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Example data for: FIESTA: A Forest Inventory Estimation and Analysis R package

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Frescino, Tracey (2023). Example data for: FIESTA: A Forest Inventory Estimation and Analysis R package [Dataset]. Dryad.


This dataset is for examples in the Ecography Software Note, FIESTA: A Forest Inventory Estimation and Analysis R package, by Frescino, Tracey S.; Moisen, Gretchen G.; Patterson, Paul, L.; Toney, Chris; White, Grayson W. The examples demonstrate how to generate estimates of forest attributes using three different FIESTA modules: Green Book (GB), Model-Assisted (MA), and Small Area (SA). Included in the dataset are: a geospatial vector shapefile (.shp) of the Middle Bear-Logan Watershed area of interest (AOI); an R sf object (.rds) defining an ecological extent encompassing the AOI, Ecomap Section M331D (Cleland et al. 2007) ; a SQLite database (.db) including FIA plot data downloaded from FIA’s publicly available DataMart ( and subset to the M331D boundary; and five auxiliary spatially-explicit raster layers (.img) clipped to the M331D boundary.


This dataset includes data from several different sources (See table below).


Description and Source

Processing Steps


Overthrust Mountains (M331D) Ecomap Section boundary (Cleland et al. 2007)[Downloaded:2019Oct30]

·  Appended Ecomap Province, Section, Subsection map_unit_symbols attributes

·  Converted to a simple feature

·  Transformed CRS from NAD83 longlat (EPSG:4269) to NAD83 Conus Albers (EPSG:5070)

·  Saved as R object



Most current data from FIA's publicly available DataMart v2.0.1, last updated on November 14, 2022 ([Downloaded:2022Dec8]

·   Use FIESTA function to download FIA data subset to M331D boundary

FIESTA::spGetPlots(bnd = M331D, datsource = "datamart", eval = "custom", eval_opts = list(Cur = TRUE), istree = TRUE, returndata = FALSE, savedata = TRUE, savedata_opts = list(out_fmt = "sqlite", out_dsn = file.path("example_data", paste0("FIApublicCur_M331D2_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d"), ".db"))))

WBDHU10_16010203_LittleBear.shp (*.CPG,*.dbf,*.prj, *.sbn,*.sbx,*.shp, *.shp.xml,*.shx)

Middle Bear-Logan Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), hydrologic unit code (HUC) level 8 (16010203) , including HUC10 watersheds ( ) )[Downloaded:2022Dec7]

·   Subset HUC10 Watershed boundaries from WBDHU10 within HUC8 Watershed.



TOPOFIRE mean annual climatic water deficit - 30yr normals (1981-2010) (Holden et al. 2019)

·  Transformed CRS from NAD83 geographic (EPSG:4269) to NAD83 Albers Equal Area (EPSG:5070)

·  Resampled to 90 meters using NEAREST

·  Clipped to Ecomap M331D boundary

·  Saved as Erdas Imagine format (*.img)


LANDFIRE 2010 30-meter resolution DEM, elevation above mean sea level (in meters)


·  Resampled to 90 meters using NEAREST

·  Clipped to Ecomap M331D boundary

·  Saved as Erdas Imagine format (*.img)


PRISM mean annual precipitation - 30yr normals (1991-2020) (mm*100) ([Downloaded:12/05/2021] (Daly 2002)

·   Transformed CRS from NAD83 geographic (EPSG:4269) to NAD83 Albers Equal Area (EPSG:5070)

·   Resampled to 90 meters using NEAREST

·   Values multiplied by 100

·   Clipped to Ecomap M331D boundary

·   Saved as Erdas Imagine format (*.img)


2016 National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD), Analytical Tree Canopy Cover – Resampled to 90 meters

( [Downloaded:04/06/2019] (Yang et al. 2018)

·  Resampled to 90m using average

·  Clipped to Ecomap M331D boundary

·  Saved as Erdas Imagine format (*.img)


A tree/non-tree lifeform mask (

·   Recoded from LANDFIRE 2014 Existing Vegetation Type (EVT)

·   Resampled 90 meters based on majority value

·   Clipped to Ecomap M331D boundary

·   Saved as Erdas Imagine format (*.img)


  • Cleland, D.T., Freeouf, J.A., Keys, J.E., Jr., Nowacki, G.J., Carpenter, C, McNab, W.H. 2007. Ecological Subregions: Sections and Subsections of the Conterminous United States [1:3,500,000] [CD-ROM]. Sloan,
  • A.M., cartog. Gen. Tech. Report WO-76. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
  • Daly, C. 2002. Climate division normals derived from topographically-sensitive climate grids. 13th AMS Conf. on Applied Climatology, Portland, OR, May 13-16, 177-180 [Date accessed: 2021, Feb 11].
  • Holden Z.A., Jolly W.M., Swanson A., Warren D.A., Jencso K., Maneta M., Landguth E.L. 2019. TOPOFIRE: a topographically resolved wildfire danger and drought monitoring system for the conterminous United States Bull. Am. – Meteorol. Soc. 100: 1607–13.
  • R Core Team. 2023. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
  • Yang, L., et al. 2018. A new generation of the United States National Land Cover Database: Requirements, research priorities, design, and implementation strategies. ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens. 146: 108-123.

Usage notes

All data can be accessed and opened using the R software (R Core Team 2023).