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Corticosterone and immune responses to dehydration in squamate reptiles

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Nov 14, 2023 version files 56.60 KB


Many environments present some degree of seasonal water limitations; organisms that live in such environments must be adapted to survive periods without permanent water access. Often this involves the ability to tolerate dehydration, which can have adverse physiological effects and is typically considered a physiological stressor. While having many functions, the hormone corticosterone (CORT) is often released in response to stressors, yet increasing plasma CORT while dehydrated could be considered maladaptive, especially for species that experience predictable bouts of dehydration and have related coping mechanisms. Elevating CORT could reduce immunocompetence and have other negative physiological effects. Thus, such species likely have CORT and immune responses adapted to experiencing seasonal droughts. We evaluated how dehydration affects CORT and immune function in eight squamate species that naturally experience varied water limitation.

We tested whether hydric state affected plasma CORT concentrations and aspects of immunocompetence (lysis, agglutination, bacterial killing ability, and white blood cell counts) differently among species based on how seasonally water limited they are and whether this is constrained by phylogeny. The species represented four familial pairs, with one species of each pair inhabiting environments with frequent access to water and one naturally experiencing extended periods (>30 days) with no access to standing water.

The effects of dehydration on CORT and immunity varied among species. Increases in CORT were generally not associated with reduced immunocompetence, indicating CORT and immunity might be decoupled in some species. Interspecies variations in responses to dehydration were more clearly grouped by phylogeny than habitat type.