in panel C. Protein levels from ELISA are provided.

Panel E & F. The same experiments were conducted as panel C and D but with Trp1low CD8 T cells.

Panel G. Trp1high CD8 T cells were activated with B cells pulsed with Trp1 peptide variants. Proliferation index was similarly calculated from CTV staining and provided in the excel sheet. Fold change in proliferation was calculated in reference to vehicle-treated group for each respective peptide variant.

Panel H. IFNg and IL-2 ELISA values from supernatants from panel G priming assay.

Panel I & J. The same experiments were conducted as panel G and H, but with Trp1low CD8 T cells.

Figure 2. DGKα/ζ inhibition in CD8 T cells enhances killing of pancreatic cancer cells

Panel C. Effector Trp1high Cd8 T cells cocultured with B16 zsgreen, C2VTrp1, and C2 zsgreen cells. Celigo imaging cytometer measure zsgreen confluency. Percent cytotoxicity values were calculated from zsgreen confluency and are provided.

Panel D. Supernatants from the cytotoxicity assay in panel C were measured for IFNg, IL-2, TNFa protein levels. Data from ELISA is provided in the excel sheet.

Panel E & F. Same cytotoxicity assay as panel C & D but with effector Trp1low CD8 T cells.

Panel G & H. Same cytotoxicity assay as panel C & D but with effector OT-I CD8 T cells and the addition of B16-OVA tumor cells.

Figure 3. DGKi-mediated cytotoxicity by CD8 T cells occurs even at very low peptide MHC densities

Panel A. MFI values for PD-L1 and MHC-I (H2Kb/Db) surface expression on C2VTrp1 WT and b2m-/- cells in the presence or absence of IFNg.

Panel B. Effector Trp1high CD8 T cells were cocultured with C2VTrp1 WT or b2m-/- with or without IFNg pretreatment. Percent cytotoxicity values are provided.

Panel C. Effector Trp1low cytotoxicity was measured just like in panel B.

Panel D and F. IFNg and TNFa protein levels from Panel B cytotoxicity experiment.

Panel E and G. IFNg and TNFa protein levels from Panel C cytotoxicity experiment.

Panel I. Effector Trp1high T cells cocultured with C2VTrp1 cells and a caspase-3,7 dye. Percent of tumor cells positive for caspase-3,7 activity was measured by a celigo imaging cytometer and is provided.

Figure 4. DGKi-dependent cytotoxicity is mediated by IFN-γ but not perforin

Panel B. Effector Trp1high WT, IFNg-/-, or Prf1-/- CD8 T cells were cocultured with C2VTrp1 tumor cells and percent cytotoxicity values are provided.

Panel C and D. IFNg and TNFa protein levels are provided and were measured from supernatants from panel B's cytotoxicity assay.

Figure 5. Timing of DGKi treatment affects TRP1high cytotoxicity of C2VTrp1 cells

Panel B. Trp1high Cd8 T cells were treated with DGKi at three phases - T cell activation, expansion/differentiation, and coculture with C2VTrp1 tumor cells. Cytotoxicity values are provided after 18 and 48 hours of coculture.

Panel C and D. IFNg and TNFa protein levels are provided and were measured from supernatants collected from panel B's cytotoxicity assay after 48 hours of coculture.

Panel E. Effector Trp1high CD8 T cells were cocultured with C2VTrp1 tumor cells at different T cell:tumor cell ratios. Cytotoxicity values after 48 hours of coculture are provided.

Panel F. Supernatant from Panel E assay were measured for IFNg levels.

Figure 6. DGKi synergizes with αPD-1 therapy to control melanoma and pancreatic tumor growth in an antigen-dependent manner

Panel B and C. Contralateral tumors - C2VTrp1 and C2 WT. Tumor volume measurements are provided.

Panel E. Tumor volume measurements for B16 tumor growth with Trp1high and Trp1low CD8 T cells adoptively transferred into mice one day prior to tumor

Panel F. Survival Curve from Panel E. 1 denotes endpoint for a mouse (this is how graphpad prism requires input of survival data).

Figure 7. DGKi increases proliferation and cytokine production in antigen-specific T cells in mice bearing C2VTrp1 tumors

Panel D. Proliferation indices are provided.

Panel E. Percentage of Trp1high and Trp1low Cd8 T cells out of total number of lymph node cells is provided.

Panel G. Tumor weights of C2VTrp1 tumors 18 days after inoculation.

Panel H. Ratio of the percentage of Trp1high Cd8 T cells to Trp1low CD8 T cells

Panel I. Percentage of Trp1high and Trp1low CD8 T cells from total cells in the tumor.

Panel J-L. Intracellular cytokine staining and the percentage of Trp1high cells that are IFNg, IL-2, or TNFa positive out of all Trp1high and low CD8 T cells.

Panel M-O. Fraction of Trp1low CD8 T cells that IFNg, IL-2, or TNFa positive out of all Trp1high and low CD8 T cells.

Figure S3. IL-2 augments DGKi-mediated proliferation

Panel A. Trp1high CD8 T cells activated for 72 hours in the presence or absence of peptide and/or 100U/mL IL-2. Proliferation indices are provided.

Panel C. Same as panel A, but with Trp1low Cd8 T cells.

Figure S4. DGKi upregulates cytokine transcript and protein expression during T cell priming.

Panel A. Proliferation index from Trp1high T cells activated with 500pg/ml native Trp1 peptide.

Panel B. qPCR fold-change data for IFNg, IL-2, and TNFa transcript levels were measured from Trp1high T cells activated at 24, 48, and 72 hours.

Panel C. ELISA data measuring protein levels of aforementioned three cytokines.

Figure S5. DGKi upregulates Myc expression in Trp1high CD8 T cells in a temporal manner.

Panel A. Trp1high Myc-GFP CD8 T cells were activated and proliferation indices are provided from CTV staining.

Panel B. Percentage of CD8 T cells that are myc-gfp+

Panel C. Myc-GFP MFI

Panel D. Myc expression (MFI) for every division for vehicle-treated Trp1high Cd8 T cells

Panel E. Myc expression (MFI) for every division for DGKi-treated Trp1high Cd8 T cells

Figure S6. Tumor growth is unaffected by DGKi in the absence of antigen-specific T cells.

Panel A and B. B16 and C2VTrp1 confluency over time (24h and 48h time points) in the presence of DGKi but in the absence of antigen-specific Trp1 CD8 T cells.

Panel C and D. Trp1high percent cytotoxicity values when Trp1high Cd8 T cells were cocultured with B16 or C2VTrp1 tumor cells and indicated DGKi concentrations.

Figure S7. DGKi enhances CD8 T cell transcript levels and protein expression during coculture with tumor cells.

Panel A. Percent cytotoxicity data when Trp1high CD8 T cells were cocultured with C2VTrp1 tumor cells in the presence or absence of DGKi.

Panel B. qPCR fold-change data for IL-2, IFNg, and TNFa transcript levels from panel A assay.

Panel C. ELISA protein levels for IL-2, IFNg, and TNFa from panel A assay.

Figure S8. DGKi and aPD-1 in combination decreases CD8 T cell PD-1 expression and increases tumor cell PD-L1 expression.

Panel B. Percentage of PD-L1+ cells out of zsgreen+ cells for the four treatment conditions.

Panel C. PDL1 MFI from zsgreen+ cells

Panel D. Percentage of CD8 T cells that are PD-1+

Panel E. PD-1 MFI from PD1+CD8+ T cells.

Figures S11. Enhanced cytokine production by antigen-specific T cells in DGKi treated mice was not found in the spleen.

Panel A. Percentage of adoptively transferred CD8 T cells found in the spleen from mice bearing C2VTrp1 tumors

Panel B. The ratio of TRP1low to TRP1high cells found in the spleen.

Panel C and D. Frequency of (C) TRP1high or (D) TRP1low producing IL2, IFNγ, and TNFα, was determined via
intracellular cytokine staining.


Methods used are described in detail in the manuscript.


National Science Foundation, Award: Graduate Research Fellowship Program

National Institutes of Health, Award: U01 CA224146-01

National Institutes of Health, Award: 1R01AI158488-01

National Institutes of Health, Award: R01CA177684

National Institutes of Health, Award: 1K08DK114563–01

American Cancer Society

Cancer Research Institute

Melanoma Research Alliance

Bristol-Myers Squibb (United States)

Baruj Benacerraf Fellowship

Hale Center for Pancreatic Cancer Research

Ludwig Center at Harvard

Peter and Ann Lambertus Family Foundation

Fariborz Maseeh Award

National Institutes of Health, Award: R01AI169188-01