Miniaturized spectral sensing with a tunable optoelectronic interface
Data files
Dec 31, 2024 version files 960.36 KB
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Reconstructive optoelectronic spectroscopy has generated significant interest in the miniaturization of traditional spectroscopic tools, such as spectrometers. However, most state-of-the-art demonstrations face fundamental limits of rank-deficiency in the photoresponse matrix. In this work, we demonstrate a miniaturized spectral sensing system using an electrically tunable compact optoelectronic interface, which generates distinguishable photoresponses from various input spectra, enabling accurate spectral identification with a device footprint of 5μm×5μm. We report narrow-band spectral sensing with peak accuracies of ∼0.19 nm in free space and ∼2.45 nm on-chip. Additionally, we implement broadband complex spectral sensing for material identification, applicable to organic dyes, metals, semiconductors, and dielectrics. This work advances high-performance, miniaturized optical spectroscopy for both free-space and on-chip applications, offering cost-effective solutions, broad applicability, and scalable manufacturing.
We have submitted our raw data ( and initial code version (in Python) we used.
1.File structure
|- Learning Matrix
|-- Responsivity_-20.txt
|-- Responsivity_-19.txt
|-- ...
|-- Responsivity_20.txt
|- Test Signal 1
|-- Signal_520nm.txt
|-- Signal_560nm.txt
|-- ...
|-- Signal_720nm.txt
2.File description
(1) Learning Matrix
This folder contains the photoresponsivity matrix measured at different gate voltage settings (marked at the end of the filename). Each file represents a photoresponse mapping (lamda_Vds_Ids). In this dataset, each mapping has 23 columns, referring to 23 different wavelengths (here, from 500 to 720 nm with a step of 10 nm).
(2) Test Signal 1
This folder includes 6 testing electrical signals (Vgs_Vds_Ids) measured with an 'unknown' input spectrum. The ground truth of this 'unknown' spectrum is marked in the filename. Each file has 41 columns, which correspond to the 41 gate voltage settings (Vgs, from -20 to 20 V, with a step of 1 V).
3.Training and testing
The python code, and the two folders (Learning Matrix and Test Signal) should be placed in the same folder. The testing signal could be changed from one to another in the code by modifying the file to be loaded to variable 'Signal_matrix'. The code will generate a series of identification results (one result at each gate voltage setting), and final output result is produced at last after averaging all valid results. The filter settings in the code select the valid results, thus modifying these filter settings can optimise the final output result. There are also possibilities in the code that enable tracking the intermediate (e.g., residual, weight coefficient) in the identification process, as well as the visualisation of these variables.
This is the very initial code version we used, this is a python version adapted from our earlier work, which was in Matlab (check we believe python will provide more convenience in e.g., utilizing deep learning and AI based algorithm for further optimization.