Wetlands as a potential multi-functioning tool to mitigate eutrophication and brownification
Data files
Dec 01, 2023 version files 69.31 KB
Eutrophication and brownification are ongoing environmental problems affecting aquatic ecosystems. Due to anthropogenic changes, increasing amounts of organic and inorganic compounds are entering aquatic systems from surrounding catchment areas, increasing both nutrients, total organic carbon (TOC), and water color with societal, as well as ecological consequences. Several studies have focused on the ability of wetlands to reduce nutrients, whereas data on their potential to reduce TOC and water color is scarce. Here we evaluate wetlands as a potential multi-functional tool for mitigating both eutrophication and brownification. Therefore, we performed a study over 18 months in nine wetlands allowing us to estimate the reduction in concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), TOC, and water color. We show that wetland reduction efficiency with respect to these variables was generally higher during summer, but many of the wetlands were also efficient during winter. We also show that some, but not all, wetlands have the potential to reduce TOC, water color, and nutrients simultaneously. However, the generalist wetlands that reduced all four parameters were less efficient in reducing each of them than the specialist wetlands that only reduced one or two parameters. In a broader context, generalist wetlands have the potential to function as multi-functional tools to mitigate both eutrophication and brownification of aquatic systems. However, further research is needed to assess the design of the generalist wetlands and to investigate the potential of using several specialist wetlands in the same catchment.
README: Wetlands as a potential multi-functioning tool to mitigate eutrophication and brownification
General information
Contains data from 9 different wetlands measured over 18 months. The measurements were taken in both the inlet (inflow) and outlet (outflow) of all wetlands. During periods, some wetlands were dried out or frozen resulting in no water being collected and therefore no measurements could be performed during those months, this is denoted with NA in the datasets.
Wetlands (N): 9\
Sample/measure interval: monthly\
Sample/measurement duration: 18 months (April 2020 until September 2021)\
Wetland location: Scania, Sweden\
Wetland catchment: All nine wetlands differed in catchment size and composition\
File types: Excel working sheet\
Months not possible to sample wetlands are denoted with NA.
Units in datasets: \
µg/L (total phosphorus)\
mg/L (total nitrogen and \
total organic carbon)\
mgPt/L (water color)\
hectares/ha (catchment and land use)\
metres/m (wetland overview)\
m3/s (water flow)
Description of the data and file structure
Title of dataset: Water chemistry\
The dataset contains monthly measured concentrations of water color (mgPt/L), total phosphorus (µg/L), total nitrogen (mg/L) and total organic carbon (mg/L) from the in- and outlet of 9 wetlands over 18 months. The 9 wetlands are separated in 9 different tabs in the excel sheet.
There are nine tabs in the dataset, each tab contains information on one specific wetland. Concentrations of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, total organic carbon and water color is shown for both inflow and outflow, for all wetlands.
Total phosphorus = TP\
Total nitrogen = TN\
Total organic carbon = TOC\
IN = Inlet/Inflow\
OUT = Outlet/Outflow\
NA = not available, not possible to sample the wetland during that month
If the wetlands had either dried out or were completely frozen water could not be collected for that month and it is denoted with NA in the dataset.
Title of dataset: Wetlands_waterflow\
The dataset contains water flow (m3/s) from the in- and outlet of 9 different wetlands, measured monthly over 18 months.
There are nine tabs in the dataset, each tab contains information on one specific wetland.
IN = Inlet/inflow\
OUT = Outlet/outflow\
NA = not available, not possible to sample the wetland during that month
If the wetlands had either dried out or were completely frozen water could not be collected for that month and it is denoted with NA in the dataset.
Title of dataset: Wetlands_catchment\
The dataset contains three tabs; wetland overview, wetland catchment and wetland land use\
In the tab wetland overview, general information about the wetlands is shared, such as depth and if the wetland is a part or whole flow wetland. Part flow means that only part of the water is directed through the wetland whereas whole flow means that all water is directed through the wetland.
In the tab wetland catchment, information on the catchment area for each wetland is shared. In this tab there is information about soil layer as well as forested/agricultural areas.
Furthermore, in the tab wetland land use, the land use in the catchment area is shown.
When there are missing values in the tab wetland catchment and wetland land use, it is because there may not be that specific soil or land use in the catchment area or that it was not possible to determine.
Sharing/Access information
The catchment area for the nine wetlands was determined through depressions of the sink filled 2 m Digital elevation model (DEM) of Sweden (https://www.lantmateriet.se/sv/geodata/vara-produkter/produktlista/markhojdmodell-nedladdning/).
Data of the elevation map and land use for the nine wetlands was obtained from Lantmäteriets open data portal: https://www.lantmateriet.se/sv/geodata/vara-produkter/oppna-data/
The data was collected once a month over 18 months (April 2020 - September 2021) from 9 wetlands. Water samples were collected from the inlet and outlet of the wetlands each month and analysed for total phosphorus, total nitrogen, total organic carbon, and water color. Simultaneously, flow (m/s) and water area of the inlet and outlet were measured. Furthermore, analysis of the catchment and land use was performed. For detailed method description, see connected article.