Data from: Prediction of three years of annual rain attenuation statistics at Ka-band in French Guiana using the Numerical Weather Prediction model WRF
This study highlights the interest in using an Atmospheric Numerical Simulator (ANS) relying on a high-resolution weather forecast model coupled with an ElectroMagnetic Module (EMM) to compute Ka-band rain attenuation statistics in an equatorial region. An optimization of the parametrisation of the Weather Research and Forecasting meteorological model (WRF) is carried out using measurements collected from a propagation experiment carried out by CNES and ONERA near Kourou in French Guiana. Both simulated and experimental annual Complementary Cumulative Distribution Functions (CCDF) of rain attenuation are presented in this dataset.
More specifically, this dataset includes the statistical distribution from both the WRF-EMM model and from the propagation experiment for the years 2017, 2018, 2020 and the whole three-year period.
These statistical distributions have been processed with numerical time series from both the WRF-EMM model and from the experiment.