Curved crease origami at cellular scales enables hyper-extensibility of Lacrymaria olor
Data files
May 28, 2024 version files 17.31 GB
Eukaryotic cells undergo dramatic morphological changes during cell division, phagocytosis, and motility. Fundamental limits of cellular morphodynamics such as how fast or how much cellular shapes can change without harm to a living cell remain poorly understood. Here we describe hyper-extensibility in the single-celled protist Lacrymaria olor, a 40 μm cell which is capable of reversible and repeatable extensions (neck-like protrusions) up to 1500 μm in 20 seconds. We discover that a unique and intricate organization of cortical cytoskeleton and membrane enables these hyper-extensions that can be described as the first cellular scale curved crease origami. Furthermore, we show how these topological singularities including dcones and twisted domain walls provide a geometrical control mechanism for the deployment of membrane and microtubule sheets as they repeatably spool thousands of times from the cell body. We lastly build physical origami models to understand how these topological singularities provide a mechanism for the cell to control the hyper-extensile deployable structure. This new geometrical motif where a cell employs curved crease origami to perform a physiological function has wide-ranging implications in understanding cellular morphodynamics and direct applications in deployable micro-robotics.
README: Curved crease origami and topological singularities enable hyperextensibility of L. olor
The contents of this dataset were used in the associated manuscript. A combination of microscopy (confocal fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, high-speed DIC imaging) and physical models (origami) were all required to understand the ultrastructure of the membrane and cortical cytoskeleton in L. olor. From this data and its characterization and quantification, we were able to discover that the geometry and subcellular architecture within the cell give rise to its unique hunting behavior: rapid, reversible hyper-extensions.
Description of the data and file structure
This dataset contains several forms of data which were used in the manuscript. The file names are labeled by the headers: Figure_CollectionMethod_IdentifyingName.
The Figure 2 headed file contains the alpha-tubulin-stained z-stack of a cell collected using a confocal microscope (Confocal_LacrymariaTubulinCell1.czi). Any .czi files can be opened using ImageJ or FIJI programs.
The Figure 3 headed files are additional confocal z-stacks of tubulin-stained cells labeled Confocal_LacrymariaTubulinCell1.czi and Confocal_LacrymariaTubulinCell3.czi which can be opened using ImageJ or FIJI programs. Additionally, the SEM image Figure3_SEM_Lacrymaria.tif from this figure can be opened using any image viewing software.
All data with Figure 4 headings are TEM sections of fixed Lacrymaria olor cells. The raw data (.mrc files) can be opened for viewing using ImageJ or FIJI. The images can be stitched together using any package, and stitching was done in our paper by downloading IMOD, and running etomo within IMOD on the .mrc files with the .ecd (existing edge displacement) file in the same directory. Each set containing a .mrc, a .mrc.mdoc, and a .ecd file needs to be put in a folder before processing. Additionally, any .jpeg, .png, .mp4, or .tif files can be opened using any image viewing software.
All data with Figure 5 headings come from the origami experiments. Any .jpeg, .png, .mp4, or .tif files can be opened using any image viewing software. Any .csv files can be opened using excel, sheets, or any text editor.
All code and related files are stored in the Zenodo archive.
There are 3 sets of code which are also in this dataset. In Figures 4 and 5 we compute the bending and twisting energies of microtubule ribbons in the helical architecture found in L. olor. There is a script called Figure4_Matlab_Energetics.m which can be run using Matlab, and which requires the measurements in the folders 2Image, 20180725_longstraightcell, 20180725_shortcell. The output data for this is then plotted using the script using Python.
There are additional plotting scripts which are in folders titled TEM_Measurements_Figure4 and TEM_PleatDepthPlots_Figure4. The PleatDepthPlots folder contains measurements of the depths of the Membrane Pleats for two cells. The Measurements folder contains measurements of the number of ribbons found in each pleat. The script as well as measurements made which are required to run the script are in each folder. Both scripts can be run using Python.
The contents of this dataset were used in the associated manuscript. A combination of microscopy (confocal fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, high-speed DIC imaging) and physical models (origami) were all required to understand the ultrastructure of the membrane and cortical cytoskeleton in L. olor. From this data and its characterization and quantification, we were able to discover that the geometry and subcellular architecture within the cell gives rise to its unique hunting behavior: rapid, reversible hyper-extensions.