Data from: Interweaving recurring slope lineae on Mars: Do they support a wet hypothesis?
Data files
May 15, 2024 version files 2.48 GB
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May 15, 2024 version files 2.48 GB
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May 15, 2024 version files 2.48 GB
2.48 GB
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Included in these supplementary materials is a manuscript citation and manuscript keywords for the manuscript “Interweaving Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars: Do They Support a Wet Hypothesis?”, as submitted to the scientific journal Icarus. Also included are two JP2 image files, a digital terrain model (DTM) file, two shapefiles, and forty-eight CSV files that all collectively detail data relating to channel counts and sinuosity measurements for Martian hillslope features known as recurring slope lineae, as manually-identified within Raga Crater in the southern mid-latitudes of Mars.
Two publically-accessible, black-and-white, map-projected, non-orthorectified JP2 image files of recurring slope lineae in Raga Crater were downloaded from the University of Arizona's HiRISE website. These images were then imported into ArcMap 10.7.1, where the channels composing each lineae were manually digitized. Once digitized, attributes of each feature-- including channel counts and the degree of sinuosity-- were catalogued for each recurring slope lineae, allowing for comparison both between features within the same image and between different images.