Dissociable neuronal substrates of feature attention and working memory
Data files
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Attention and working memory (WM) are distinct cognitive functions, yet given their close interactions, it is often assumed that they share the same neuronal mechanisms. We show that in macaques performing a WM-guided feature attention task, the activity of most neurons in areas middle temporal (MT), medial superior temporal (MST), lateral intraparietal (LIP), and posterior lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC-p) displays attentional modulation or WM coding, not both. One area thought to play a role in both functions is LPFC-p. To test this, we optogenetically inactivated LPFC-p bilaterally during different task periods. Attention period inactivation reduced attentional modulation in LPFC-p, MST, and LIP neurons, and impaired task performance. In contrast, WM period inactivation did not affect attentional modulation or performance and minimally affected WM coding. Our results suggest that feature attention and WM have dissociable neuronal substrates and that LPFC-p plays a critical role in feature attention but not in WM.
The files in this repository include processed data and analysis code related to the study titled “Dissociable neuronal substrates of feature attention and working memory”, by Mendoza-Halliday and colleagues, published in Neuron.
Data File:
The file population_structure contains neuronal firing rate data. Data is divided into brain areas. Brain areas are numbered:
LPFC-left = 1; LPFC-right = 2; MST = 3; LIP = 4; MT = 5; LPFC (left and right) = 7.
For example, population_structure.brain_areas(3) contains data from MST. Neurons within each area are numbered. For example, population_structure.brain_areas(3).neurons(124) contains data from MST neuron 124. For a given neuron number N in brain area B, the trials array of mean firing rates (spikes/s) in a given condition C and task period P is here:
Information for all task periods is here: pop_struct.task_periods
Below is information for all conditions:
- Conditions 8, 9, 10, 11 correspond to control trials (no opto) with cue directions 45, 135, 225, 315.
- Conditions 12, 13, 14, 15 correspond to delay opto trials with cue directions 45, 135, 225, 315.
- Conditions 16, 17, 18, 19 correspond to test opto trials with cue directions 45, 135, 225, 315.
Analysis Code:
To analyze the data and obtain figures, follow the following steps:
A. Save population_structure file in your local computer
B. Open MendozaHalliday_analysis1.m and in 'C:[path]\population_structure', replace [path] with the population_structure file path from your computer.
C. Run analysis code MendozaHalliday_analysis1.m
D. To obtain results/figures from auROC analyses, subsequently run analysis code MendozaHalliday_analysis2.m
E. To obtain results/figures from optogenetic effects, run analysis code MendozaHalliday_analysis3.m