~550-year climate periodicity in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau during the late mid-Holocene: Insights and implications
Data files
May 18, 2023 version files 521.56 KB
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Dec 22, 2023 version files 521.36 KB
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This is the Supporting Information for Li et al. "550-Year Climate Periodicity in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau during the late Mid-Holocene: Insights and Implications" published in Geophysical Research Letters. The data comes from a stalagmite in southwestern China (27° 4' N, 105° 5' E). The dataset includes the speleothem 230Th dating data (Table S1 in Supporting Information S1), the speleothem 230Th dating, 13C, lamina thickness, 18O, Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca data (Table S2), the updated 14C database from archaeological sites in southwestern China (Table S3), the calculated minimal occupation events as the unit of analysis by combining more than one 14C date (Table S4) and the summed 14C probability (SCP) records (Table S5). The Supporting Information S1 includes a pdf file (available through Zenodo) provided also contains details on the methods of all the lab work, the results of the trace elements, the demonstration of annual lamina and application of least-squares fit, the practices of calculating summed 14C probability (SCP) distributions in southwestern China and a discussion on how ENSO and local precipitation can influence the proxies. Additionally, there are supporting figures (Figure S1-S8) for the main text in Supporting Information S1. The speleothem 230Th dating, 13C, lamina thickness, 18O, Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca data in this study are also available in the public paleoclimate database of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/38059).
README: Reference Information
Provenance for this README
- File name: README.md
- Authors: Youwei Li
- Other contributors: Dominik Fleitmann, Xiangli Wang, Carlos Prez-Mejas, Lijuan Sha, Xiyu Dong, Deyuan Wang, Rui Zhang, Xiaoli Qu and Hai Cheng*
- Date created: 2023-05-18
- Date modified: 2023-05-18
Dataset Version and Release History
Current Version:
- Number: 1.0.0
- Date: 2023-05-18
- Persistent identifier: DOI: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4tmpg4fg8
- Summary of changes: n/a
Embargo Provenance:
- Scope of embargo: n/a
- Embargo period: n/a
Dataset Attribution and Usage
Dataset Title: Data for the article "~550-year climate periodicity in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau during the late mid-Holocene: Insights and implications"
Persistent Identifier: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4tmpg4fg8
Dataset Contributors:
- Creators: Youwei Li, Dominik Fleitmann, Xiangli Wang, Carlos Prez-Mejas, Lijuan Sha, Xiyu Dong, Deyuan Wang, Rui Zhang, Xiaoli Qu and Hai Cheng*
Date of Issue: 2022-05-18
Publisher: Wiley
License: Use of these data is covered by the following license: n/a
Suggested Citations:
- Dataset citation: > Youwei Li, Dominik Fleitmann, Xiangli Wang, Carlos Prez-Mejas, Lijuan Sha, Xiyu Dong, Deyuan Wang, Rui Zhang, Xiaoli Qu and Hai Cheng, 2022. Data for the article "~550-year climate periodicity in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau during the late mid-Holocene: Insights and implications", Dryad, Dataset, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.4tmpg4fg8
- Corresponding publication: > Youwei Li, Dominik Fleitmann, Xiangli Wang, Carlos Prez-Mejas, Lijuan Sha, Xiyu Dong, Deyuan Wang, Rui Zhang, Xiaoli Qu and Hai Cheng, 2022. ~550-year climate periodicity in the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau during the late mid-Holocene: Insights and implications. Geophysical Research Letters. Accepted.
Contact Information
- Name: Youwei Li
- Affiliations: Institute of Global Environmental Change, Xi'an Jiaotong University; Institute of Mountain Resources, Guizhou Academy of Sciences
- ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9446-1371
- Email: liyouwei668@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
- Alternate Email: 176774497@qq.com
- Address: e-mail preferred
Additional Dataset Metadata
- This work is supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) grants (41888101 and 42150710534) to HC; NSFC grants (4220021058) and Guizhou Provincial Science and Technology Projects (No. [2020]1Y162) to YL.
Dates and Locations
Dates of data collection: Data collected between 2022-2023
Geographic locations of data collection: Fieldwork conducted in Guizhou province, southwestern China
Other locations pertaining to dataset contents: 230Th dating and trace element lab works were performed at Isotope Laboratory, Xian Jiaotong University; isotope lab works were performed at the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel.
Methodological Information
- Methods of data collection/generation: see Supporting Information S1 for details
Data and File Overview
Summary Metrics
- File count: 4
- Total file size: ~600 KB
- Range of individual file sizes: 40.66 KB - 235.58 KB
- File formats: .xlsx
Naming Conventions
- File naming scheme: named by the order cited in the article
Table of Contents
- Table_S2.xlsx
- Table_S3.xlsx
- Table_S4.xlsx
- Table_S5.xlsx
Unpacking instructions: n/a
Relationships between files/folders: n/a
Recommended software/tools: n/a
File/Folder Details
Details for: Table_S2.xlsx
Description: a excel file containing all of the speleothem stable isotope, trace elements and lamina thickness data included in the study.
Format(s): .xlsx
Size(s): 175.86 KB
Dimensions: 2202 rows x 8 columns
- Depth from top (mm): the depth from the bottom of each layer to the entire top of the speleothem.
- Age (yrs BP): ages before present, where the present is 1950 CE
- Age error: the Age error calculated by the lamina counting (see Text S2 in Supporting Information for details)
- Thickness: the thickness of each lamina
- 18O (): the 18O results, reported by VPDB standard
- 13C (): the 13C results, reported by VPDB standard
- Mg/Ca: the Mg/Ca ratio value
- Sr/Ca: the Sr/Ca ratio value
Missing data codes: blank cells
Details for: Table_S3.xlsx
Description: a excel file containing all of the updated 14C database from archaeological sites in southwestern China. These data were updated from Wang et al., (2014).
Format(s): .xlsx
Size(s): 60.94 KB
Dimensions: 325 rows x 23 columns
- Site name: archaeological site name
- Region: which part of China
- Province, District city/County: Province, district city/County
- Longitude(E): the longitude(E) of the site
- Latitude(N): the latitude(N) of the site
- Elevation(m): the elevation(m) of the site
- Lab code: refer to Wang et al. (2014)
- Material dated: which material used for dating
- 14C age(BP): 14C age before present, where the present is 1950 CE
- 1: 1 error
- Cal20 1 max (cal BP): Intcal20-based calibrated 14C maximum age with 1 error
- Cal20 1 min (cal BP): Intcal20-based calibrated 14C minimum age with 1 error
- Cal20 2 max (cal BP): Intcal20-based calibrated 14C maximum age with 2 error
- Cal20 2 min (cal BP): Intcal20-based calibrated 14C minimum age with 2 error
- Median (cal BP): Intcal20-based calibrated 14C median age
- Method of Sample Analysis: method of sample analysis
- Sample provenience: sample provenience
- Context: context of the sample
- Cultural affiliation: cultural affiliation
- Site type: site type
- Accepted/rejected: accepted/rejected for use in the article
- Reason for exclusion: if rejected, why?
- Data references: data references
Missing data codes: blank cells
Details for: Table_S4.xlsx
Description: the calculated minimal occupation events as the unit of analysis by combining more than one 14C data
Format(s): .xlsx
Size(s): 40.66 KB
Dimensions: 264 rows x 16 columns
- Site: archaeological site name
- Region: which part of China
- Province, District city/County: Province, district city/County
- 14C dates BP: 14C age before present, where the present is 1950 CE
- Precision 1: 1 error
- Lab code: refer to Wang et al. (2014)
- 14C dates BP(occuptaions/averaged dates): the calculated minimal occupation events as the unit of analysis by combining more than one 14C data
- Precision 1: combined error
- X2-Test: df: degree of freedom
- T: T value
- 5% Critical Value: 5% Critical Value
- Calibrated age range (cal BP), 68.2% Probability, from: the minimum of the calibrated age range (68.2% Probability)
- Calibrated age range (cal BP), 68.2% Probability, to: the maximum of the calibrated age range (68.2% Probability)
- Calibrated age range (cal BP), 95.4% Probability, from: the minimum of the calibrated age range (95.4% Probability)
- Calibrated age range (cal BP), 95.4% Probability, to:
- Calibrated median age range (cal BP): the maximum of the calibrated age range (95.4% Probability)
Missing data codes: blank cells
Details for: Table_S5.xlsx
Description: the summed 14C probability (SCP) records
Format(s): .xlsx
Size(s): 235.58 KB
Dimensions: 7263 rows x 3 columns
- age (yrs BP): ages before present, where the present is 1950 CE
- normalized SCP: normalized summed 14C probability distributions
- Savitzky-Golay 100point-smoothed SCP: Savitzky-Golay 100 point-smoothed summed 14C probability distributions
Usage notes
Excel and pdf.