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Malaria disease and grading system dataset from public hospitals reflecting complicated and uncomplicated conditions

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Nov 10, 2023 version files 157.14 KB


Malaria is the leading cause of death in the African region. Data mining can help extract valuable knowledge from available data in the healthcare sector. This makes it possible to train models to predict patient health faster than in clinical trials. Implementations of various machine learning algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighbors, Bayes Theorem, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, and Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB), etc., has been applied to malaria datasets in public hospitals, but there are still limitations in modeling using the Naive Bayes multinomial algorithm. This study applies the MNB model to explore the relationship between 15 relevant attributes of public hospitals data. The goal is to examine how the dependency between attributes affects the performance of the classifier. MNB creates transparent and reliable graphical representation between attributes with the ability to predict new situations. The model (MNB) has 97% accuracy. It is concluded that this model outperforms the GNB classifier which has 100% accuracy and the RF which also has 100% accuracy.